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I have three small kids, ages kindergarten, 2nd grade and 3rd grade. I need to be up at 7:30am to get them ready and off to school. My husband works 7-4 m-f. He gets into bed around 10:30 and I'm like "Ok, let me just finish this laundry" etc, and I will work on things that didn't get done for the day, or get on the computer (hello!) and before I know it, it's going on 1am!! I'm just NOT tired. Then, of course, I'm exhauted in the morning, but I get up and STAY UP all day, do not nap. But I get a second wind after the kids are in bed and here I am, online at 12:15 at night. I just can't FORCE myself into bed, and if I do I lay there WIDE awake, so I get up. WHAT can I do to get in a nightly bedtime routine? Thanks in advance!

2006-10-23 18:18:15 · 14 answers · asked by misskenjr 5 in Health Other - Health

14 answers

You have such a busy day, that by the time you finish all your chores and finally have some free time for yourself you get your second wind because 1) it feels good to have everything done, and 2) you are still wound up and full of adrenaline.

I hate to say this but if you are serious about getting to bed earlier you're going to have to learn discipline as far as your computer is concerned. If you're anything like me, it's addictive because it's fun, and you enjoy it - and it also stimulates you mind so much, that even if you do begin to feel tired, you don't want to stop.

So, here's the hard part. You will have to learn discipline. Skip the computer for a few nights - do something relaxing like taking a nice long bubble bath, perhaps with a glass of wine (just one, maybe two) and listen to some nice soothing music. Get yourself ready for bed. Pick out a good book to read, in bed, and pretty soon you'll be ready to sleep.

You can start getting on the computer again after a couple of days - but here comes the discipline part - only allow yourself a certain amount of time - a reasonable amount of time - on the computer. Set an alarm clock if you have to and when it goes off, so does the computer. Then do something to relax (a nice bath & reading works for me), because to sleep you need to unwind and that means not doing anything stimulating LIKE GETTING ON THE COMPUTER.

So discipline, discipline, discipline ... lol - can't say it enough. Good luck, Good Night and Sweet Dreams.

2006-10-23 18:53:23 · answer #1 · answered by Garf 2 · 1 0

This sounds soooo familiar. I go through the same thing all the time. But, I've realized it is by choice and not a problem. I discovered that if I actually left that laundry or the dishes until the morning, that I could sleep. I took 20 minutes and read a book in bed or took a hot bath. Sometimes, mindless tv worked too. I started my ritual about half an hour before my husband went to bed.

I don't do that every night, only when I get out of routine. I think the problem is that you want to stay up.

Wind down and don't do all the stuff at night.

2006-10-23 18:28:16 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am in the same boat. I have 3 boys, three, five and eight. When I get into this habit I have to change everything. It takes time to relearn. Get up at your usual time, and only drink half the amount of coffee you normally would. It's hard! Stay away from any caffeinated drinks. Pace yourself on household chores. Do all your big stuff at the beginning of the day. Have your kids go to bed a little early at night. This may take time for them to get used to. Mine go to bed at 7:30 now that is gets dark early. They are doing better at school and it gives me time to unwind. Do something that relaxes you. Take a hot bath. Watch your favorite show, whatever. Even if you can't stand not cleaning (like me) you can watch tv and do laundry during the commercial breaks. That way you can have your cake and eat it to. Each day or two go to bed 30 minutes earlier. Take your time. Do not rush or think about the next day. Lay down and read, do crossword puzzles, any kind of monotonous puzzle type thing. That will keep your mind preoccupied and away from stressful thoughts. Go to sleep when you can barely keep your eyes open. That way you get a deeper sleep. It is all pyschological. You have to trick your mind. Once you do that, your body will follow. I used to try sleep aids but they made me feel groggy the next day. This works best for me. But if you still have problems you should see a doctor. Not getting enough sleep can really mess up your body.

2006-10-23 18:46:07 · answer #3 · answered by Jessica K 1 · 0 0

Maybe you should ask your husband once if he could do the laundry or whatever extra chore that needs to be done. It's his house too. I mainly think you need to sort of make a to-do list in your head. Everyday do the same thing.......like eat dinner-wash dishes-do laundry-shower-(sex)-bed. This will condition your body so that it sort of "knows" when you are about to sleep. Also.........GET OFF THE COMPUTER. I know I can't talk.....I have to get up at 6:30 and it's already 12:20, but you really will be doing yourself a favor. And you know maybe let your husband HELP you get the kids ready for school to ease the morning load.

2006-10-23 18:23:25 · answer #4 · answered by WILSON 3 · 0 0

the answer is this and i read this in a health magazine so listen up. to get the full rest u deserve and your body needs doesnt mean that u need sleep if all you do is lay in bed for an hour before falling asleep it will have positively more impact on your rest then staying up and moving around that whole hour. and when falling asleep dont take the work that needs to be done by the bed or anything "out of sight, out of mind" is the key. after awhile though you can fall asleep easier. there is no set time for people falling asleep either it can be under or over 15 by as much as 10 under or 20 over. if its more then that then you have a clinical problem.

2006-10-23 18:24:17 · answer #5 · answered by slipperysizzler 2 · 0 0

It sounds like you are pulled in a lot of different directions and you're just not taking care of you!!! You need to try and make yourself sit down and not do anything but relax!! Try taking a warm bath and if you still can't sleep try taking one Tylenol PM. It says to take 2, but I can't or I'm "hung over" the next morning. One works just fine for me! I know what you mean about getting on the computer and next thing you know it's late!! It's 1:45am right now for me!! I have chronic pain and can't sleep at times and then I keep my 8 1/2 month old grandson thru the week so I can feel for you!! Good luck and I hope this works for you!!!!

2006-10-23 18:49:18 · answer #6 · answered by c's grandma 2 · 0 0

Ok, seriuosly I think you are my twin and we were seperated at birth. Everything you just described is exactly what I go through too! And I hate it! My body will literally not go to sleep before 1am! It's like at night we finally have time to ourselves to do what WE want to do, or have to do (laundry, dishes, ect) and then it's hard to shut off the brain and be able to fall asleep. I'm desperate enough to start thinking about talking to a doctor about a mild sleeping pill! One that won't make me feel like my head is in the clouds all day. We must just be night people while the rest of the world isn't! By chance, are you LDS?

2006-10-23 18:32:41 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Your mind/body needs more stimulation than laundry, apparently. Let hubby do the laundry and you get a small nap early in the evening or late afternoon. This will help ensure that you're not dragging in the early mornings, as your night owl scruffing around might be the most enjoyable part of your day.

2006-10-23 18:25:06 · answer #8 · answered by nora22000 7 · 0 0

I do the exact same thing. My kids are 19 months and 7 yrs.. I work and go to college. It is hard to break the habit... I guess in my case, it is my only alone time, there are no distractions and I can get everything done. I guess both of us just need to realise that there are things that can wait until tomorrow! LOL Ok, I'm going to bed now,, hehe Good Luck.

2006-10-23 18:29:35 · answer #9 · answered by amber 3 · 0 0

Go to bed. Not sitting up all night answering/asking questions maaaaay be a start... But what do I know. I should be in bed myself.

2006-10-23 18:25:16 · answer #10 · answered by Nunya M 4 · 0 0

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