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Please explain why you think that only your religion is the word of GOD. Also please state your religion and, if christian , what denomination. thanks.

2006-10-23 18:17:56 · 33 answers · asked by . 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

33 answers

i don't think any religion is "right." every religion claims they are the one true path to enlightenment and salvation. they can't all be right, so there's a flaw in the logic somewhere...

i think if you truly want to be close to god or a higher power, you need to find your own personal path and follow it. or not. whatever the case, it's a PERSONAL choice, and making it a group effort only leads to problems, violence, and war.

2006-10-23 18:28:44 · answer #1 · answered by ronmisfeldt 2 · 0 0

I believe my religion to be correct. I am a Christian and my denomination is baptist (australia).

As to why I would say because there has yet to be a direct flaw in my religion. At least by principle and not of certain hypocritical Christians. Christianity is also the only religion with the resurrection of a man. In this way it proves the promise of God, and also gives us a means to enter heaven. There are many theories to how this happened but yet no text ever has refuted the resurrection of Christ. Only people of many hundreds of years later have drawn out possible theories. History has taught us one thing and that is that if it was never written it was not to be known today (like exactly how the great pyramids were built). Why would someone not ever call this a lie at the time if it was? Why does the bible talk of a fervent believer thomas as doubting?

Its simple, the bible includes real people experiencing real feelings and at many other times too. It even says that this path is the hardest to follow. Why would anyone make a religion up that was so hard to follow? and did not guarantee a place in heaven (but it does show the doorway). Many other religions seem to try and offer something to the believer (most of the time it is entry into heaven) that is so attractive that they think they will benefit from being part of the religion. Christianity says you have to do more than just practice the religion. It is not a religion by works (where tasks make God pleased), Christianity says that God applauds your attitude and faith, not your kindness and giving. All other religions fall short of what it takes to be Christian.

God has placed us here out of love and not need. This is why we worship Him. A God this loving cannot be bad. Bad things happen all the time and people are quick to blame God, and ask "where was He?", well i say 'what if God decided to change things on earth? and what if He decided to start with you? How would He change you?' The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. We do not worship out of fear of our Creator but out of love.

2006-10-23 19:02:09 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Christian. Denomination isn't important. All of the mainstream Christian religions are directing people to heaven. We call them mainstream because they follow the Bible. To name a few, Protestant, Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist, Baptist, Foursquare, Vineyard, etc., etc.. They are all good, they're like different buses going to heaven, some are plain, some plush, some play rock, gospel, traditional hymns, techno, and play it on a pipe organ or electric guitar or drums or violin, etc. We can pick the bus where we feel most comfortable, or switch rides every week. Doesn't matter which one, they are all part of the "church", the body of believers, those who have chosen Christ's salvation.

But why? Because, in Jesus Christ's name, miracles, healings and prophecies really do happen in this day and age. And God is a real person who talks to us (sometimes we don't listen very well, like teenagers tuning out their parents), He tells us cool knowledge, makes us laugh, and sometimes people feel a warm hug. There is a whole lot more too. But to those that don't have salvation, the thought of God really knowing about all their mistakes/sins/bad karma and watching them (like Dad watching over his kids on the playground) can be pretty scary.

We must always remember, God had kids (us) because he wanted to have a relationship/friendship with his kids. If he wanted puppets to play with then he wouldn't given us free will.

2006-10-23 19:00:00 · answer #3 · answered by J Z 4 · 0 0

I am a christian and I'm not confined to one demonination. I have been to pentecostal, AOG, baptist, uniting and others during my time. I believe the true church is any true follower of Christ worldwide regardless of denomination. The true church is the people and not the building.

I believe christianity is the right one because of the prophecies that have been fulfilled. There are hundreds of them that have been fulfilled. Right down to how many coins Jesus would be betrayed by, where he would be born, what family he would be born into, the method of his death. If you take the time to study them it is truly mind blowing. By doing this I came to a realisation that the bible really is the word of God because it could not have possibly been put together by man without the insight of God. There is also much evidence that can be studied to authenticate the bible.

An interesting site to look at is -


in the apologetics section.

2006-10-23 18:23:33 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am a Christian (Baptist denomination).

The Holy Spirit came into my life on 9/1/1980 in an experience you may read about on my website. Only the Spirit of the resurrected Christ could have performed the transformation in my life that took place.that day.

I strongly believe that my faith is the "right one" because no other religious figure in history than Jesus Christ was ever raised from the dead. Of course, I realize a small fraction of scholars say that Jesus Christ never existed in the first place. I can only ask the question, "What caused historians to divide time into the categories of BC (before Christ) and AD ("Anno Domini" or "In the year of our Lord")?" It had to be due to a cataclysmic event of some kind. God has given me the faith to believe that Jesus' resurrection was that event.

2006-10-24 16:25:50 · answer #5 · answered by Kidd! 6 · 0 0

Although I don't have a particular religion (perhaps some Christian and Buddhism influence), I believe most religions are good. There is no need to rule out others as they should have a similar goal for the well being of people and the earth. Just choose the one you are most comfortable with.

2006-10-23 18:27:34 · answer #6 · answered by Skys 3 · 0 0

Well that's easy it really works! Christianity is for real! If you ever die and come back you will know this too. Most people don't get that chance. I was a skeptic but prayed to God for a answer. If you really want to know pray for a answer only. Dieing isn't fun but the answer was rewarding. I feel whole now. Before I felt incomplete. Its easier to just believe and build spiritually along the way of life instead of getting it all at once. I'm still growing but with out others on the same level. Anyone else out their at a higher level?

2006-10-23 18:32:46 · answer #7 · answered by GotLove? 1 · 0 0

There was a time when I did believe mine (Methodist) was the only correct version. Today, I tend to believe that God is an individual thing. Not that He doesn't exist, but that the image or perception of what God is to me, has changed drastically. Because nobody knows for sure, we must hold on to some beliefs. I also believe strongly that our society is in for a huge awakening, spiritually in the coming years. It will just happen, but we will all be much more aware after that. I am being serious, even if it sounds ridiculous to anyone. God bless us all!

2006-10-23 18:27:09 · answer #8 · answered by flip4it 4 · 0 0

I don't believe my religion IS the word of God. I chose my denomination based on how closely they FOLLOW the Word of God. I base my belief in the faith that after studying many different religions and praying to God for guidance He has directed me in what is true.

Matthew 7:7 (New International Version)

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."

2006-10-23 18:23:04 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I deeply believed God had created me by AIR, WATER, FIRE(in the form of blood) and EARTH(in the form of flesh) and I have no doubts in it. I was amazed and thankful for God's divine power
to create me as a human with a soul attached. If not I don't even exist. Considering God's loveliness and mercy towards his creations , besides creating us he has provided everything just for us. Is it not true that right from the atmosphere down deep in the ocean and earth, scatter the necessities wealth just for the
benefits of mankind. The composition of air especially oxygen
to keep us alive, the atmospheric pressure to stabilize us on earth, plants and vegetables that grown from the surface of the earth, metals, petroleum that beneath the earth, fishes, crabs in the ocean, animals , insects and so on. Even the Sun and Moon in the universe are created just for us. Can you feel how merciful and loving the God is to us. How should we ever repay
the lives that had given by him. If without him, do you and me and others exist? The only way is to have convincing faith in him
obey all his commandments and testifying that there is no God, except him, Allah , The Almighty.

2006-10-23 18:53:28 · answer #10 · answered by S.K. Chan46 3 · 0 0

I'm a karismatic christian and I believe that christianity is the only true religion because there is historical evidence behind everything in the Bible. there is proof that Jesus existed which i don't want to right down because it's too long. there is proof that he rose from the dead and that his followers died because they were preacing to people about his resurrection even though it was illegal. what person in there right mind would die because of a story that they made up when they were told if they said it was false they would be let free. and all of them were sane, i can assure you that. and there are no contradictions i the Bible like all of those athiest say there are.

2006-10-23 18:29:25 · answer #11 · answered by Eric Green 2 · 0 0

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