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As a british citizen would you consider migrating and if so, why?How do you think the citizens in your new country would embrace you?Would you be offended if they called you a foreigner and said you came to steal their jobs?

2006-10-23 18:17:50 · 32 answers · asked by mielo 1 in Politics & Government Immigration

32 answers

A British citizen can migrate especially that the international community do not have a hostile attitude against UK unlike US.

2006-10-23 18:22:45 · answer #1 · answered by FRAGINAL, JTM 7 · 2 1

No not at all you,ll be a foreigner in the UK in a few years any way .We will be stealing jobs here the same .some of my ancestors were immigrants, They were foreigners what Else can you call them .They were of a culture that have been persecuted for over a 1000 years but that's history that cannot be changed The USA was built on mass migration look at that has a example that is the UK only smaller getting more like them every day Long live the United States Of United Kingdom

2006-10-24 05:09:36 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I will definately migrate. There are several reasons for this. The winters are depressing. Despite having a university education and being a professionaI I cannot afford to buy a decent house. Despite being British, I don't feel like I belong here. I hate the fact that I have to pay for a television license even thoiugh I pay for cable. I hate the windy rainy days, but most of all I hate when the days get dark at 3:30pm near Christmas time. However, the grass is always greener on the other side. I know I will miss the architecture of London, the free healthcare, the British sense of humor, the pubs, the hot puddings, fish and chips, having 27 days annual leave a year on the NHS, the BBC, and the fact that if you want a university education it is available to you.

2006-10-27 07:05:12 · answer #3 · answered by UK NURSE 2 · 0 0

No because even though the UK has gone considerably downhill the past decade it is my birthplace and I am very patriotic. If I did move abroad I wouldn't be offended by being called a foreigner because I would be. I didn't know the word "foreigner" was offensive but everything seems to be these days. PC gone mad! Also I think too many Brits have given up on this country and emigrated to places like spain for example so I bet the spanish would be peeved and quite rightly so. But at least the Brits aren't going over to these countries claiming benefits. I live in an area where 80% are Portuguese and live in council houses having child after child. There's a difference. Finally before my husband started his present career he worked on a building site for a year. Just before christmas he lost his job to immigrants willing to work for peanuts so we went through very hard times for a while as it took him a few months to find another job. So yes there are problems with immigrants especially in the building trade as I know of other people who've experienced the same.

2006-10-24 01:06:26 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I moved to Italy just over 4 years ago and have worked here for the same amount of time. Thankfully, Italy has no problem with EU immigrants, however there is a lot of hate towards North Africans, Romanians, Albanians and Russians.
Italians really love the English which is great and so I feel very much at home here. I wouldn't return to England.
Unfortunately there are quite a few ignorant Italians (especially the older generation) that generalise all immigrants and view them in a bad way, this includes the police, which, after having to report a break in, I found out that a large number of government officials do not even know what/where Great Britain is!

2006-10-23 20:15:43 · answer #5 · answered by flyingpig_69uk 2 · 0 0

Yes I did and I have. I went to China 3 years ago and have no plans to go back to Britain except for holidays The people here like foreigners and have no problem with me or any other foreigner. They embrace other cultures and people because we don't take the jobs they would be competing for. I do find it a little annoying to be called a foreigner all the time but then I do not look Chinese and so stick out a bit but they are just being friendly so I don't mind that much.
I left to find a better life and I have.

2006-10-23 18:59:03 · answer #6 · answered by xpatgary 4 · 1 0

I would like to migrate but there are some barriers which I feel would stop me from settling in and feeling at home in a different country - such as the language barrier.

If I migrated, it would either be to somewhere like Canada or Australia, or perhaps Croatia. I would love to move to Croatia as my girlfriend speaks the language and has family there, it is far more relaxed than the UK, everything is so uptight and pinnickty here. That is the one reason I would migrate - a more relaxed lifestyle!

2006-10-23 21:30:53 · answer #7 · answered by Andrew M 1 · 0 0

The short answer is....where's the airport? I would go tomorrow if I could, and the reasoning is quite ironic I think. I want to get out of this country because I do not feel that this is Britain anymore, and all sense of patriotism has gone. Don't get me wrong, I believe a certain amount of immigration is a good thing and I think the UK was a good melting pot of all cultures, however the pot is now too full for the contents to be stirred without it spilling over.

2006-10-26 15:50:19 · answer #8 · answered by Justin H 2 · 0 0

Yes,looked at properties in Spain,Cyprus and Turkey...along with others I think that we are treated very badly in this country...I had a by pass operation 4 years ago and I was not allowed to receive sick pay because I have a works pension and it pays more than the sick pay...doesn't matter that I had paid national health subscirptions for over 40 years.
When you look around and see the scroungers,asylum seekers etc getting everything it leaves a nasty taste..I would be expected to be called a foreiner in another country and being such I would abide by their rules.
I dont think that I would be a threat to anyones job being as I am going only to enjoy my retirement...
Would they embrace me..I would hope so but I have been called an English pig in France by yobs.....pretty thick skinned so didn't really bother me.

2006-10-23 21:47:12 · answer #9 · answered by chris g 1 · 2 0

Id Love to! I am starting to seriously hate what this country has turned into with regards to government and society drugs tax schools pay unemployment. nearly Everyone is out to make a few quid and dont care how you may suffer for it, banks, shops, plumbers electricians builders all carge extortionate rates, house prices ar erediculous, mortages following bank of england interest rates?? cant walk down the shop witout fear you will get robbed or run over by some stoned drunk 15 year driving his mums car, why wouldnt any decent person want out of all this? not sure how much better other countries are but spain seemed alot quieter pleasant with the sun as a bonus, just finding work out there.. my mate has just spent 2 years at college learning air conditioning or something similar, his 26 no kids sold his house and car belongings and off to spain in November,

2006-10-23 19:20:55 · answer #10 · answered by stuio 3 · 2 0

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