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...all you want to do is tell people that you're really hurting, but no matter how hard to try, and how many times you try, over and over and over, you just close up and can't tell anyone?
Please pray for me. I'm not even sure what I'm hurting about. All I know is that I wish I had someone I could tell. I can't even tell my own husband!
Is there a phobia about telling people your feelings?
I think I have it. I've wanted to tell people how I feel for YEARS but I just can't. Even if I want to cry, I bottle it up and save it until I'm completely alone.
There's no way I can cry in front of other people.
What on earth is wrong with me??
I know I know... go see a therapist. I can't because I live out in the country and I can't drive, and I can't tell me husband that I want to go see one.
It's so frustrating.

2006-10-23 17:01:03 · 14 answers · asked by Somebody 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

14 answers

Scream into a pillow.

2006-10-23 17:03:04 · answer #1 · answered by Duncarin 5 · 0 2

I been using this really good technique called Emotional Freedom Technique. It's really helped me lot. Maybe there is some reason maybe something ur past that makes u scared to tell ur people ur feelings, but this EFT can remove that fear. It can remove fears and other emotions very quickly for more complex issues it might take a bit of time. But u can find a therapist in this first 2 links, also most EFT practitioners will do these sessions over the phone so. These links explain the technique better it does sound crazy the technique but does work.

2006-10-24 00:19:48 · answer #2 · answered by xoɟ ʍous 6 · 0 0

slowley build up your confidence and call someone whom you truly trust.

My older cousin has always been my mentor and has always been there to support me. I call him for support.

Find your most trusted, person.
If you can't hink of one, call your old high school friend and tell her/him about it.

Trusting lets out frustration.Don't trust just anyone though. Seriously, especially people on the internet. Don't trust me.

Find your mentor or the person you most trust, and tell them.

I'm a man, and I still sometimes cry. It makes me cry that you are unable to do the same.

I don't know if your "hurting" has anything to do with your husband, so maybe it would be best not to tell him. Again, I have no idea. Especially because you live in the country and you can't drive, for now, leave your husband out. You aren't being a bad person by hiding this from him for now.

Therapists can only help you only if talking to your most trusted friends doesn't work.

I hope that for you, every new day gets better and better than the one before.

I'm praying,

2006-10-24 00:19:44 · answer #3 · answered by husam 4 · 0 1

I know exactly how you feel. Exactly, exactly, exactly. When I read your question I felt like I was reading someone else talking about me.

I'm not sure why it is that I'm so afraid to tell anyone how I really feel. I even try to tell them. I get on the phone with friends or online, and I started talking, and I just pretend everything is fine because I can't bear for them to know how I feel. Perhaps it is *because* I don't even know why it hurts so much, because I know something is missing but I don't know what it is.

Just know that you're not alone. There are others out there who feel as you do. If you ever want to talk to someone you don't know at all and who can't judge you because she feels the same way, you can always send me an email!

2006-10-24 00:06:35 · answer #4 · answered by maypoledancer 2 · 1 0

What your feeling is called depression. Why you can't share and feel like you need to bottle up your feelings and can only cry alone is probably because you had someone really oppressive in your life when you were young. What you can do about it, writing is good. If you are afraid someone will read what you have wrote burn it. The main thing is that you get the feelings out. There is one you can talk to that you can tell anything to, who will not make you feel worse for what you are going through and he cares for you more than you will ever understand. Just talk to him. He's a really good listener.

2006-10-24 00:17:30 · answer #5 · answered by neverland_mom 2 · 1 1

nobody needs you to explain
the problem obviouslly has so many parts to it it belongs in the past
just tell yourself it is in the past and let it go if you can
i have tried to com[plain but when you see it in words it seems so minor to others real problems or is so incomplete so it seems petty you just dont even try

what i suggest is to break it down into smaller bits
as people do when writing a book ,put in the feelings ,names and details you allow your self to remember
sort what you have into a historic order ,this led to that etc
your solution may not be in telling others but understanding what happened to you and when
we activly suppress things for good reasons
if you dont or wont recall it is a survival mechanism
what do you do when means what will happen if i say..
alif all you wanted to do is tell you would have told allready thus perhaps you have and the wrong person reacted the wrong way
you are really hurting ,..if you were hurt realise the hurt is ended or can be ended when you can speak it
nobody needs to know ,that is your choice ..its you now causing the further pain in not letting it go and moving on
you have people praying for you
tell your self in a letter to you
read it when you write it then rewrite another and correct what was wrong in ther first letter
then burn the first letter
next day doo the same
repeat till you forget to correct it one day and the spell is removed ,
if you forget to read destroy it it has as elvis left your building
then write a new one about your hopes ,then your loves then one to you for next time reminding you about how you are love
husbands suspect things are wrong but they feel its them if it is tell him if not dont spoil your time together worrieng about past mistakes or misshaps
you have buiolt up this relitivly minor thing into something much too big
crying is fine
nothing is wrong with you but that you cant express that holding you down
you have done fine so far ,churches are supposed to help and womans groups are on this internet talk to them
type your fear in to the search and one of the replies has your answer

2006-10-24 00:21:10 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Talk to Jesus, He knows your heart & feelings. Pore it all out to Him,nothing you can say will change how much He loves you. Cry out to Jesus and wait on the Lord." You will cry out to me & I will answer, here I am."

For He hath not despised nor abhorred the affliction of the afficted; neither hath He hid His face from him;but when he cried unto Him,He heard. Psalm 22:24

Seek guidance from the Holy Spirit & to show you the way.I'm sorry for your pain & frustration. There must be a way to get you to a therapist or clergy. How do you buy groceries? Do you have a friend that drives?, your mental health is as important as your physical health.

I pray for you to have Peace of mind & feel the Love of Jesus.

2006-10-24 00:18:21 · answer #7 · answered by Faith walker 4 · 0 1

I feel for you, and I will pray for you, but I want you to hear this very closely:

You can pray for you, too! In fact, if we pray together, we have a corporate annointing--God LOVES it when His children work in UNITY.

Further, I'm sure there are therapists who will treat you by phone and/or house call. I'm afraid I don't have any references for you because I don't know your locale, but this is important for your life, so if you have health insurance, start by calling your primary care physician and asking for a referral.

Therapy is really good, but know this: there is NO help as great as help from above, so most importantly, let's stay in prayer. Don't be frustrated--God loves you, and help is available and forthcoming. You WILL get the breakthough that you desire/need.

Take care, Sis.

2006-10-24 00:09:38 · answer #8 · answered by ConcernedMom 2 · 1 0

You are a ticking time bomb. It's a matter of time before you break down. You feel as though you're trapped. Something in your life has caused you not to trust those who you are close to. Please, tell your husband. If you just can't, call the local depression hotline. It is in your phone book. You might also try Mental Health Services. God Bless You.

2006-10-24 00:08:01 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You have already taken a big step in finding the cure for your problems by putting this message up for response.

Try this one to begin:

Take two sheets of paper.

On the first write out your 10 worst problems.

On the second sheet number 1 - 10 for each of those problems and write down what problems you already have the answers for.

You would be surprised at how many of your problems you already know what you need to do about.

Post both on your refridgerator or someplace where you can easily see them and not lose them.

The very act of writing out your problems and the solutions will get your mind stopping the endless cycle of worrying about them because they are now in a solid, visual form and half taken care of already.

Once you write it all out it will help relieve some of the pressure that is threatening to blow your head off.

The same goes for communicating with your husband.

Write out what you have written here to your husband and show him your problem sheet.

Also, remember that YOU ARE WORTH LISTENING TO!!!

Never let anyone tell you otherwise.

How do I know?

Simple, God doesn't make junk.

Dear Lord,

Please help your daughter, my sister, here to be able to overcome the blocks she has in communicating with her family and friends.

Show her that she is loved, just as she is, and that she is worthy of the love you give her.

Help too, her husband, so that he will be open and receptive to her problems and worries and help him to be the loving partner and helpmeet that she so needs right now and always.

Guide both their steps so that they shall walk closer to you and be closer to each other in their love and in your love.

In Jesus name I pray.


God bless.


2006-10-24 00:03:27 · answer #10 · answered by sworddove 3 · 0 1

Theres nothing wrong with you, the feelings are you tring to be strong maybe for yourself or for the people around you. I think you need to work it into a normal conversation when you are talking to your husband, maybe at dinner or right before you go to bed. You let it build up for so long inside you that there might be to much to say, but let it out slowly, and try not to get emotional when you are talking to him about it.

2006-10-24 00:09:43 · answer #11 · answered by templarfound 2 · 0 0

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