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My Dr. was so very carefully chosen but he disappointed me so much. Please be patient, it's long. Never throughout my pregnancy did he say he was going to be on vacation for the week before during & after my due date. Seems like that would have come up what with the BIRTH PLAN & questions about what we would do & expect in delivery. So, at my post dates appt. (4 days past est. delivery date), I met a 2nd doctor (surprise!) who told me, "my gut tells me you'll have a c-section." HUH? We planned a VBAC. MY Doc should have been the one to say that. Honestly since I'm 100% healthy, I didn't even believe him.

2nd Doc scheduled an induction for last Tues. My husband (a doc) asked if we could move it to Mon. 2nd Doc said, "No, let's go with Tuesday. To be honest, because of who is working." SEEMS to me that would have been a good time to say, "Hey, by the way, your regular OB won't be back, nor will I do it. "A 3rd NEW Doc" will actually be doing the induction." NOT even aluded to.

2006-10-23 16:59:31 · 10 answers · asked by Sleek 7 in Pregnancy & Parenting Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

So I get to the hospital Tues. morning filled with GLEE, ready to meet my little girl. 3rd Doc comes in, I like her. Pitocin's ready to go. I-V is started and she leaves and comes back and tells me about a policy whereby basically to make the story no longer... I CANNOT have an induction. My basically ONLY choice is a c-section because they didn't know the direction of my internal scar, which I found out with some uncertainty was horizontal (safe) and not vertical (1% possibility for rupture). SO, uh, Hello, Mrs. YOU'RE having a c-section. WHOA. My blood pressure shot up, tears spurted, my Mom & husband consoled me, I calmed down and rejoiced in the fact I'd surely meet my daughter within 2 hours. But the PRINCIPLES of the thing, you know. Baby's health comes FIRST but I wasn't prepared at all, esp. emotionally for major surgery.

What if anything should I, would you say to your doc in this situation. He's just too damned casual about everything for my taste. Thanks for reading.

2006-10-23 17:03:42 · update #1

OH, I FORGOT TO MENTION, BABY IS HERE... SHE WAS BORN LAST TUESDAY AND IS BEAUTIFUL. But how to deal with my doctor who just seemed to not care and communicate well AT ALL. Thanks again.

2006-10-23 17:08:40 · update #2

She actually would have really hurt me - 10 pounds 11 ounces! So in the end, it worked out but the DOCTOR is my concern. BTW I am switching docs as I want more babies, LORD willing.

2006-10-23 17:09:39 · update #3

Thank you for you answers. Two of you got out of this that I don't think a doc needs a vacation. That's just mean, of course they need a vacation. If you read carefully, my issue was with the lack of communication. I LOVED the doc who performed the surgery. I mean, would you not want to know that you're gonna be cut? Just wanting opinions. Thanks again.

2006-10-24 07:27:47 · update #4

10 answers

I'm not sure what advice I can offer, but I do sympathize with you.

I switched dr.s early in my pregnancy. It was for a combination of two reasons. The first one was I stopped working and since my main insurance was through work, it was cancelled.

The other reason was that there were two dr.s in the group, one who I liked, and one who I did not. At my very first appointment, I saw the dr I didn't like, and she told me that I should really think about having an abortion. There was nothing wrong with the baby, that was just her personal opinion, because I am young and not married.

I scheduled every appointment afterwards with the other dr, but then, inexplicably, she stopped coming to my appointments, and the first dr. showed up instead! I didn't like her AT ALL.

My second group of dr.s was phenomenal. It was an older dr, his son, and a midwife. I saw the midwife for almost every appointment (except my 2 appointments during her vacation, which she warned me about in advance), and she was going to deliver my son.

He was a week late, so we scheduled an induction, to be done on his 10th day overdue. We went in on the evening of the 9th to check in and get settled, becuase they wanted to start the induction at around 6 am. Before they started, they wanted to do one last ultrasound, though, just to check on everything, because I hadn't had one since 19 weeks.

Thank goodness they did, because it turned out that he was in a terrible position. He was frank breech and face up, and the amniotic fluid was running low. We scheduled a c-section for 11 am that morning, and it was done by the dr. I had seen at those appointments where my midwife was gone.

I'm sorry about your bad experience with the dr.s, and hopefully, you can find a better group to be with next time. If you live around me (south-eastern Indiana), email me and I'll give you the name of who I saw!

P.S. Congratulations on your new baby!

2006-10-23 19:01:45 · answer #1 · answered by Queen Queso 6 · 0 0

I didn't have the c-section part to worry about, but with my first baby, my doctor scheduled his vacation AFTER he started seeing me, and never told me I'd have a different delivery doctor. And there was no communication between my doc and the delivery doc, so I ended up with an episiotomy that I spent 9 months drilling into my doc's head NOT to give me. I switched doctors as soon as I left the hospital and could hobble to the phone. He lost a LOT of business in the deal, too, since I had 3 more pregnancies after that.

2006-10-23 17:12:36 · answer #2 · answered by p2of9 4 · 0 0

Congratulations on your new baby!! Ok...your new BIG baby!!! I'm glad to hear that she's doing well.

Doctors...When my first baby was born, I was induced 2 weeks early. She didn't tell me why she was inducing me at all. I ended up having a C-section (actually needing one, not just because she was impatient).

When I showed up for my follow up appointment 2 weeks later, there was a NOTE ON THE DOOR saying she was on vacation from Oct. 1-10. My baby was due between those dates! No one even called me to reschedule or ask if I would see her back-up doctor.

I was livid!! I called her back after her vacation and asked to speak directly with the doctor (made up a reason about it being an emergency). I asked her why she had done that and told her that her actions were completely unprofessional. She told me that there were 10 of us all due at the same time, between those dates. ALL of us were induced. She didn't even give me a decent answer.

SELFISH!! I never went back to her! In fact, I reported for malpractice (although I didn't sue) and she lost her license.

2006-10-23 17:29:20 · answer #3 · answered by Joy 4 · 0 0

My doctor did not deliver any of my three births, It does seem some one should have informed you of a possibility of a C-section maybe your initial doctor really thought you would be able to have a VBAC and thought telling you otherwise would cause you stress. You should talk to your doctor and tell him you were disappointed it will at the least make you feel more in control of your life
Good luck and congratulations on your little girl.

2006-10-23 17:08:59 · answer #4 · answered by Shadow Kat 6 · 3 0

Wait a minute here..do you really think you were your doctors only patient? Do you really think they don't need time away with their own families and they sleep, eat and dream about that ONE patient with that special birth plan? MANY women see more then 1 doctor during pregnancy. I saw 3 and my midwife that I saw most of the time wasn't there to deliver my daughter either.

You sound like you think there was a conspiracy against you in all honesty. OB/GYN's are very busy people and your schedule might not always fit in with theirs.

2006-10-24 02:06:30 · answer #5 · answered by KathyS 7 · 0 1

I'd blast him after the delivery and find another Dr. His actions were inexcusable. If your husband is a Dr., he should tell him off, too. It was highly unprofessional.

2006-10-23 17:11:01 · answer #6 · answered by notyou311 7 · 1 0

If you can help it don't get induced it makes contractions way more intense and labour is way longer. For your sake i'm hoping you go into labor on your own. You should be the one doing it your way not how they feel you should do it.

2006-10-23 17:04:42 · answer #7 · answered by mmshall 3 · 3 0

Was your doctor supposed to ask your permission to go on vacation?

2006-10-23 18:45:18 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i think they just do C section to be fashionable,go somewhere else,I dont like the sound of all that.

2006-10-23 17:10:47 · answer #9 · answered by frank m 5 · 1 0

when it comes to the health and safety of you and your children...my advice is ...GO WITH YOUR GUT...if your gut says somethings not right go with it and get another opinion...you will feel better

2006-10-23 17:06:50 · answer #10 · answered by jamie 2 · 3 0

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