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All her friends have on I have one, my older daughter's who are 10, 12, and 16 have one and it is putting pressure on my poor little Makenzie and she is very mad. What should I do

2006-10-23 16:52:50 · 70 answers · asked by Bailey S 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Grade-Schooler

70 answers

She is to young to be having a phone. Tell her she needs to wait till she is a certain age. then she has something to look forward to. Don't spoiler her. She will get over being mad.

2006-10-24 01:43:33 · answer #1 · answered by Lori K 3 · 1 0

Absolutely NOT! Why teach a child that they should have things just because they want them. Is there any REAL NEED for a 7 yr old to have a phone? I can only imagine that it would be an extreme exception for a child to NEED a phone. My motto with my children, is they can have one, when they can get one for themselves and pay the monthly bill. (My kids are 20, 18, 12, 9, 4) They all wanted them too. As of this moment only the two oldest have them and they got them on their own. In my opinion, a 7 year old shouldn't even be using the telephone for personal conversations, same with a 10 year old. And a 12 and 16 year old need limits. But if you've already given your other children phones, then I'm sure you've already had to set some limits.

The cell phone craze with kids in NONSENSE! Have you ever listened to the ridiculous babble that goes on??? It just breeds gossip among kids. And more distractions from having real interaction. A 7 year old should be doing school work, playing with dolls, riding bikes, reading books and running outside, playing tag.

As one parent to another, stop the insanity!

2006-10-25 14:00:23 · answer #2 · answered by J9 3 · 0 0

No, just because you made that mistake with your other kids, doesn't mean that you have to continue. Why does a 10 and 12 year old NEED a phone ? Maybe a 16, because she drives ? Do you let your kids run free and get into situations where a phone is a necessity ? Don't feel any pressure about what her friends have. Maybe have 1 phone in the family to share, but each kid gets a phone ? Seriously, are you that bad of a parent, not being able to look after your kids or is it that you can't tell them NO ? Either way, you have issues. I have 4 kids, twin girls who are 11, and no, even though it is well within my budget, They will not get phones for years. Do you always cater to your kids ? What a great way to set them up for life. I,M OUT !!

2006-10-24 00:41:14 · answer #3 · answered by randband4 2 · 3 0

If she has good grades, is generally well behaved, and doesn't break anything often at all, then she may have demonstrated enough responsibility to earn a Firefly or LG Migo. Perhaps she could be upgraded to a more grown-up phone as soon as she enters middle school, provided that she stays responsible all through the rest of her elementary years.

It would of course be wise to teach her how to use a cellphone and what to do and not do with it. It's also essential to make her aware of her minutes through the pre-paid plan so that she uses it conservatively. However, if she earns money on her own (be it by chores, schoolwork, and etc.,) she can give you some of the cash in order to add minutes.

Now do you remember Polly Klaas, Holly Piirainen, Carlie Brucia, Jessica Lunsford, and many other kidnapped children? If they had cellphones, they would probably be alive today. If you believe she may be kidnapped or otherwise harmed, this is all the more reason to grant her a cellphone. It could even save her life!

2006-10-24 15:32:58 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No way, no how. Act like a parent and say no. While your at it, take them away from the other kids and keep 1 to share maybe. Do you realize just how ridiculous you sound ? Your 7 year old is pressuring you ? It's putting pressure on '' poor little Makenzie '' that her friends have phones. Oh, '' and she is VERY MAD '' I really hope this is a joke. I hope that there aren't parents out there who let their kids dictate life to them. I'm sure there are though. I could easily afford phones for my kids, but it ain't gonna happen. If my kid got angry because she didn't have a phone and her friends did, She would be spending a lot of time in her room by herself. But in your case, I'm sure it wouldn't be bad. She has her own computer with high speed connections and of course her own telephone line right ? Parents who neglect their kids should have them taken away. Parents who act like you do should too.

2006-10-24 00:55:56 · answer #5 · answered by rock d 3 · 2 0

You have to evaluate if this phone is a necessary item (like for safety issue) or just a "want" item especially for 7 years old. If it just what she wants because older sisters have one, you may need to let her know why she needs to wait until 10. You need to be firm on some rules. You cannot give anything to her just because she is asking and mad about if she can't get it. If a cell phone is needed for real reason, get a free phone with the pre-paid card so that you can control the phone bill. Razor is too much of a 7 years old.

2006-10-23 18:54:07 · answer #6 · answered by Jianing 2 · 0 0

a razor??? no. thats the most ignorant thing that ive ever heard. MAYBE a trac phone, or like that man (sorry) said...a migo or firefly. She gets a set ammount of minutes and can only call 3ppl. with the migo. with the firefly she can call any number u put in the phone. my lil brother is 6 and has a firefly, but its just because my mom has 5kids and we all have cells, BUT, it teaches him responsiblility and he knows that once the min are up, hes not getn n e more til next month. also we live in DC, and were getn ready to move to STL, so my parents use it for a safety type thing also. I didnt get my first cell until i was...14 or 15! and im 18 now.!!! 6 is WAY to early for a razor. they break super easy too. and we all know how 6year olds are with "toys". hope this helps!

2006-10-23 17:25:46 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My daughter is 7 and I got her an amigo phone through verizon. She wanted it but it is also a great way to make sure she is safe while outside playing. I have her take it on bike rides and when she goes to friends homes. She can only call 4 designated people from the phone and all 4 of those people are verizon so it is always free. She would like to eventually like a "real" phone, but for now she is content with the Amigo.

2006-10-24 04:26:29 · answer #8 · answered by Jennifer M 2 · 0 0

My thoughts on Children having Cell phones are If the child is very active and away from you/spouse and is responsible enough not to lose the phone that yes they should have a phone only to be able to stay in contact with you. No child needs to be in constant contact with the world like us adults think we did to be and even the older children should be given phones that are limited and monitor.

Check out the phones from Disney they are great for Kids


2006-10-24 06:54:52 · answer #9 · answered by ellc123 2 · 0 0

i got my first cell phnoe at the age of nine but it was a cheap pay as you go phone as i got older i got the newer high tech phones but i dont c y someone that young need an expensive phone like that i hav a razor now and they break very easily and are not made for young children because they are not durable so if u really think she is ready for a cell phone i would start out with a different phone not a razor

2006-10-23 17:05:54 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm only 16, and if my 7 year old little sister got a new razr i'd be pissed off.
Besides, she's only 7, she doesn't understand the responsibility that having a cell phone is. I know I totally sound like my parents here, but now that I look back on those talks they gave me when I was a little kid, I totally agree with them.
You should get her one of those firefly phones.
Check out the website at http://www.fireflymobile.com
You can program the numbers that she is allowed to call in it, and she can call 911.

2006-10-23 17:03:35 · answer #11 · answered by honey_bear14_03 2 · 0 0

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