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Whats the deal people? Does everyone realize we are being ignorant pigs about telling people who need work to feed their families not to come to America? Does everyone realize that we are all immigrants except for Native American Indians themselves and "Americans" of today put them through HELL. There are so many other root problems that we have in our country other than immigration of Mexicans from over the boarder. What do you think of a National Health Care program for America, or concentration on feeding the starving children in our country? So other than real terrorists, what is wrong with immigration and allowing people the opportunity that we have by allowing people to be granted citizenship more easily and to legally contribute to our economy and that way for example (one of the major problems seem to be) they could be held accountable for all the 'hospital bills' that they rack up. Please enlighten me with this one, because I am at a loss with the difficulty here.

2006-10-23 16:49:47 · 34 answers · asked by Jessy 5 in Politics & Government Immigration

34 answers

The subjects you talk about require more thinking than just bashing illigal immigrants, it's easier to poing fingers rather than to find solutions.

I am against an open border, and I am also against letting everyone that wants to come to this country in.

I imagine my neighborhood, who would I want to have as neighbors, probably people that I know are not criminals, drug dealers, etc.

It's the same way with illegal immigrants, how do we know their background? Have they been arrested in their country of origin? Have they commited any crimes? That is the main propblem to me, we just don't know.

That is why it's so important that they come in legally, so we know who is coming in.

Then again, it's so difficult for people to be here legally, it's expensive, and it takes so so long, that many people just can't afford to wait that long, specially when their family depends on them.

I simpathize with everyone that wants to be here and make a decent living, thru hard work, not unly do they face the challenge of coming to a foreign land, a diferent lenguage, and the hate of people that do not want them here. And most of this criticism is from people that have no idea what it is to walk bare footed all your life.

"do unto others what you would have others done unto you"

2006-10-23 17:05:32 · answer #1 · answered by howdoyou k 2 · 4 2

There is no problem with immigration; there is a problem with ILLEGAL immigration. If a nation does not uphold its laws, it will fall apart, which is exactly why - gasp! - America is falling apart. I have nothing against the Mexicans who sneak across the border to start a better life in America (except for the ones who protest in our streets like pigs); I would do the exact same thing. The problem lies within the MEXICAN GOVERNMENT. They are the problem, not the citizens of Mexico. Unfortunately, we're only responsible for OUR people, so we can't do much about the incompetence of the Mexican government which has done such a poor job governing their country that most of their citizens live in sheds. All we can do is take care of ourselves, and the way to do that is closing the border and making sure all the immigrants come here LEGALLY. I agree that we should make it easier for people to come here as long as it doesn't sacrifice our security, but the fact is, making sure every desiring foreigner gets a slice of American pie isn't our #1 priority. Our top priority is making sure there still IS an American pie, and the only way to do that is to protect our country from the swarms of illegals that want to sneak into our country, which often includes terrorist cells coming here to blow us up.

I know this is all confusing to you, because you're stupid, but trust me, it's the only way. Despite what every left-wing moron in this country may say, immigration is a HUGE issue, and the reformation of which is a key factor to whether there will be an America to sneak into in the first place.

2006-10-23 17:06:59 · answer #2 · answered by Leroy Johnson 5 · 2 3

I wish you do gooders would pay my rent. I am a citizen, a disabled veteran, and unemployed thanks to the damn illegal aliens you love so much. The business where I worked went under because the Mexicans DON'T pay taxes (believe what you want, I don't care). We couldn't compete with an illegal business that has less than half our expenses. And the heII of it is, if one of those 50 cent an hour hacks gets hurt I will be the one to foot the bill.

You must live a very comfortable life with your illegal gardener, maid, nanny, chauffeur, and probably lover. Keep it up, it will get to you someday and I hope it costs you EVERYTHING you have, have ever had or ever will have. I sure hope you are comfortable, because tomorrow my house goes on the market. Maybe one of your beloved illegals will buy it and pay cash.

God, I can't begin to tell you how much I love you attitude. Let's take care of the whole damn world. We can put Jessy's house up for sale to start the ball rolling.

Good Luck NOT. This will probably get me violated again but you and those like you are so short sighted that you need contacts to see your reading glasses. I really hope you spend the rest of your life living in a refrigerator box under a freeway somewhere. Right now that could easily be my future. But don't worry, it PROBABLY won't reach you.

2006-10-23 17:54:38 · answer #3 · answered by gimpalomg 7 · 2 1

problems are simple:

letting people in based on a quota system, rather than on a "what can you offer us" system.

the first is politically correct and does not help any environment, the latter gets skills that really could help the economy.

there is no such thing as a free lunch, and immigration is no exception. you want this, we want that. you want to live here, we want expertise. You have none... next!

letting people in because they want to come, is not a good enough reason. to improve a product, you must use quality ingredients, not alot of nothing. if you are running a company and 10 people come for interviews, are you going to hire them all because you need 10 people? or are you going to take the most experienced? there are always people waiting for that job, so you take quality. same with a country, or so it should be.

Though many times the citizens of any given country take it for granted and are not helping produce a good product. too bad really, shame on them.

I am not a racist, but I am not an equal rights kind of guy either. I say entry should be based on the quality of the person, not the circumstance. if you dont agree, why dont you sponsor someone, prove you are true to your words, and really make a difference

2006-10-23 16:57:00 · answer #4 · answered by SAINT G 5 · 4 2

No, it is not easy. The immigration system is horribly broken. We are LEGAL immigrants, pay taxes and own a home. My husband moved here five years ago from Canada, and the kids and I came three years ago. He is a specialist professional and I also have a University degree.. but the green card process (and by extension, true immigration and citizenship) are elusive. We have been in the process for a green card for FIVE YEARS while on work visas, and the process STILL hasn't made it through the State board yet. THEN it has to go to the INS. The immigration lawyer that is handling this for us says it may be another 5-10 years before we get green cards. In the meantime, I can not work (our visas do not allow it) and our oldest two daughters are now in college and will likely have to move back to Canada when they are finished school since they are not allowed to work here either. As I understand it, only 100,000 green cards are given each year.

Immigration my dear friend, is about politics. Polititians use it as a lever to raise the "fear factor" to distract attention from greater problems in the country. Have a scandal? Gee, terror alert level to orange! Secure the borders! Chase down those who might take what we have, like jobs or opportunities! As long as politicians use fear for their own purposes, immigration will not change.

2006-10-23 17:19:36 · answer #5 · answered by Catherine M 2 · 3 3

The problem is not with immigration, but with illegal immigration. The fact is: It is a felony to illegally gain entrance into this country. Most people do not have a problem with immigration. After all, we were ALL immigrants once (your family at least). The problem with illegal immigration is the tolls it takes on society both socially and financially. Not only does it increase government expenditure by placing a burden on the tax payers (your mentioned hospital bills), but also is one of the reasons behind the relatively low minimum wage. (If people are willing to work for low pay, employers will not raise the minimum wage).

2006-10-23 17:01:58 · answer #6 · answered by Joshua H 2 · 4 1

WHAT IS THE BIG DEAL? oh my god, are you american? it was your forefathers that fought and died for this country not theirs, why should they be here illegally. They take away our jobs, our government money, our education funds that could be used for legal americans. If they want an opportunity for freedom then they need to do it the right way, apply for citizenship. Yes we took the land from the native americans okay everyone knows that, but still there is nothing we can do about it know, we have laws and regulations that are to be followed now. If i could I would give the land back to the native americans but i can't so we live with what we have and what we have is a country where immigrants are coming in and taking what is not theirs. OH MY GOD!!!! i can't believe you would say that.....

2006-10-23 17:01:24 · answer #7 · answered by nascar_cr8zy 4 · 4 2

What's wrong with letting people who need a better life into our country? First of all, that's just it - it is OUR country. Last time I checked I wasn't a mother - so why should I have to support them and the family they have no chance of affording in the first place?

Other than "real" terrorists - there are sex offenders, murderers, drug dealers, gang members, need I say more?

We have enough people living in this country already. What about American citizens who are homeless and want a better life? I'm sure you've passed a few homeless people in your day and you didn't even give them a glance!

If people want to come here - do it LEGALLY (MOST Americans don't mind LEGAL immigration). They can't just come here thinking they can have a free pass - it's not going to continue happening. So come back down from your fantasy land. If you care about them, you can take them into your household, feed them, and pay for all of their expenses.

BTW - I'm not an ignorant pig. Remember - - most of us Americans ARE NOT racists or fascists or pigs or "afraid of what we don't know.." WE want to keep OUR country safe from FOREIGNERS WHO DON'T BELONG HERE. And there are other latino, hispanic, german, asian, etc. people who oppose amnesty and illegal aliens. Can't play the race card anymore. And we're not greedy - you think we're just going to let these people take what's OURS? HA! No.

2006-10-23 17:22:22 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

We do not have a problem with immigration. We do have a problem with illegal immigration. For economic and security reasons. This has nothing to do with racism. You want national health care? Who is going to pay for this? The taxpayers. Our taxes provide public aid, streets, a military to protect us, fire hydrants, police officers, schools and the list goes on. We pay in so we can reap the benefits of our tax based system. This is why everyone must pay in if they are benefiting from our system, hence the problem with ILLEGAL immigration. I know it's hard to come here legally, you can lay part of that blame on the terrorists who attacked us in 2001. We have to be careful who we let in and document each arrival for our own safety. Many people who enter this country illegally need public aid and medical from our government (the taxpayers pay these bills) and since you cannot be turned away from a hospital, illegal immigrants without any insurance are using these facilities and of course being new here are often unable to pay......I love my country and I care about our people. I know you do too. These are logical problems not related to hate. Peace.

2006-10-23 17:12:48 · answer #9 · answered by frogspeaceflower 4 · 3 2

How about this? I break into your house and mop the floor, clean the bathroom, and wash the windows - all those jobs you don't like to do. Should you then be expected to let me live with you? Will you learn my language so we can communicate? Will you pay my medical bills and educate my children (in Spanish, of course)?

My family immigrated only two and three generations ago. They applied for admission to the US and citizenship, learned English, and took a pledge of allegiance to the United States and renounced any allegiance to any foreign government. Legal immigrants still come to the US on these conditions. Many ILLEGAL immigrants do not want to become US citizens and do not pay taxes on their earnings which they send back to their home countries. Their children go to our schools, they use our medical facilities, and the ACLU has sued to force schools, hospitals, police, and every other government agency to provide their services in whatever the immigrant's native language may be.

2006-10-23 17:09:55 · answer #10 · answered by Knowledge 3 · 3 3

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