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13 answers

Christianity is entirely based on the person of Jesus Christ. There is no other belief that has a savior, who was the only begotten son of God, who died on a cross to pay for our sins, and through whom we are promised forgiveness of sin and eternal life.

2006-10-23 17:01:14 · answer #1 · answered by Esther 7 · 2 0

Christianity is the belief in Christ as God become flesh. His teachings differ from Judaism very little. Judaism rejected Jesus as the Christ that their scriptures foretold of. In effect Judaism is the redemption and guidance of the nation while Christianity is the redemption and guidance of the individual.

All other faiths have some form of self earned salvation or no salvation at all, just direction for living. For instance, the radical Muslims believe that they can earn their way into heaven by killing non-believers and converting them to Islam by force. This is different from moderate Muslims. But even they don't have an argument against the radicals' interpretation of the Qu'ran.

2006-10-24 00:03:23 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Christians worship a risen Savior, a living God.
Mohammad? Dead.
Buddha? Dead
Greek Mythology? Fantasy Land.
Hinduism? Which of 6,000,000+ is the top god?
Dali Lama? Mere mortals.
Satanism? A condemned angel.
Secular Humanism? Worship of "self."

2006-10-24 00:01:57 · answer #3 · answered by Bob L 7 · 0 0

there are basiclly four means of beliefs first person as in what jesus said or is said to have said possably you could include budda in those
then you have beliefs such as islamb bought to men via angels in this case arch angel micheal
you have messangers from the spiritual relms ie ancestoral and then the basic earth beliefs of aborigonal dreaming via totamic messangers
thus is how i devide the four rivers of belief that all flow from the throne of god
thus are also further divided the christian belief ,via the various doctranial sepperations you have the first person on healings of christ embodied in marybaker eddie ,the spiritual rhelms as by swedenbourg ,the mormans ,7th day etc ,all derived but yet divided out of the one body in christ belief
once they rejoin in to the one body just watch the clouds

2006-10-23 23:58:37 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Christianity to me is to walk the way Christ Jesus walked on earth and according to His teachings. One who strives to be like Christ Jesus & trust in Him as savior.

What is different is this: Jesus loved us & died for our sins,no one else has done this for you & me. He defeated death & arose from the dead and ascended into heaven & will return. Also, He desires to have a personal relationship with us, and the Holy Spirit abides in us(believers). leading us unto all truths& to worship God in Spirit & Truth That is awesome! That is LOVE.

2006-10-24 00:01:16 · answer #5 · answered by Faith walker 4 · 0 0

Christianity to me is following the concepts of God as shown by Jesus of Nazareth.

God created all there is, incuding man and God, apprently, did not intent for man to learn about Good and Evil, at least not as quickly or by the means man did.

Most of the rest of my disseration will have NO meaning to ANYONE who does not have children.

Man disobeyed God, but more important man did not FESS UP TO THIS FACT, instead man compounded the error by ASSIGNING BLAME on others.

The snake made me do it. The woman you made for me made me do it.

I am blameless, everyone else held a gun to my head and forced me to do it.

That is the original sin. Man became a weasle. A lower form of life. He cease being a human and became a sniviling animal trying to weasle out of taking the blame for his or her own actions.

Instead of being a man, Adam chose to be spineless and shift the blame from HIMSELF to EVE. And Eve pointed at the snake!

This has been and still is the way of man.

God gave moses 10 commandments and among them was not to bear false witness that may injure someone else wrongfully.

Others include not to kill or commite adultery

Not to steal

Not to covet.

Do you feel these things are NOT absolute truths!

Do you feel it can be justified to steal or kill or covet or to cheat (or be cheated upon by someone else)?

Now, the Bible is filled with a lot of examples.

God tells you in writing not to kill and then someone in the Bible is told by God to go and kill someone and they do it.

WE are supposed to make judgement calls on this type of thing and I would choose to refuse to do it, unless GOD, in writing, tells me it's no longer wrong and that to kill is right.

And if it applies to me it applies to everyone.

The idea is NOT to blindly go off and do something because God tells you to do it, but to obey the original words and stand up to God over this quandary.

God has shown that God is quite capable of killing whole cities and even a large portion of the Earth with a flood.

Why does God ask me to do some killiing? To see if I'll do it!?

When a crowd was stoning Mary Magdeline for fornication, Jesus stopped them by saying the first person to throw a stone at her MUST be totally free of sin.

Of course, no one is totally free of sin.

Jesus teaches us to question the things we do blindly.

Jesus walked on water and returned people from deaths bed. Jesus said WE CAN ALL DO THESE THINGS.

GOD said to man that now that man knows GOOD and EVIL he is like GOD and if he were to live forever he would be like GODS.

So God denied this longevity to man.

God and Jesus both said WE CAN DO ALL OF THIS.

Jesus brought a man back from the dead with a touch.

Today any Boy Scout can do this in some instances with CPR, which is a touch to the body.

It is said everything is life is fixed. It is said there is a plan for everyone.

Today Science is unlocking the Genome, which is a blue print for each of us and that blue print can even show WHEN we will die, it certainly shows WHEN the first gray hairs come out of our heads.

Jesus said we are not to be reactionaries. If struck on the right cheek, instead of fighting back, turn the left cheek and offer that one.

These, then, are part of what I embrace and not all of these concepts are found in other belief systems.

2006-10-24 00:22:00 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Christianity is defined as the haunting feeling that someone, somewhere may be happy and the uncontrollable urge to put an immediate stop to it.

It's not really any different than the other wacky things people believe that they call relgion.

2006-10-23 23:48:27 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

I define Christianity as a plague upon humanity and a scourge to life. Because of it self-destruction has been ensuing the hopefuls of its coven. Though in nature those who are Christian appear to be following a righteous path all of it is a manipulation that they have been following for the entirety of its establishment. These people wether they know it or not are killing everything in the path of a tainted light and care none for those who"sin". I know my views appear to be simple speculation, however, they have more truth than can be known at this time, soon though.

2006-10-23 23:50:03 · answer #8 · answered by Montana R 2 · 2 4

Just a knock off of previous religions. Nothing special with some curves thrown in to make it look a little different. Just like all the others, going back to the original one invented in Sumeria, 8,000 years ago. Yawn... ;-)

2006-10-23 23:49:03 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

personally I describe Christianity as following the teachings of Jesus Christ , born in Bethlehem of the virgin Mary the living God/man son of the living God who taught us to walk in love , tolerance and kindness, who was followed by all he met , died unjustly on the cross at the hands of Romans but because of misdirected poor Jewish religious leaders prompting, He descended into hell 3 days and rose from the dead on the 3rd day and ascended into heaven where He acts as an intercessor for our worthless sin full souls and had borne the burden of the punishment for all the sins of mankind.He lives and he loves and forgives us and wants to comfort us with the Holy Spirit

OH and no one was ever beaten into heaven so these are my beliefs and are a gift for you or anyone else who would CHOOSE to pick them up
God Bless

2006-10-23 23:54:09 · answer #10 · answered by cherie118 2 · 0 3

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