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There are hundreds, maybe thousands of religions in the world. All have their holy book or stories which "prove" the divine truth of that religion. Most claim to be the one and only truth, yet most are mutually incompatible with one another. None give any real evidence for their stories of miracles or supernatural occurences. Out of the mass array of religions, what makes YOURS the correct one? And if you would have been born somewhere other than where you were born, do you think you would have converted to be the same faith you are now? For example, you're a Christian from Texas. If you would have been born in Afghanistan, for example, do you really believe that you would not have been just as ardent a Muslim, and that you would have still found the "truth" in Christianity? Not one believer has been able to give me a good answer to this one thus far.

2006-10-23 16:40:23 · 36 answers · asked by Luis Valencia 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

36 answers

Celebrate life! It fits my personality well!

2006-10-23 16:46:47 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

That is because beliefs and religions should never be wholly trusted. They are made by MAN not GOD.

I was once a christian and always felt that there were questions that they did not answer.So I searched and searched for other religions and philosophies. None of them helped.

Until the day that changed my life completely, the day I stumbled across a site which held a new way of thinking of God. Originally I thought this is too good to be true and thought it could be a cult. As there is so much CRAP information out there. Yet I found the books it offered were FREE of charge so I gave it a go.

Believe me it saved me and changed me.

I would like to offer you this alternative. It proves to the reader god s existence in a logical, rational, simple and non religious way.

This may be the best gift anybody can give to u but it is ur choice to take it.

"You can lead a horse to water but he must drink it"

go to this site and download the FREE BOOK.


goodluck my friend u have taken the first steps, you have sought answers.

"and those who seek will find" Jesus

Let me know how u go

2006-10-23 16:47:30 · answer #2 · answered by love and light 1 · 0 0

There is no telling if my religion would be the same if I was born somewhere else but I know that my religion is real and that I am going to heaven. All I can do is pray for people of other religions. I don't judge them. I have no right to judge. Just like I hope others would do. If you truely believe something you should wish others to believe it also. But not judge if they don't. Just pray for them. My God has made himself very real to me. I pray and read his word. He loves me and speaks to me. He answers my prayers, gives me strength and joy. He supplies all my needs. I don't need "real" evidence for the miracles and supernatural occurences because I have seen some with my own eyes. Everything can be explained away. Everything. I choose to believe. I am not taught to hate, get even, kill, judge or think I am above anyone. His love for me helps me see others through his eyes. I simply pray blessings over other people. God will reveal everything when he is ready.

2006-10-23 16:53:06 · answer #3 · answered by flirshous 2 · 0 0

No people are all knowing, except the successive Messengers of the One True God.
When a man of no learning claims to know something, he blindly and energetically quarrels with people who claim to know other things, like the ancient blind men who touched various parts of the elephant quarelling about that animal.
Some man may realise his ignorance, he embarks on learning, he may go through sciences, philosophies and religions. He also claims to know the truth, he starts quarelling or trying to convince other people intellectually, philosophically and fanatically for no results till the end without end.
Any individual who realized his complete ignorance, humbly prayed for divine guidance, the Messenger of the One True God would guide him to all truth. This was the case of Boddhisattva Ananda, Saint Peter, Imam Husayn...and other great saints in the Monotheistic Religions.

2006-10-23 17:33:47 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Because the Bible says it is God breathed and everything is true in it. I believe it because it is right. And if I was born in the Middle East, I wouldn't have Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior... That's why the Christian religion has many evangelists going on mission trips to those countries to talk with people just like that haven't had the chance to hear the Gospel.

2006-10-23 16:45:12 · answer #5 · answered by Tyler M 1 · 1 0

Yes there are many religions out there but there is one faith that is not just religion. In Christainity God wants us to relate to Him as a son to a Father.
Christianity is not just religion is a relationship. This is the difference of Christianity with other religions. God wants us to know our relationship with Him is real by making His Holy Spirit to bear witness with our SPIRIT that we are His children (Rom 8:16). Therefore we must accept Jesus as our Savior so that our spirit is made alive so that we get the witness in our spirit that God is really our Heavenly Father. We have to know it in our spirit that God is real because God is a Spirit. To make sure everyone can consider the offer of knowing God and becoming part of His family God sends Christians out everywhere to spread the good news. This is the reason why Christains have to share Jesus Christ so that everyone will get a chance to know God. Then Christians get insulted for doing good.

2006-10-23 17:08:02 · answer #6 · answered by seekfind 6 · 0 0

I don't call myself any one denomination but I do call myself a Christian. I attend a church whose beliefs most closely match mine. There is no perfect church. There is no absolute truth other than the truth that God Himself when given a chance can bring to life in your heart. I have studied other religions. I have prayed and asked God for guidance. I have been shown the truth in my heart and I am at peace in the FAITH I have in knowing I am walking the right path.

It's really not as difficult as people try to make it out to be. If you are truly searching for God and the "one true religion" pray to Him in faith and you will find your answer there.

2006-10-23 16:44:54 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I don't have a religion. I was Lutheran my whole life, until I found out that the NIV Bible they teach out of is based on the Catholic Bible, instead of the King James. I found out a couple days ago, so I'm still PO'd. They always told us it was an easier to read version of King James! Maybe they really believe that, but I don't care. Anyway, ranting aside, I read the Bible myself, (which is one correct Lutherans have going for them!), instead of needing someone to interpret it. Actually, Wisconsin Synod Lutheran (what I was) would STILL be best in my book if they'd switch back to KJV.

2006-10-23 16:51:49 · answer #8 · answered by p2of9 4 · 0 0

Do u really want to know???? Do u want the hard or the easy one??? The hard one is ( Angle & GOD ) where is the place???
if u can fly with what u want, to the end of the uneverse u will see
but are u strong??? The easy one is that u study the holy book and see for your self witch one is all true??? then u know the truth

2006-10-23 16:49:36 · answer #9 · answered by Worldnews!!!!!! 1 · 0 0

Anyone who tells you that theirs is the true religion may have the best intentions but there is no way for any of our religions to know if ours is the right one.Most of our religions have manmade rules. I am Catholic. Went to Catholic school.In my adult life I am still Catholic but I visit other denominations with friends.I believe in the bible, maybe not exactly because it has been translated so many times but the basics of it.When I pray , I ask GOD to help me be the person He want's me to be. I try really hard to obey His commandments.I don't know if my religion is right or yours, maybe neither.I think all we need to do is to accept Jesus as our Savior, love and obey GOD's laws.Strive to be the person you think GOD would want you to be. GOD bless.

2006-10-23 16:55:40 · answer #10 · answered by Piper 5 · 0 0

Mine is right because I don't believe in one. All religion has done for the world is kept the world in eternal conflict. The blood of millions is on the dirty hands of the creators of these religions.

2006-10-23 16:43:54 · answer #11 · answered by Josh V 3 · 0 0

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