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If you really knew were it came from you wouldn't celebrate it. I was reading were it really came from. You may not believe me or what ever. It came from the so called GOD Nimrod. He married his mom and and had children with her. Her name was Isis also known as ishtar (easter). They never told people that they had a kid together. She said it came from the holy ghost. She symbolizes the bunny for easter. Bunnies do not lay eggs. They need a mate. Pagans tradition mix with Christianity. All of the holidays true history is evil. It's all sugar coded

2006-10-23 16:31:39 · 33 answers · asked by Stanman 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

33 answers

The birth of the Easter Bunny hehe.

Keep in mind that Christians twisted the meanings of many holidays to make them conform to what they believe.

2006-10-23 16:33:50 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

"All of the holidays true history is evil." You should know that first thing they teach you in 6th grade and up is don't make generalizations. Just because Christainity named their holiday the same thing, doesn't mean it's based off of it- maybe they just liked the name or maybe it actually means something different to them. Just like if you name a cat Lucifer, it doesn't mean it's the devil re-encarnated into the cat. Plus, wasn't Isis an Egyptian god? So, why would she have to blame a baby on the Holy Ghost? And since when to people say that the easter bunny lays eggs? Don't they tell kids that he just paints them and hands them out?

Interesting, though.

2006-10-23 16:45:32 · answer #2 · answered by Kiki N 1 · 1 0

The word Easter was put into the KJV by the translators...The Greek word is Paschah which of couse is Passover. But in the 1600s the translators felt that it would be better to put a word in that most people at that time could relate to. Easter ofcourse comes from Ishtar who is a goddess from the east.
This answer is probably not the most correct you will find on the net, but it is not too far from the truth, either.
I Cr 13;8a
This is the best I can do, I don't have a Divinity Degree.

2006-10-23 16:44:32 · answer #3 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

Actually, scholars believe that the name of the holiday (Easter) probably comes from Eastre, the Anglo-Saxon name of a Teutonic goddess of spring and fertility. She had the month of April dedicated to her by her followers. Her festival was celebrated on the day of the vernal (spring) equinox, which is why Easter is celebrated on the Sunday following the first full moon after the spring equinox.

And, I DO know where it came from and I celebrate it. And if you are Christian, you should read the Bible more - "Nimrod" was not a god, but a king in Genesis. (He was later worshipped like a god, but that's not the point.) Anyway, the Bible says that he did marry his mother. He was worshipped as a "god-man" and his mother/wife became queen of ancient Babylon.

2006-10-23 16:44:43 · answer #4 · answered by chrysalislady 2 · 0 0

You neglected to mention Eastern Orthodox often celebrates Easter on a different day than Catholics and Proestants do!

Jesus was a Jewish Baptist, not Catholic, not Protesant, not Pagan.

Jesus was celebrating the start of Pesach, one of the holiest times for Jewish People, who are commanded to do this feast by God.

Jesus celbrated with wine not grape juice.

Unleavened bread that was broken and passed hand to hand, not wafers or little finger tip crackers.

He and the disciples ate a full Kosher meal and drank so much wine they got polluted.

Jesus commanded them and us to remember him each year when we do this again!

Jesus told his discipled they will ALL sup together again in his fathers house after the end of times.

Ham is not Kosher. HAM if forbidden to Jews. Jesus would probalby NOT eat an Easter ham.

Christians are so far from what Jesus was, it is unbelievable.

The Protestants simply changed a few things in the Catholic religion they didn't like, such as divorce (which Jesus opposed, except in cases of adultery) marriage of priest (which Jesus approved of, so that men would not fornical all should marry), speaking in Local language instead of Latin (not such a bad idea, although being bilingual would be nice, Jesus and his disciple most certainly spoke Greek, some Latin, Arabic, Farse and Hebrew).

Jesus was a Baptized Jew who held to all Jewish traditions.

Christians are following the transformations of Pagan rites into a quazi-jewish like ritualization probably started by Peter, Paul, John but certainly finalized by Constantine.

I wonder what Jesus would make of all this. He'd certainly think some of it was novel, but would he totally approve? I wonder if a good Jewish boy would!

2006-10-23 17:41:30 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The word Easter comes from Eostre an Western European moon goddess whose power peaks at the Spring Equinox.

Eostre is closely connected to rabbits

The tradition of decorating eggs is from Egyptians and Persians who died them and exchanged them as gifts.

In Ancient Rome eggs were given as prizes in races.

The bunny was first associated with eggs in Germany in the 1500's and Eostre sometimes takes the shape of an egg-laying bunny.

And all this time you all thought it was the celebration of the death, burial and Resurrection of Christ. Didn't you? According to the bible that is to be celebrated each and every first day of the week and not just once a year.

2006-10-23 16:54:14 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Easter is a converted Pagan holiday. Back when Christianity first began(the Church) Catholic leaders(clergy) needed a way to get the pagans to go along with them. So they stole Easter.
Easter is actually a pagan ritual of rebirth having to do with the cycle of death/sacrifice/rebirth and the Goddess. Eggs stand for fertilization(sex,etc.) and new birth. In those days blood and other sacrifices were offered to the earth for a bountiful harvest. However, the church leaders wanted those sacrifices(financial) to go to them, instead of the "earth".
How else do you think the Catholic Church became so rich and powerful?
Now, I am not talking about true believers, but the corrupt clergy who were after financial, not spiritual gain.

2006-10-23 16:51:34 · answer #7 · answered by Diana 3 · 0 0

Easter like any other holiday has been twisted over the year to become I capitalist’s dream: Like Christmas (the tree pagan but now a huge industry) Halloween (pure pagan lost of candy sales) Hell they make Lent greeting cards. Early Christians put there holidays on pagan ones so that they could take over as a dominate religion.

2006-10-23 16:41:14 · answer #8 · answered by serenity_may 2 · 1 0

After greater desirable than seven hundred hours of reading this occasion, I even have come to the top that the resurrection of Jesus Christ is the two between the main wicked, vicious, heartless hoaxes ever foisted on the minds of people--or it quite is the main incredible actuality of historic previous. right here is a few factors on the area: residing WITNESSES the hot testomony debts of the resurrection have been being circulated in the lifetimes of adult males and girls alive on the time of the resurrection. those people could desire to easily have shown or denied the accuracy of such debts. IS the hot testomony stable? by way of fact the hot testomony provides the popular historic resource for documents on the resurrection, many critics for the time of the nineteenth century attacked the reliability of those biblical information. by the top of the a million ninth century, notwithstanding, archaeological discoveries had shown the accuracy of the hot testomony manuscripts. Discoveries of early papyri bridged the hollow between the time of Christ and modern-day manuscripts from a later date. such quite some risk-free practices precautions have been inquisitive with reference to the trial, crucifixion, burial, entombment, sealing, and guarding of Christ's tomb that it turns into very complicated for critics to look after their place that Christ did no longer upward thrust from the ineffective. evaluate those data actuality #a million: broken ROMAN SEAL actuality #2: EMPTY TOMB actuality #3: large STONE MOVED There exists no checklist from the classic international, witnessed by so spectacular a sequence of textual and historic thoughts . . . Skepticism with reference to the historic credentials of Christianity relies upon an irrational bias. Clark Pinnock Mcmaster college which could get you began. . .

2016-10-16 08:09:55 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

The word "Easter" certainly may come from an old English word that refers to the pre-Christian pagan celebrations.

This does not, in any way, lessen the truths ... that Jesus' birth was the Incarnation. It isn't any less so, not just because Satan produced the counterfeit earlier.

The Passover foreshadowed the Crucifixion .... when the blood of a lamb was applied to the doors of the houses in Egypt, then God "passed over" them, not harming them by death. Likewise, when we apply, figuratively and by faith, the shed Blood of Christ to our hearts and lives, then God "passes over" us.

Jesus, "delivered for our offences and raised for our justification". The Resurrection on the third day proved that He was victor over sin and death.

Don't get yourself (and others) confused between what Nimrod Bar Cush CLAIMED and what God in Christ DID.

2006-10-23 16:44:30 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Blame Constantine (I do!). He was a pagan but wanted everyone to be one religion, so he chose the first pope, mandated a corrupted Bible, turned the goddess Diana into the virgin Mary, and named Sunday as the Sabbath, as well as giving Christian-meaning to pagan holidays. That said, I still celebrate on these holidays, otherwise I'd be celebrating alone on an otherwise ordinary day, and still have the date wrong. (I do celebrate the Sabbath on Saturday, though.)

2006-10-23 16:40:03 · answer #11 · answered by p2of9 4 · 0 1

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