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I defenately believe we should respect their right to free speech.
That is as long as they've past their 65th birthday, and have undergone psychiatric evaluation.

2006-10-23 16:31:00 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

Eric B---You're right I should apologize.
I certainly don't want to be accused of child abuse.

2006-10-23 16:42:32 · update #1

Dr Truthwart---I meant in public.
Not in public bathrooms.
I'm sure their writing has already covered most of the walls in the johns.
But it's amusing to see their artwork there.

2006-10-23 16:50:16 · update #2

jonnie---you didn't have to use your last name

2006-10-23 16:59:48 · update #3

Don P---It wasn't tongue in cheek,----it was thumb in nose.
Sorry you misunderstood.
Must be that attention span thing.

2006-10-23 17:03:38 · update #4

RIF--- I'm all for allowing them to stand.
As long as they stand in a sound proof room.

2006-10-23 17:21:50 · update #5

Hope they are considerate enough to stand up in a canoe or a very old row boat.

2006-10-23 17:27:51 · update #6

KIM---Yeah. But do you like Bush?
Now you've made me realize why Grandpa could not make it on the farm.
He, like you, spent too much time shoveling bull sh-it.
Too much writing caused your brain to short circuit.

2006-10-23 18:46:29 · update #7

KIM---very sorry to hear about your son.
I;m sure any mother would feel the same way.

2006-10-25 16:58:00 · update #8

RIF---You mean thay actually stand for something.
Maybe you're talking about the times when there are no seats left on the bus.

2006-10-25 17:03:41 · update #9

18 answers

LOL that is funny and yes they mature very late in life

2006-10-23 16:38:44 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

I know your question was tongue-in-cheek, but it is an eerie reflection of the dream of George Bush and his Republican rubber-stamp Senate and Congress to stifle all opposing viewpoints at any cost.

With the new "Military Commissions" act he has taken a giant step forward in that direction. He and his chronies say anyone who disagrees with them gives "Aid and Comfort to the Enemy" which makes them equivalent to enemy combatants and therefore subject to the suspension of habeas corpus and all of their rights under the Constitution and Bill of RIghts, including freedom of speech.

God save America.

2006-10-23 23:47:07 · answer #2 · answered by Don P 5 · 0 0

Right on brother, but I think you're wrong about respecting their right to free speech. They are always saying negative things about our dear leader and his glorious war of liberation, and frankly I'm getting a little tired of it. B-itch, b-itch, b-itch, and if its not war or torture, or the causalities, or Katrina, or the national debt, or complete lack of foreign policy, or illegal aliens, or tax breaks for the rich, or the very real nuclear threat he caused, or illegal circumventing of the constitution, or election fraud, or Guantanamo Bay, or Haliburton, or denial of global warming, or driving millions of working Americans into poverty, or the graft and corruption of our conservative congress, and so on and so on. After all that, and still finding their arguments weak in view of the unitary executive and brilliant signing statements, they resort to attacks on the person and bring up things like our dear leaders alcoholism and cocaine addiction, or spousal abuse, or draft dodging, and when that doesn't work, they like talk about his blatant stupidly. I agree he's not the sharpest knife in the drawer, and probably bought every grade he ever got at Yale, but what the hell, and he was in the Skull and Bones and could chug a 16 ouncer in under five seconds. These commie pinkos act like slipping out of a few DUI's and a cocaine bust isn't the American way! I'm telling you, this country had gone to hell. When you can't lie, cheat, steal and bully you way to the top, somethings seriously wrong. You can take heart though. As soon as we get social security, medicare and all the rest of the crap off the books, there won't be that many of them hanging on much past 65. I personally think that it was brilliant of the leader to use a phony war to push the national debt into the stratosphere and ultimately cause an end to government spending on people who don't need it. They're old and should be dead anyway. Check this graph out: http://zfacts.com/p/318.html You can see that our dear leader took over where Regan left off. The liberal Clinton had all the numbers coming down nicely. Social security and crap would probably have lasted forever with a guy like that in the white house. The man was disgusting. He would have never had the stomach to rip the quivering flesh from hundreds of thousands of people, close to half of them supposedly 'innocent' women and children. Everybody knows that's what shock and awe is all about for cryin' out loud! I'm a veteran myself and there's noting like pulling the trigger on an M60 when the Sarge says, 'Light em' up!' Believe me, they dance and twirl at 650 rounds a minute, and they got even better now. Anyway, running the debt to hell and back with a phony war is sure to spell the end of liberals. There's not going to be anything to be liberal about because there won't be any money for it----it's a stroke of genius that I'm sure Carl Rove thought of. I'm told if the debt reaches 12 trillion, even our great grandchildren won't be able to pay it off, even if they're taxed 90% of their pay! That will be the end of that story. No more handouts to the elderly or infirm, even if they did pay all their lives. Our leader is a Christian, so this must be the Christian way. Keep up the good work.

Dear JR. Unfortunately, there's not must BS in the above except where I inserted it for humor. Get out of Yahoo answers and start crawling the net. My son just returned from his third tour in Iraq. He wasn't wounded, but it ruined him physically. His knees, neck and back are just about ruined from jumping off armored vehicles for two and a half years wearing seventy pounds of body armor and fifty pounds of other equipment. He's a young man, and it breaks my heart to listen to the noise coming out of just his knees and knowing he was in pain pretty much all the time. Joint deterioration is probably going to be one of the most common injuries the soldiers are bringing home from that god forsaken war. It's the biggest bunch of BS ever foisted over the eyes of the people of this republic. I spent 33 months overseas myself as an 11B. (light weapons infantry) I know I can probably never get through you shell, but times are different. These are not moral people running the country, they're immoral and in ways that far transcend a middle aged man's sexual fantasies. It has nothing to do with being a republican or Democrat, but a lot to do with being an American and doing what's right and fair. Sometimes you have to remember what you fought for.

2006-10-24 01:28:51 · answer #3 · answered by Kim 4 · 0 0

Yes, absolutely. I mean they let the Republicans give lip service to being the only ones who "practice" morality, so why not? But thank you for asking Rush.

2006-10-23 23:39:12 · answer #4 · answered by soulguy85 6 · 0 0

I say we lose if while spreading humor in peace I give into demands for censorship made by those who derive entertainment from making a big display of being offended while spreading terror in war.

2006-10-23 23:35:31 · answer #5 · answered by H.I. of the H.I. 4 · 0 0

and i must compliment you on your mature point of view. i asume your republican?

to your "aditional details": i wasn't accusing you of being a molestor, im mature enough to realize that it's not all republicans.

That being said it took awhile for clinton+monica to die.

anyway, i would protect your freedome of speech even if i disagree with you, it's the way to avoid facism. oh and don't vote for republicans if you can help it.

2006-10-23 23:33:51 · answer #6 · answered by Eric B 4 · 2 0

I think you are being too care free with liberal ignorance. I would rather see their freedom of speech protected after their 103rd birthday.

2006-10-23 23:35:15 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

At least most of them can string words into proper sentences, unlike Mr. Bush.

2006-10-23 23:34:52 · answer #8 · answered by foolsowl 3 · 1 1

democrats should speak freely at all times. Let their ideas spread so all voters will know just what they stand for

2006-10-24 00:01:56 · answer #9 · answered by rjf 3 · 0 0

LMAO! I'm sure you will tick off alot of libs with this one. But more power to you. I guess they're not the only ones who can call names, attack, make fun of etc.

2006-10-23 23:34:14 · answer #10 · answered by Cinner 7 · 1 1

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