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Teeth brushing has beome a nightmare - a battle between parent and child. Son says he hates the taste of the tooth paste - I've tried several different flavors. I send him back repeatedly after brushings to "do a better job" which of course infuriates him. Still,he just doesn't do a thorough enough job. I have worked with him as best as I can - he says I'm treating him like a baby - to teach him proper technique. I'm worried about his teeth and the money it may cost me later on! But, I'm also worried he's going to turn off his friends with bad breath. Any suggestions?

2006-10-23 15:44:31 · 18 answers · asked by kidskidlet 2 in Health Dental

18 answers

there are a couple things you can try...purchase a battery operated toothbrush that has a 2 minute timer...i have one and its great.....tell him that he has to brush his teeth the whole 2 minutes or else you will really make him a baby and brush his teeth for him. also have him rince with some pre brushing mouthwash....maybe the taste of the toothpaste won't be so bad. and as a last resort...you can tell him that if he continues to give you a hard time when it comes to tooth brushing...the every 6 month cleaning at the dentist will have to turn into every 3 months...which will still be less expensive than the multiple cavities in his near future.

2006-10-23 15:53:30 · answer #1 · answered by catywhumpass 5 · 2 0

Try grounding him every time he refuses to brush. Either you can choose to not give him his pocket money the moment he refuses to brush his teeth, or you can ban him from any candy immediately. Always use immediate action when he disobeys and not a delayed "tug of war" with him which ends up unproductive. Psychologically speaking, you can also try rewarding him for brushing his teeth like maybe an incentive. Perhaps it might cost you a little bit in the beginning having to add on to his pocket money but after a while you can stop giving him the extra when he has become accustomed to it. However, if you have to result to spanking, then do it lightly and not to the point of abusive.

And you can always send him to the dentist and let him get a lecture on not getting girls or getting to kiss girls with such horrible teeth and etc... but that will not be an immediate action or of any immediate effect to him.

2006-10-23 15:50:21 · answer #2 · answered by Dennis Y 2 · 1 0

I am a certified dental assistant. I have seen the results of teens or tweens who refuse to take care of their teeth.

I do feel for you. As you know, it is your responsibility to pay for his dental treatment until he is 18. He may become a very expensive child.

As his mother, it IS your job to see to it that he has proper dental hygeine.

Sit him down and explain to him that if he doesn't start to brush and floss eventually his teeth will rot and fall out. Scare him a little. Go on the internet and find pictures of decay and abcess and everything in between.

You are not treating him like a baby. Don't let him make you think that. Like I said before... he is your responsibility until he is 18. Whatever it takes! If he feels you are treating like a baby, tell him when he can properly take care of his teeth, you will back off. Until then you'll be on him like white on rice. He is not acting his age so don't be afraid to play the role with him. Eventually, he will get sick of you checking his teeth to make sure he is brushing effectively. If he yells at you, put him in his place. Take something away that is of value to him until he acts like a teen and not a 4 yr. old.

I know I keep repeating myself...but, until he is 18 he is your responsibility. You have to take charge and do whatever it takes.

Another suggestion would be to visit the dentist and have him explain what will happen if he doesn't start practicing good oral hygeine.

I am hoping this is a faze and he grows out of it. Maybe when he discovers girls he'll think differently.

2006-10-23 16:15:46 · answer #3 · answered by Ron's wife 3 · 0 0

take him to the dentist and have the dentist explain it to him, why its so important etc. If its that bad I might even go ahead and show him photos of what kind of diseases can be caused by improper care of his teeth. You say you bought several brands of toothpaste but have you let him pick his own? Are you letting him pick only the adult paste or is he allowed the use the bubble gum children flavors? Also try buying an electric toothbrush. You can get a childrens electric brush for a fairly decent price.

Good Luck! My daughter gives me heck about brushing her teeth and shes only 1 so I've got a long time to look forward to it.

2006-10-23 15:57:55 · answer #4 · answered by arae8419 3 · 1 0

Pop him some breath savers and tell him not to come crying to you when his teeth start hurting. Its a phase. Is there anything else going on in your house that might have started rebellion other than his hormones? You can stop pushing him and tell him you expect him to brush his teeth at least 1 time in a day. If he can't do that, then every time he doesn't do it, take his chore money. Tell him its to help pay the dental bills.
Make a chart that he has to check off only after you check his teeth. Also tell him, if he didn't act like a baby about his teeth, then you woldn't have to treat him like one.

2006-10-23 15:52:06 · answer #5 · answered by ebay_convert 5 · 2 0

One thing that got me to brush my teeth that my parents told me was the fact that if I get a cavity, the dentist will be using a large drill and all kinds of other things in order to pull the tooth or fill the cavity. I was little at the time and scared to death when my dad pulled out his drill to show me what to expect. I am now 36 years old and still cavity free. Guiness Book of World Records, here I come. Good luck getting your son to brush his teeth. I think he might be too old for scare tactics.

2006-10-23 15:51:14 · answer #6 · answered by ironchain15 6 · 1 0

Next time you take him to the dentist for his teeth cleaning have the dentist show him pics of nasty looking teeth of people that did not properly brush their teeth. You can also try telling him that if he has really bad breath that his friends won't want to hang out with him. I used to work with a lady that had such bad teeth that her breath literally smelled like SH*T. It was a medical condition caused from her bad teeth.

2006-10-23 16:32:18 · answer #7 · answered by Ryan's mom 7 · 0 0

Roberto is right. Take him to the dentist. He will learn how uncomfortable it is and may brush his teeth better just to avoid having to go to the dentist so often. Not to mention the dentist has all the gross pictures to scare him into better dental hygiene. Also, sometimes our kids listen more to other people than they do to us. I know, I tell my daughter something and it is if she doesn't believe me unless someone like one of her favorite teachers tells her as well. It's frustrating but that's just how they are at this stage of life. Yes mine is 11 too!
Good luck.

2006-10-23 15:58:00 · answer #8 · answered by lajefa 3 · 0 0

Leave him alone. If he doesn't do a good job and gets a cavity. Just wait till he's sitting in the dentist chair getting his stubborn little head drilled. That will be the last time he mouths off about brushing his teeth.

2006-10-23 15:48:20 · answer #9 · answered by MadforMAC 7 · 0 1

Wait until he decides he wants a girlfriend. Sometimes this is the only way to get a young teenaged boy to brush his teeth. Or wash his hair...

2006-10-23 17:01:01 · answer #10 · answered by Picture Taker 7 · 0 0

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