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Why would someone sign their rear over to the military in the first place? Just to turn into the pawn of a government with it's own agenda, and be ordered off to another country to kill people? Look at what's going on in Iraq. These people have been fighting amongst themselves for thousands of years. What gives someone the motivation to enlist and go add to the violent mix? Is it not the best idea work for a peaceful life in which we can coexist? Wars have been fought for ages, and most of the wars have had little to no point other than wanting to be domince. Land, resources, ideals, and damn religions. WHAT IS THE POINT? I don't believe there is one, and I would like to know why people don't see what chaos is going on in the world. If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention!


2006-10-23 15:41:38 · 26 answers · asked by theoneyoucometo 2 in Politics & Government Military

26 answers

I've been outraged since the beginning. All the innocent lives that have been lost there and elsewhere. For what? For who? Why? I know that there were many lives of men, women and children being taken everyday in all of those places, but is it truly fair for our boys and men to go and give their lives for their problems? When I say this, some people look at me like I'm a communist and that I don't care about our country. It's not true, I do care. I care about many things, many people and my GOD. I'm not given credit for what I care about. There are some that think I am heartless and unforgiving. I wish we as a people united we stand together for the common good could all agree that the trillions of $$ spent on other countries causes and wars, poverty and droughts, etc, etc. were worth all that money. But we truly can't because we know the truth. We have elderly and children that need medical care and have none. They also need food and barely have any of that. They live in rat infested apts. and no one to watch them or care about them. That trillions of $$ could of went for those causes and they didn't. How many times did money go into someone else's pocket when it was supposed to be going elsewhere? So what does our president do? He sends our men to another country to fight their battles while our country waivers in issues that are critical to our childrens well being. Like social security. Instead their father gets killed in a war for the common good of a worn torn country of illegal and savage rulers. Oh what good does it do to rant on yahoo. Someone else has their theory, like what about the veterans. Yah, so what about them? They could be getting better benefits if these "wars" weren't taking more men and crippling them or killing them before they even have a chance to start a life. It's futile..........GOD be with all of us.........:-(

2006-10-23 15:59:34 · answer #1 · answered by silhouette 6 · 3 2

War is sometimes necessary.

If we didn't have the Revolutionary War we would not be America.
If we didn't have the Civil War we would not be America.

There are times when talks and diplomacy does nothing so we fight.

I agree there are wars that have gone on that are not necessary. It seems to be a president or rule trying to make a name for themselves.

People sign up for the military because they believe in why they are fighting.

Say what you want about wars but don't insult the soliders. The ones that volunteer are the reason you don't have to be out there right now. They fight for what they belive in and that is freedom and democracy. They do what a lot of us can't or won't do.

2006-10-23 15:52:07 · answer #2 · answered by butterflykisses427 5 · 2 0

I think your wrong. The military is a noble thing. People in the military don't start wars, usually its politicians that do. Generally people in the military are fighting to defend YOU. And about your first question "Why would someone sign their rear over to the military in the first place?" Well the answer is generally because they are actually trying to make something of themselves and are looking for direction. The Military can give them that.

2006-10-23 22:41:25 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Tell ya what,,, I owned my own company for many years. So like any other business owner I hired and fired quite a few people over an almost 40 year span.
I found that I could spot the "military bearing" in people that would make good employees long before they opened their mouth to say "good morning". There really is that much difference between a person that has completed BMT and a person that has not.

2006-10-23 16:19:07 · answer #4 · answered by tom l 6 · 2 0

There is so much more to the military than being ordered around and killing people. It's a way of life you learn that betters yourself, teaches you discipline that obviously you never learned at home, and gives you a sense of respect that seems like you don't have either. They take care of everything for you: medical, dental, room & board, you even get a good work out to keep fit! PLUS, you get paid for it all! What's to say for the benefits too...and retire early. I will bet anything this is your own measly opinion, and you've never set foot in a recruiting office to really find out what it's all about, have you????

2006-10-23 15:56:02 · answer #5 · answered by LARGE MARGE 5 · 2 0

The reason is the dictators who have run these other countries have murdered and oppressed their people for so long the people don't know which end is up. These same dictators are arrogant enough to believe they can move on to dominate another country, then another country, and on it goes. Yes, just like Hitler there are dictators like this still existing. If we become passive we become like the frog who is in the water that is slowly heated up boiling. We are so comfortable at first that we don't think anything's wrong then all of a sudden we are cooked and don't even know what hit us!!! That's what is going on in the world whether we accept it or not.

2006-10-23 15:46:39 · answer #6 · answered by ? 6 · 4 1

I don't know exactly what your question is, but it sounds like you want to know why people join the military. I'm not sure that its such a simple answer, but I think the biggest draw is that of job security and accomplishment. You're guaranteed a career that comes with pride and benefits, two things that don't come with many jobs. The men and women of our armed forces don't join up to be pawns in some grand chess match, they sign up because its an honorable thing to do with your life. And nobody likes war.

2006-10-23 15:45:48 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Since I was born on a military base and my husband is in the military I can tell you why people do it. Patriotism;Nationalism. Feeling a pride in ones country and a love for it that people like you dont understand. Knowing that you owe your people something more than just making burgers for them at McDonald's. Feeling that everyone, no matter what country, race or religion should be able to say they are free. Being willing to die so that your people dont have to. That is why people join the military, so they can show the world where they come from and who their people really are.

2006-10-23 15:45:54 · answer #8 · answered by Jess 4 · 3 1

We can't coexist in peace, people are always going to hate each other and that hate will always escalate into war. Plus, even if we do sign a pact to stop all wars, how will we enforce that? We already tried in the past and that went to hell.

Money motivates many people. When you live in extreme poverty, you'll get your *** to the front of the line to enlist when you get the chance.

2006-10-23 15:44:00 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

My thoughts are: if we didnt have the strength in the Militia that we would possess then other countries could easily take advantage of us. We would be vulnerable and easily open for more terrorism. Look at the way some other countries are forced to live. We have bases on every continent around the world. The USofA is bad to the bone. Im Proud to be an American and the price of freedom isnt free. Many of us take for granted how great we have it in America. Are Americans defecting and trying to illegally cross borders to get to any other countries? why do you think everyone wants to come to America? Come to America and kill a bunch of innocent citizens and we're gonna put a boot in your azz!!

2006-10-23 15:51:03 · answer #10 · answered by CDog 3 · 3 2

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