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Do Americans look at immigrants as a temporary solution to their problems ?

2006-10-23 14:59:03 · 38 answers · asked by vicente fox 1 in Politics & Government Immigration

38 answers

I am for immigrants' rights, but I do have a problem with the wording of this question. Americans (for the most part) don't 'force' Mexicans to cross the border. That is their own decision.
But yes, it is a problem that the crossing is very dangerous.

2006-10-23 15:01:34 · answer #1 · answered by Cammie 3 · 3 4

What do you mean by "force?" The truth of the matter is, the Mexican Government treats their people like crap! "That" is why they come over here. If our Government treated us that way, I would go to another country also! The Mexican Government doesn't encourage education or anything that would really help or be benificial to their own people. It sickens me to think those people have to "sneak" to another country, just to have a life! It isn't the Americans fault the Mexican Government is that way, so what is this "force" thing? This country is "packed!" Although I've always thought everyone should be able to come & go as they please, and live where they want. I will "never" understand why their Government has done this. And it's causing a lot of unnecessary prejudice between Americans & Mexicans, it's just plain sad. And just for the record? None of "my" Mexican friends are a temporay solution to "any" of my problems!

2006-10-23 15:10:10 · answer #2 · answered by Republican!!! 5 · 1 1

We "force" Mexicans to risk their lives?

Excuse me. I had a laughing fit, and during my laughter, I had to step away and receive some oxygen. Darn asthma. . .

Anyways, we "force" them to risk their lives. We put a gun to their heads and say, "Either you go over our border and enter our country illegally, or the b it ch gets it"? So this is whay you plan on sticking with?

Immigrating - whether it be legally or illegally - is a CHOICE. The Mexicans choose to cross over our borders illegally, thus risking their lives - and the lives of their families (like the children with NO choice in the matter) - to come here.

I don't see anyone as a solution to my problems; temporary or not. Illegal immigrants need to be deported because they broke our laws. If they are willing to break one law, who's to say they won't break more of our laws? And besides, they are a cyphon of money we don't have to spend. Why supplement the income of someone that doesn't belong here when we have so many LEGAL American citizens that are in poverty?

So as I wipe my tears from my laughter spasm, I shake my head and think that if that is your opinion, then you have every right to it. But I am sure that you also look at Jeffery Dahlmer as a misunderstood individual that was practicing freedom of expression, and not the cannibalistic serial killer that he was. So it is very twisted, your view. Distorted and twisted, but your view all the same, right?

2006-10-23 15:39:28 · answer #3 · answered by volleyballchick (cowards block) 7 · 0 1

Vicente you are so full of ca ca that your eyes are the color of ca ca. But I'm glad that you have a sense of humor in times like these. The only time America needed Mexicans was in the 1940s WW2.( The Bracero Program) Our American men and some Resident Aliens were at War at the time and America need people to pick the crops to feed our men at war. They were paid for their work but the problem with that was Mexico Robbed the men of the money the United States gave them as a Social Security Program. It was not America That F.U.C.K the Mexican It was your Mexico.

2006-10-23 16:31:30 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

your statement "force Mexicans to risk their lives coming to America" is a new one on me...never heard that before. Maybe I never heard that before because no Mexicans are forced to risk their lives on any trip, nor are they forced to come to America. No, Americans don't look at immigrants as a temporary solution for anything at all.

2006-10-23 15:09:12 · answer #5 · answered by sophieb 7 · 1 1

Nobody forces the Mexicans to come here .There is no one over in Mexico roundin them up at gunpoint. They come because they know the livving in America is much better than in their home. The risk comes from those unscrupulous who transport (for money only) them across the border for we read about the unfortunate ones in the paper. Why do people come to this country illeally for they can apply to come here legally---it takes time to go through that proces and only so many are accepted in a year and when people are desparate to improve their lives they take the risks. America does not import illegals nor does it want illegals here but those who come here legally,granted visas and so forth and those are all given the opportunity to apply and become citizens.

2006-10-23 15:06:47 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Nobody is forcing them to come to the USA. And how is an immigrant a temporary solution to a problem?

2006-10-23 15:04:58 · answer #7 · answered by bloody_roger_rackham 1 · 2 1

That's horrible. I had no idea American's were in Mexico in sufficient numbers to force Mexicans into the US, just so the gringos North of the border could hunt them for sport.

I think the Mexican government should close off the border and not let those gringos into Mexico in the first place. I knew it was the Americans fault it always is.

2006-10-23 15:05:55 · answer #8 · answered by Roadkill 6 · 2 1

If I were the Leader of the United States I would fine Mexico $500,000 per immigrant. And collect it one way or another. And I do mean collect. I would also send them back , all of them in a six month period. In addition to that any Mexican who tried to enter this country illegally would not have a life to risk.

2006-10-23 15:43:42 · answer #9 · answered by scallywag 3 · 0 1

I think i understand what you are saying,if we need people to come and help get some of our work completed on time, so we don't have to deal with alcoholics at the job sites, then why isn't it made just a little simpler to get the documents and work a while and then go back home to the wife, without walking for days in the desert heat and dealing with hostile encounters just to get to work,,,and 2. yes our politics are a crazy mess, and the cost to produce goods are out of control, and we know all of this could be fixed if we could get good service from the people we vote for, but we all know this country is no longer under our control, it is the property of the government and the special intrest groups, i'm sorry ,and i'm sure everbody is sick about that like i am, mexican people have no control over their government and they shouldn't be blamed for that,they just need money like all of us to help our familys, we came from England-ierland and many other places to this new america to get away from the bad governments in the old land, bad thing for us all is THEY FALLOWED US HERE TOO. some times i really wish we could DEPORT all of them and keep the mexicans.

2006-10-23 15:25:13 · answer #10 · answered by JALISCO 2 · 0 2

Americans did not force Mexicans to come to America.

2006-10-23 15:02:43 · answer #11 · answered by asdfjkl; 5 · 2 1

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