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are they a part of the family ? Does it make you mad as heck when ppl mistreat the animal. It make me cry when I see pets that are unlove..my wuppie dog sleeps inside on my legs most of the time (she is 100 pounds this cause numbness is legs lol)

2006-10-23 14:13:18 · 25 answers · asked by iamblessed 6 in Pets Dogs

25 answers

Ah, my cats. One sleeps on my head, the other on my feet. I have learned to stay in one place all night, as they have trained me well...; ) During the day they have the run of the house and a cool cat climber/scratch post. I cannot watch those animal rescue shows, I know the people are there to help them but it makes me want to throw up at the atrocities done to these poor creatures. I just don't understand how/why someone would want to harm something helpless & dependent on them.

I once lived in a house that attracted stray animals. Over the years cats, dogs & even a bunny wandered through to share their lives with us. All things wise & wonderful, all creatures great & small, all creatures bright & beautiful, the Lord God made them all. Amen.

2006-10-23 14:56:38 · answer #1 · answered by girlfriend 3 · 2 0

When my American Eskimo dog was a puppy, I had her crate trained so she couldn't sneak off and chew or have accidents in the nite. By the time she was 3 yrs, she was past the chewing phase and potty trained. She then had free run of the home and slept in my bed each nite, until I married... she could handle the body heat of one person, but two was to warm for her :) Now she sleeps on the cooler floor right next to our bed.

We also have a Dachshund who sleeps in our bed with us and hogs the pillows. He's a little lover and just wants to be as close to us as possible. He often curls up around my head... it's like having a live teddy bear.

Both of these dogs have full run of the house when we have to go away as they are fully trained.

We also have a 5 month old Border Collie who is crated at nite and confined to the kitchen when we leave during the day time. She's still in the chewing phase and has the occasional accident. So we will keep her crated until the chewing phase has passed around age 3.

2006-10-23 17:03:16 · answer #2 · answered by Shadow's Melon 6 · 0 0

Where do our three dogs sleep...
All of them either sleep with us in our room, or sometimes the saint Bernard sleeps in teenagers room. The cow dog would sleep in youngest room if he would open door.

I have taken animals away from people after I seen them mistreating them......last one was a puppy I saw flying out of a front door. I went over picked the pup up, said hey Kevin I am going to take this puppy home with me. He said go for it, it keep craping on floor (not those nice words though).....

I do not work out of the home. I am always here for the most part...
Two of our dogs are 170 or so pounds so they do not lay on ANY part of our body lol!
Our dogs are a big part of our family, so is are other critters. What one considers cruel another calls it something else, but I do agree with you when it comes to abuse.... Mr told me about a fella he knows who had a great cow dog. The dog was enable to work after he got old and was shot. I personally would never do such a thing, but some dogs are commodities......

2006-10-23 14:25:39 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have a 2 year old Border Collie and two cats. When I first got my dog, there was some question as to where she was going to sleep, since she wanted to be right near me at every moment. However, my cat Wiwi soon settled that.

They reached the understanding that Wiwi doesn't care if she sleeps on the floor next to the bed, but that the bed itself is her's. Though sometimes the dog still does try to weasle her way onto the bed.

Most of the time, my dog either sleeps on the floor next to my bed, or curled up out on my couch. My cat Wiwi sleeps right next to my head on the pillow, and my cat Hayes sleeps either right between my knees or right by my right side.

My dog either stays home when I go to work, or sometimes my mom comes over and takes her with her when she goes to town.

My pets are deffinately part of the family, and I bascially look at them like they're my children since I can't have any of my own.

It makes me really mad when I see people mistreat mine, or any animal for that matter, and I've actually broken up with a boyfriend because he threw one of my cats across the room. That, and when I got my dog, he became extremely jealious and abusive. Makes me glad I got a dog that bites men.

2006-10-23 21:46:53 · answer #4 · answered by xxtorturedinnocentsxx 2 · 0 0

She sleeps in her doggie bed in the middle of the living room. Sometimes me and my husband fall a sleep watching tv on the sectional sofa and she crawls between us and sleeps on her back (llike a human) her paws pointing towards the ceiling (havent seen too many dogs sleep in that position) we adore her for that, and for so many other things too, she gets first class treatment in our household and is the center of attention, we would never ever can imagine life without her. I love dogs and every each one is I think very cute in their own special way. If I had the resources I would adopt 5 or maybe 6 dogs and and spend all day with them. When I read or hear about animal cruelty, it really shatters my heart into million pieces and feel so restless, I feel so sick, nervous, and want to vomit and cry at the same time, there is not a single word to describe how bad I feel about animal cruelty. I am hoping to get to the level where I can donate my earnings to prevent animal cruelty and definitely will foster rescue dogs in the future. Wish you the best...

2006-10-23 15:51:28 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Of course they're family! What a silly question!

Yep. People like that shouldn't be allowed to have pets - or kids.

They lay wherever they want to. Most of them like sleeping on the bed with me (or on me). One didn't. If I made the slightest little move, she'd get up and leave.. But she slept at the foot of the bed.

It's great for heat in the winter. Have to shove them over sometimes in the summer if it gets too hot. They usually give me a little room in the corner of the bed.

Oops. I missed part of it.
I'm retired on disability so I don't work now. But when I did, depending on the weather, they stayed inside or out. If it was nice, I let them out in the fenced & locked back yard.
I had a huge cedar doghouse somebody built for me (it was his idea - he needed the money and I only gave him $200 and he delivered it from 100 miles away to boot!).
It had cedar shingles, insulated double floor and walls. About 3x4' on the inside. They both slept in that during the day.

When I moved it the first time, it took 4 movers and a dolly to get it out of the yard. They kept asking me "Anything else big or heavy". "I said yeah - the dog house". They'd ask me again and, I'd give them the same answer. I guess from the street it looked like a big plywood doghouse.
They kept ignoring me and, finally they was almost done and a guy came around back for the dog house. 30 seconds later he went back out front and got another guy. Then they came back with a dolly. Ended up four of them pushing over the grass on a dolly. Got quite a kick outta that!

2006-10-23 14:34:16 · answer #6 · answered by Jon W 5 · 1 0

My babies (3 dogs and 6 cats) sleep with me and my husband in our bed. I know, there isn't much room, but they are the best heaters ever and they really cuddle quite well.

During the day, the cats have free roam of the house, and the dogs are out in the backyard. They have a huge 4ft by 6ft dog house to hang in. About 10 comforters during the winter to sleep on, and an air conditioner for the summer!

2006-10-23 14:16:56 · answer #7 · answered by Missy 3 · 0 0

My 3 year old American Staffordshire Terrior was badly abused when I got him at the age of 1, the poor guy was so loving and loyal and bonded immediately, we decided since he was recovering from surgery and had so much blood loss from 17 bone fractures when he was used as a training dog for a pitbull ring, that he was not going to be in a doggy bed, but between us at night to feel safe, and warm- and so we could monitor him the best. He is wonderfully healthy now, but still has low body fat and fine fur, so in the winter he sleeps between us, and in the summer at the foot of our bed. This July Winston, our Am. Staff turned 3 and he got his very own kitten, Jaxx, to be his bestfriend. Winston shares his daytime doggy bed with Jaxx, whose now 5 months old... Jaxx has quite a bit of furr so he stays happy and warm during these cold months, however I do wake up to his purring and grooming me some nights on my pillow.
We would never not allow an animal the same lucturies as us, heck Winston even gets a little turkey and gravy at Thanksgiving, and now Nutro Dog foods has come up with desserts for dogs, in apple, pumkin spice, and berry flavors, so this Thanksgiving I'm gonna try a lil pumkin spice for my lil pumkin!

2006-10-23 14:32:11 · answer #8 · answered by curly_qt2005 2 · 1 0

My dog sleeps in bed with me! She normally picks where she wants to sleep, and I sleep around her. My dog stays at home when I'm out of the house and normally gets free roam with the TV on. My dog is certainly a part of the family, and is spoiled more than anybody. I hate it wehen people mistreat my dog! My dog's only 38 pounds (a Border Collie puppy), so it's not that hard to sleep with her.

2006-10-23 14:18:05 · answer #9 · answered by stevenpotter00 1 · 0 0

my puppy sleeps inside my legs too but he is an italian greyhound and very light

he broke his leg a year or two ago and it broke my heart.. i couldnt ever be the same.. i can't go a day without getting sad or crying thinking about they day he broke his leg and how hard he cried
and yes it makes me soo mad when i see stuff in the newspaper abotu any animal abuse and animals being mistreated and i want to go get the person who did it!!
i dont know what i would do with them lol but id wnt to have a word with them

animal fighting gets me more mad than anything

(sorry for the horrible english, im tired)

2006-10-23 14:20:16 · answer #10 · answered by noname446 4 · 1 0

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