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21 answers

It's a make-believe event conceived by a couple of wacko's in the 1800's that some people have taken to believe comes from the bible. Not!

2006-10-23 14:03:31 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 3

The rapture and the glorious appearing of Jesus Christ are one and the same event.

The Catholic church introduced the idea during the counter reformation of the church being taken from the earth in a secret rapture. This was done to counteract the belief of the reformers that the antiChrist power was and still is the Vatican and the Roman Catholic church.

When Jesus comes again in power and glory, all the angels of heaven will be with Him. He will come as the lightning that shineth out of the east and unto the west. He will come in the clouds of heaven and every eye will see Him. Those who have accepted His sacrifice on Calvary for the remission of sins will be taken up into heaven along with the righteous dead who will be ressurrected by the trump of God. All will be clothed in immortality. The wicked will be slain by the brightness of Jesus' coming and the birds of the air will feast on their flesh. Satan and his evil angel will be bound on this earth with no one to tempt for 1000 years. At the end of the 1000 years, the saved will come back down to earth with the Holy City. Jesus will raise all the wicked to life once more to receive their just sentencing. Then, Satan, his evil angels, and all the wicked will perish in the lake of fire which is hell. Sin will never rise again. After, the wicked are destroyed, the earth will be made new, and God will dwell with man on the earth.

2006-10-23 14:31:39 · answer #2 · answered by 19jay63 4 · 0 0

I believe the word rapture means to 'take up'. Any time Christ will come back and take his children home to live with him for eternity! If you can, watch John Hagee, he is a minister from San Antonio Texas. He is on TV a lot and is teaching on the end times, which we are in now. He is a prophetic minister and doesn't mind stepping on toes to get the truth acrossed. He tells it like it is. I know a lot of people on here don't believe in God, but that is their choice and when the Rapture does happen, they will be left here on earth and will go through unspeakable evil and violent things worse than they have ever seen to change their minds and if they don't repent by the end of the seven years of the Tribulation (which is their last chance), they will be thrown into the lake of fire forever. They never die, just burn alone. That, to me, would be worth finding the truth about.
Sorry, went a little over there, but when the Rapture happens it is going to be in an instant. As it says in the Bible, two will be working side by side, one will be taken up with Jesus and the other will be left behind.
I know people have said that it could have happened hundreds of years ago, but it couldn't because we didn't have satellite and the internet and the technology today to see the prophicies fulfilled.
Anyway, i am looking forward to it...just make sure your heart is right with God before you go to sleep tonight.
God bless you and thank you for your question.

2006-10-23 14:15:27 · answer #3 · answered by Gods little Girl 1 · 0 1

The word doesnt appear itself but what it is talking about does. Yes it is in the Bible!

Most of revolves around things in revelation and matthew, like wars and rumors of wars. The apocolyptic literature in the Bible is ambiguous at best and there are many different theories in what order things are going to happen. But the word rapture specifically refers to God snatching up believers to Heaven and that is the central theme and what people mean when they use the term "rapture." Otherwise we would call it "God gathering the righteous" or something like that. Rapture is just a simple term to describe something written about more than once in the Bible!

36"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son,[f] but only the Father. 37As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 38For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; 39and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 40Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. 41Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left.
42"Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. 43But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into. 44So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him. -Matthew 24:36-44

2006-10-23 14:15:35 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Definition: The belief that faithful Christians will be bodily caught up from the earth, suddenly taken out of the world, to be united with the Lord “in the air.” The word “rapture” is understood by some persons, but not by all, to be the meaning of 1 Thessalonians 4:17. The word “rapture” does not occur in the inspired Scriptures.

2006-10-23 14:04:12 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

There's a million dollar question. You won't get a straight answer from anyone, only their opinions.

My best non-opinionated answer is: the rapture is when Christ takes his Church from the earth for a length of time, depending on if one believes in a pre-trib, mid-trib, or post-trib rapture. (Here's where it gets iffy) While the word 'rapture' doesn't appear anywhere in the Bible, the concept very much seems to be taught.

I personally believe (meaning this is my opinion based on my understanding of scripture) in a pre-trib rapture that could happen tomorrow or in a thousand years. But we're not called to know when this will happen, as Jesus said, no one knows when the Son of Man returns, we're just supposed to read the signs of the times and always be ready and alert.

Oh, by the way, 'trib' is refering to the seven year tribulation spoken of in Revelation, if you didn't know.

2006-10-23 14:10:39 · answer #6 · answered by Gray 2 · 0 1

The term "rapture" is not actually in the Bible, however if you study it out, rapture means "to be caught up". Therefore the rapture is when Christ returns for those who have accepted him as savior and Lord and they are "caught up" to meet Him in the air and taken to Heaven to be with Him. If you will read 1Thessalonians 4:16,17 you will see this very event described.

2006-10-23 16:38:59 · answer #7 · answered by k-net 2 · 0 0

The rapture is a celestial devine event that is to occur just before Armagedon. Literally the Bible says this is when God will return for Abraham's children. Preachers will describe it as a moment when people will literally disappear from the face of the earth. However, all of these are interpretations. If you want to make your own interpretation, short of translating old languages and then deriving an answer, go to this URL and you can see many interpretations as well as read the answers from Jesus, which may even confuse you more, because Jesus never gave but about three straight answers that we are told of, the rest he wrote in parables like this... http://www.rapturechrist.com/who_is_going_in_the_rapture2.htm

2006-10-23 14:06:45 · answer #8 · answered by falacer 1 · 1 2


It is a misunderstanding of scripture.

CLEAR LANGUAGE passages, like 2Peter 3:10 "But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar. Fire will destroy everything in them. God will judge the earth and everything in it." ... teach us that there will be a single judgment and that everything will be immediately destroyed at Jesus' return.

Revelation, the source of most false teaching about "end times," begins and ends (1:1 and 22:6) by telling the reader that these things will "happen quickly." Here John uses a phrase that means immediately or at most a few months - It is the same as used in Acts 12:7 "Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared. A light shone in the prison cell. The angel struck Peter on his side. Peter woke up. “Quick!” the angel said. “Get up!” The chains fell off Peter’s wrists." Here it is translated "Quick!"

Any interpretation of Revelation which does not recognize that it was written to tell those people of events that would happen in their time is doing a disservice to that text.

2006-10-23 14:01:55 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

One is taken the different is left. Is the relax twin right away healed and one comprehensive man or woman? it is as unanswerable as no count if or no longer the 747 piloted with the help of two believers is going down and kills all the passengers interior...or the loaded semi barreling down the interstate. Does God in basic terms enable in spite of remains to take its organic path? If definite, i assume the relax twin is left there with a gaping wound the place the stored twin in the past replaced into. If no, then i assume God makes variations that would could desire to be on a grand astonishing scale. immediately healing the placement the place the twin replaced into...guiding the 747 to an unmanned secure touchdown...bringing the rushing semi to the area of the expressway devoid of casualty. yet then the question arises, why now miracles which could no longer take place formerly? possibly via fact loose will stands interior the way. man or woman long gone, will long gone. God intervenes to tutor mercy...or He could additionally enable issues to take their path.

2016-10-02 21:31:41 · answer #10 · answered by spies 4 · 0 0

the rapture is when we all see and understand gods great joke
we see all the good we hoped for is even better than we hoped
and all the evil we ever feared was just delusional ,wasnt real or allowed to be realised
it happens in our darkest hour once all hope seems to have gone
for some it happens when they realise it via life erxperience
for others it happens at death ,
for others it happens after an eternity in the self realsed hells we send ourselves into ,in life now and hereafter

we are from our births to live forever ,the guilt and blame we build up in our short mortal lives ,prevents us from seeing the great wonder of god and gods creation
all problems can and will be sorted out during our incarnated lives ,at death we are born again into spirit and allowed to fix the muckups we made here .BUT
,its easier to fix them here but we all in the end get to heaven ,best to begin our earned eternal reward here and now by seeing the choices we have here

suicide is not any answer many have died before thier time and waste much of the good of heaven in the very real hell of regret,

they who have been reborn again in the after life eternal yet are able to know feel and hear what all who loved then are feeling ,
suicides often complain why they cant just tell them to not worry about me ,that im not really dead ,in fact im feeling fine
cant i tell them im fine but thats the hell we cant ,thus as they suffer we suffer
dont think we can cheat
suicide seems the easy answer but in the long run we cant escape ourselves ,wake up and make your present life worth living
get the rapture in you now ,only you can see the joke ,no one can explain it to you ,you gotta figure it out here ,
anytime your ready

2006-10-23 14:29:33 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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