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There are two guys that I like and it's a sticky situation and it is stressing me waaaaaay out. And, I have this friend who was acting really mean and I just met her and I don't know what is wrong and I want to be friends with her. And, I was supposed to go to this event and see all my pretty good friends from a town about 3 hours away and I didn't get to go. I am afraid now that they won't want to hang out with me anymore cause I never get to see them and I really want to become better friends with them and have them like me. I am just very very very stressed out right now!!!

2006-10-23 13:52:05 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Mental Health

12 answers

This is completely normal, do not get discouraged. I know it might be hard to hear, but things will really get better. These years of your life are going to be tough on you, no doubt about it, but you will also learn many valuable life lessons from them. Just do not get caught on the wrong side of the law, and everything will be fine. Think of it this way...it is a rite of passage. Good luck in your future! I am pulling for you!!!

2006-10-23 13:57:18 · answer #1 · answered by Justin 3 · 0 1

First you need to take some deep breaths. Don't worry about the boys. Be like me and play with them both. Keep them guessing whether you really like them, and eventually you'll be able to tell who you like more. As for the friends, don't worry. If they are good friends they'll understand that you're only 14 and can't drive yourself yet. The mean friend, just give her space. There might be things going on with her that you don't know about, so the best thing to do is back off, but don't run away. Still be there, just not too close. I'm only 17 so I'm not that far away from the same things you're dealing with.

2006-10-23 13:58:51 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Breathe, babe. Everyone's stressed out when they're 14. Hormones raging, who likes who, fitting in, it's all normal. It sucks, but it's normal. How about coming up with some solutions for each problem? You could MSN with your long-distance friends. You could try confronting your new friend who's being mean. Maybe she was just having a bad day and needed to vent, or maybe she isn't the nicest person, and you deserve friends who treat you well. For destressing, how about a nice soak in the bathtub? Or grab a friend you've known forever and go do something silly, like go to a costume shop and try on all the costumes. Hang in there, nobody's 14 forever, and things do settle down when you get a little older.

2006-10-23 14:07:31 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1. Boys are still going to be around when you are 15, so don't get too uptight. Which boy treats you the best? Which one is the most fun? Do you think it would be more fun to actually go out with the boy, or would it be more fun to day-dream about him? Because I've got to tell you, there are only a few boys out there who are actually worthwhile to spend time with.

2. It might be nothing to do with you. Just keep acting open and friendly, and if she's just got a personal problem, she'll come around. If she keeps acting mean, though, it's OK to ask if she's got a problem (in general -- don't accuse her of being mean to you).

3. This is a toughie. E-mail them, phone them or write them and let them know you're still thinking about them. Say you're sorry that you missed them, and try to set up a different time to get together. If you have to keep cancelling, they might think you are flaky, but what can you do? It's not like you can walk there. But, it's possible to keep up long-distance friendships. You just have to be good at keeping up with the communications.

2006-10-23 14:05:42 · answer #4 · answered by Madame M 7 · 0 0

It might be normal for a 14 year old to be stressed out by these things typically, but if you feel like you are especially more overwehlmed than your peers are about the same issues then you should think about telling your parents and maybe they will send you to a psychiatrist. Just think about all the life you have ahead, and you're not even 21... and trust me that is the age when things start getting messy! Good luck.

2006-10-23 14:16:08 · answer #5 · answered by xdtsztr 3 · 0 0

Slow down honey!! Take a deep breath and relax. You are 14 years old and way too young to be stressing out over boys. This "friend" you just met, how can you tell if she's a good friend just shortly after meeting her? She doesn't sound like a good friend at all to me. These friends you don't see much...do you call them, write them, e-mail them? If they are truly your friend then a little distance will not affect your relationship. Don't give in to peer pressure just to "fit-in" True friends will be understanding and respect you for you, not what you will or won't do.

2006-10-23 13:58:57 · answer #6 · answered by swomedicineman 4 · 0 0

ok these two guys you like, if it's a sticky situation, dont even bother. youre only 14 and you have plenty of time to get stressed out about guys later in life and its not even worth it if there is 2 of them and if its that kind of situation.
try to be nice to the friend but like, dont stay by her. dont try to be her BEST friend just be nice and maybe shell come around.
if you couldnt go its not your fault. its not your fault you live 3 hours away. you have other friends.

try to calm down and get more sleep.

2006-10-23 14:00:13 · answer #7 · answered by naomi 1 · 1 0

Chill out. 14 is going to be a bad year and all you can do is try not to worry about it. Find some friends who are easy going but keep in touch with your old friends by e-mail, phone or IM.

When I was 14 it was terrible. I worried too much about the wrong things. So just relax and try not to let things bother you so much.

2006-10-23 14:01:11 · answer #8 · answered by pacific_crush 3 · 1 0

Woah! slow down!

Your're young. You got alot ahead of ya. Trust me this wont be the hardest situation youll have in ya life.

As for all this gose Just step back and catch yer breath. You still a kid.

A. dont worry about likin 2 boys most likely your not the only one eiter one has their eye on. (we are just like that...youll learn that later on)

B. She is not your friend.

C. When was the last time they came to see you.

2006-10-23 14:01:03 · answer #9 · answered by Cman 3 · 0 0

Exercise is one of the easiest ways to reduce stress. Exercise assists your cardiovascular system and blood circulation. By performing exercises consistently your overall health, including sugar levels will remain normal.

Exercise is good for mental growth. Exercise makes our mind calm and develops memory. It helps increase self-confidence and moulds our personality. There are various forms of exercises such as aerobic as well as anaerobic exercises, which provide various benefits. Aerobic exercises are running, swimming, cycling and walking. They aim to burn your excess calories and also increase your energy. When you are following these exercises you inhale a lot of fresh oxygen. In this way they are beneficial to the cardiovascular system and keep the blood circulation process intact.

2006-10-23 19:43:21 · answer #10 · answered by gree c 3 · 0 0

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