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The war is over (the US won). The military is now working on a "nation-building" mission. What if the US dropped everything and left? Should they leave?

2006-10-23 13:01:17 · 27 answers · asked by Reddigo 2 in Politics & Government Military

27 answers

My latest thinking is that it will fail either way. I don't believe the ragheads will ever let an American led program such as this, succeed. If they must wait until we do leave, then that's what they will do.

2006-10-23 13:09:47 · answer #1 · answered by briang731/ bvincent 6 · 1 1

It would create a vaccum that would create more terrorists because of the anger from the innocents that are depending on us. We would witness genocide like the killing fields in Cambodia but I'm afraid it would be on a grander scale. You would show the world that they are right about America losing the courage they had during WWII and can no longer finish what they start. You would give the terrorists more time to plan how to attack our soil since they wouldn't have to be concentrating on Iraq. You would make Ahmadinejad a very happy man. We would be back there within a few years, so you're only delaying the inevitable. I know there's more but that's the basics. No different from 2-3 years ago. Who's to say about 5 years. Since the surge is working I don't think it will take that long, though I do see American bases there like there are in Saudi, Korea, Germany, and Japan. EDIT:RARETOFIND, unless you have been there or have someone who has or is, please don't think you speak for them. I have a son and a niece, plus numerous friends; they want to finish their job and are miserable when they are not there.

2016-05-22 02:48:58 · answer #2 · answered by Rhonda 4 · 0 0

If the US cuts its losses and runs, the Iraqi leadership would become Iraqi warlords and they would cut and slice the country into pieces in a bitter power struggle. There would more bloodbath, and that would haunt the US well through this century. That is not an option.

Maybe America should vocally call for help from its Muslim allies. The situation calls for manpower that can keep the civil disorder in check. Manpower that is not such an appealing target for jihadic snipers and bombers, especially if they can't tell if a particular Muslim soldier is Shiite or Sunni. What kind of jihadic hero would return to his country-of-origin bragging of 21 kills -- 7 crosses/stars and 15 crescents!?

If the US asks its Muslim allies quietly for help, they'll get quietly turned down, because, frankly, the US has no real Muslim allies. They all probably would like the US to lose face and run with its tail between its legs even if it means another half-a-million of their fellow Muslims perish in the ensuing power struggle.

Maybe it should be the UN who should do the calling. If not maybe the US can open its embassies in Muslim nations to recruits willing to fight "the great hatred within Islam," save Muslim lives in Iraq, give force to the voice of Muslim moderation, not to mention gain US citizenship and a generous cash bonus for their families. They need not be trained to be soldiers, just policemen and security guards. Maybe these guys can even fly a new flag that is a combination of the Islamic crescent and the UN symbol.

2006-10-25 23:38:39 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The US will not win. The Iraqis will not win. The US will eventually leave. They will keep US troops in the region but unlike in other countries, the Iraqis will change course,join hands with their former enemy, Iran. Then will come Syria, then Kuwait, then Saudi Arabia and on and on until the entire Middle East will be one unified region.
Contrary to popular belief, Iraq can run her own affairs. and that is exactly what she will do. In the interim, the US will continue plundering in world affairs, flailing about helplessly having no place to land........
War is NOT divine.
Because wars always were, does not mean that they always will be. The US needs wars. She needs wars because she needs a place to try out new weapons, AND old ones. She need wars because wars keep the rich richer, the poor poorer.

Should they leave?
They have yet to accept that they are already on their way home.

2006-10-23 14:08:39 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0


1) Every would be dictator would step up his political mission and Iraq would plunge into unrestricted civil war as the new government has not the infrastructure nor the manpower to police its nation.

2) Osama and company would declare victory over the Great Satan. Whether we would be attacked again is speculation.

3) Eventually a radical Islamic totalitarian would over throw the current powers in Iraq and step up a "prophisied calaphate" in Baghdad.

4) The finest amoungest us would no longer be dieing for some useless cause. Our forces would then be able to fight real terrorists like Hezbollah and Hamas.

5) George Bush would no longer be president.

6) Our war mongering fear instilling politicians would be exposed for the inept leaders they are and have to apologize to the American people and perhaps resign for all of the damage each of them have caused.

2006-10-23 13:18:35 · answer #5 · answered by gatewlkr 4 · 2 1

if the US dropped everything and left then we could all live happily ever after right? WRONG!!!

if we leave then the terrorists who are killing each other will eventually cause MORE unrest to the middle east, take over the iraqi government whatever is left of it and be more of a threat to our national security...

if we dont stop them now, then like roaches if any escape, they will multiply and come back stronger... look at AFGHANISTAN... there is no better example. we thought we beat the taliban back in 2003 but look!!! we are still fighting those guys... its like we had no effect on them.....

why is this concept so hard for many people to understand....

democrats need to understand this and republicans need to shutup and do more

2006-10-23 14:49:46 · answer #6 · answered by john s 3 · 1 0

Imagine the torture and death of all those millions of Iraqis who held up their purple fingers ( and their children too), who risked their life to vote...to have a say in their future. Anyone who ever helped us would face a similar fate.
The terrorists would be singing songs about the cowards we turned out to be. They would find a safe haven to plan their next attack, basking in the glory of defeating the great USA.
Iran and N. Korea would be emboldened, If they attacked Israel, would we have the guts to do anything? If they attack any of our allies would we have the guts to do anything?
Our word would mean nothing, no country would believe in us again. A few body bags and the USA will retreat..they would know not to trust us.If the going gets tough the USA bails.
Our Grandparents, those from the greatest generation, would turn over in their graves in shame.
....But the Libs, they would have finally beat Bush....that's all that matters...Honor be damned. America be damned. They won...yea!

2006-10-23 15:34:24 · answer #7 · answered by USAjane 2 · 1 0

According to the latest poll in Iraq, most people want U.S troops out of there. If the U.S trooops does pull out, I don't think that will make that much of a difference now since most damages has already been done to that country. It is the Shiits and the Sunnis fighting for terrorities so by having the U.S troops act as the buffer, the violence still continues. I don't know if we can call that a victory for the U.S in terms of the war in Iraq, more than 60% of the americans thinks we did a piss poor job there.

2006-10-23 13:08:40 · answer #8 · answered by REEMPIRE888 2 · 1 1

The area would be in chaos worse than it is now. It would leave a gaping hole for another country to step in an take over, such as Iran or Syria. Furthermore, it would show that the US is not strong enough to outlast terrorist forces and will cower and run when things get tough. People need to remember that the US did not become a democratic country in 5 years......we started a revolution in 1775 and did not ratify a constitution until 1787, 12 years later.

2006-10-23 13:06:14 · answer #9 · answered by firehawkv8 1 · 0 2

Well if the US left that would mean they were actually minding their own f ucking business for once and we know that won't happen. Let's see how the USA has done on the "war on terror"
.1) SUSPECT Iraq of having weapons of mass destruction. US Answer: bomb em
2) KNOW for a fact North Korea is very eagerly trying to build weapons of mass destruction. US Answer: Wimp out and let the UN deal with it.
I"M SO GLAD I'M CANADIAN AND NOT AN AMERICAN. Americans have become mindless sheep who are so braindead that they can't see the writing on the wall. Bush is the worst
f ucking terrorist going! He makes Saddam and Bin Laden look GOOD! He has successfully brainwashed a whole country and gotten everyone behind him on his "war on terror" What the rest of the world already knows and the US citizens need to learn is that Bush is EVIL!!! Beware USA! You are sheep amongst a very bad wolf!!

2006-10-23 13:24:00 · answer #10 · answered by I_KNOW_EVERYTHING 1 · 1 2

Nbody will win this war. The longer we stay, the more terrorists will be stirred up, the more people will be injured or killed and the more damage will be done to the homes, businesses and infrastructure of the country. That's not how this administration looks at it, but we have a tiger by the tail and don't know what to do. We messed up big time and to stay longer makes it worse.

2006-10-23 13:06:45 · answer #11 · answered by beez 7 · 1 1

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