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I'm going through a hard time emotionally getting out of a long-term
unhealthly relationship
anyone have any advice, or can anyone relate?

Both of these questions are related

2006-10-23 12:43:32 · 7 answers · asked by kitttyinct.@sbcglobal.net 3 in Health Mental Health

7 answers

I can relate to your question. Sometimes it can be extremely hard to function each day & I'd rather sleep through the day. It is very important to keep your focus on moving forward with your life. It is okay to allow yourself to cry, weep, whatever it takes to release some of the emotions. Things that help me: reading uplifting books, having pets to care & focus on, keeping yourself busy with a simple hobby, & walking outside, even cleaning the house. I love music as well. Try to keep yourself busy & take care of your needs. If you are more than mildly depressed, it is okay & common for people to maybe start on an anti-depressant to get through stressful times.

Good luck to you!!

2006-10-23 13:00:33 · answer #1 · answered by Daiquiri Dream 6 · 0 0

I feel your pain; I've been there before and I'm sorry you feel this way.

At times like this, it's great if you have a group of friends and family to support you when you're feeling down. I find it best to keep yourself busy, while your brain can very easily concentrate on the negative aspects of your situation and be quite debilatating. Keep yourself active, social and try exercising regularly, maybe take up a new hobby. Keep your mind occupied to prevent you from dwelling on bad thoughts that get you depressed.

Sometimes, that's not enough and medication can help tremendously if you're experiencing really bad depression.

When I say "bad" I mean the type of depression where you can't get out of bed, where you think that you'll never get back to living normal again, where you try to forget your thoughts and self medicate through drugs/booze, where you have suicidal thoughts, feel desperate, can't function, eat/sleep and are anxious all the time.

If you're experiencing a combination of any of the above feelings, meds will certainly help you get out of that hole. Specifically, an antidepressant group known as SSRI's work really well for this type of depression; where the more popular drug is Lexapro.

This drug did a lot for me at a very desperate time of my life. It basically saved my job, friends and social well being. It works fast, has the least side effects and is easy to wean off of.

I would suggest that if you're even considering this you see a Pyschiatrist and get diagnosed professionally.

If you go this route, it would also be good to get some Psychotherapy sessions. The meds will help level out your depression, so you can function normally, but the therapy will help you organize your thoughts, so that you can understand why you became depressed initially and develop the tools that can help you take better care of yourself in the future.

I hope this helps and that you get better soon.

2006-10-23 20:16:29 · answer #2 · answered by Altruist 3 · 0 0

Hi Kitty, so sorry to hear that u r going thru a hard time at present. Have u thought about seeing a counsellor? Worth a try honey. Its always hard coming out of an abusive or unhealthy relationship. I think at the end of any relationship its always hard; it can become addictive and like any addiction can be hard to give up and get over it. You sound as tho u have made the first step by getting out, obviously i dont know all the details, but i would say well done for getting out, thats the hardest part, now just take it day by day honey. I do wish u well and life can only get better. x

2006-10-23 19:53:14 · answer #3 · answered by english_rose10 3 · 0 0

First you have to ID the stressor, which is assumably your feelings concerning your former relationship. Then whenever you are feeling depressed try to identify the specific thoughts that are contributing to your thoughts. Sometimes emotions are tied to these thoughts which may not even be accurate representations of events in the first place. Sometimes this is hard to do by yourself so talk to a friend. Let the emotions out. Finally controll what you think, and you will control what you feel (but you don't want to repress feelings that can come back later during another emotionally unstable time)

2006-10-23 20:06:21 · answer #4 · answered by darkcrono525 1 · 0 0

Thanks so much for helping. Unfortuantely a lot of woman are put into this situation. I'm not out of my relationship yet, but there's a woman at school tht's going through a divorce. She's recently bought herself some new clothes. She's wearing makeup and going out every once in a while. NOw, I dont know if this really helps...but I do know that it can be fun to dye your hair and experiment with your look. SOmetimes that eases the stress for me. As far as lonliness goes...well yahoo has this wonderful answers page..and there's a lot of people...thanks again..sorry i couldn't answer this question better.

2006-10-25 23:03:11 · answer #5 · answered by Starla 2 · 0 0

well I can't tell you exactly what to do but I can tell you what I'm doing, I think this helps....finding something else to do that occupies your time and space find something that you always wanted to do and do it! and have FUN! and this is a BIG NO NO is to involve your self in another relationship right away give your self time to heal and it does take time, giving your self time to find out who you are now and who you want to be and not settle for less than the expectations you have for your self. In other words take time to regroup because in ending relationship we have changed from how we were in cases bad or good.
#1 pray and ask God to help you

don't feel bad if you have to seek a doctor and the help of medication I believe it takes a combination of things

I can remember praying "Lord will I always feel like this" "How long?" the hurt of mental pain can drain us physically. but know this one thing if God can bring me out he can do the same for you

2006-10-23 20:39:10 · answer #6 · answered by linda48217 2 · 0 0

Don´t think anymore on that unhealthly relationship, think in future, that is where your mind need to view. if you´re think only on that relationship you can started again, and keep doing something, reed, write, anything and don´t think anymore on that. make a new life. and if you can´t do it, get help.

2006-10-23 19:50:47 · answer #7 · answered by oscar53394 2 · 0 0

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