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believe in God? feel free to expess ur self

2006-10-23 11:59:14 · 26 answers · asked by melly 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

26 answers

God is my strength and without Him, I am nothing. Of course I believe in God, I'm a proud Christian.

2006-10-23 12:04:21 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

No although my family are very strong christians. As a child I was naturally skeptical, but I went along with what I was told. When I was 14 I started to question, I read the bible when I was 16 and was absolutely repulsed. I couldn't understand why so many people had lied to me. On the outside, it was a completely different experience, once you decide you don't believe in god, it all seems so foolish and childlike, this savior concept.

However, I couldn't stay an atheist, I couldn't accept the materialist view of the world after thinking about it for any period of time. The turning point was when I visited Ladakh in India, I realised how happy the people were, read several books on buddhism and tried meditation. I realised tht no matter what was true, the buddhist viewpoint helped me to find happiness so I decided to become a buddhist.

2006-10-23 19:07:47 · answer #2 · answered by Om 5 · 1 1

I believe that no one can prove that God exists. As a matter of faith, I do believe that there is a benevolent, just God Who is merciful, kind, compassionate, glorious and above the description of anyone on Earth, whether of the past or of the future (ineffable). A great many oppressed people and many others simply don't believe that there could be a God that could let "this" happen to them--whether the oppression is depression, awful bad luck or pogroms of whatever sort. "How could there be evil in the world if God is loving?" I cannot answer that. It is for God to test us, not us to test Him. "Tribulation is a horizon to My revelation." The world is in a renaissance simultaneous with some of the worst times in its history--a bit like adolescence in the life of people. As we get our act together and find out who we really are, our station in life, our destiny and our purpose we will emerge and the world will become another world. It is inexorably taking place. And rock 'n' roll will live forever! :)

2006-10-23 19:13:15 · answer #3 · answered by Mark 3 · 0 0

You are asking others if you should beleive in God or not? Why dont you ask HIM yourself. Dont under estimate the power of prayer. It is real and he does answer you. It comes in feelings, of peace and warmth. Most of the time when the Lord answers you its more of a feeling than anything else.

Find a quiet place, get on your knees and pray.. address him as Father in heaven.. and talk to him. Wait and see how you feel or if thoughts come to your mind... that is the way he speak to me.

I know God lives. I know he knows and loves you perfectly. He wants you to be happy. He is aware of your inner most thoughts and deepest fears and secrets. He wants to help you and be ther for your comfort, but you have to ask him.

Don't let the WORLD tell you what to do or how to think. The world will not be true and will not lead you to do what is right. Follow your inner light, which is the light of Christ you were born with.

You came from the spirit world where we all lived before we came here. You knew your family, your friends and you knew and lived with God and Christ. You are here not by accident but because you have a mission here. Pray to konw what that mission is.

God speed sister-

2006-10-23 19:08:36 · answer #4 · answered by SunValleyLife 4 · 0 2

There Is No God.

The atheist explanation for how the universe was created out of nothing is infinitely more convincing than the fanciful notion advanced by theists.

2006-10-23 19:54:42 · answer #5 · answered by Bad Liberal 7 · 1 0

No. Oh yes and to the man who said atheists are delusional please answer the following questions. Who created God? If you did not see, hear, smell, taste and touch a unicorn would it be dilusional not to believe in one. To the starter of this question thank you for your respect of others beliefs.

2006-10-23 19:05:35 · answer #6 · answered by recycled 1 · 1 0

I feel that there is a higher power in the Universe, whether that is the god of the Jews, Christians, Muslims, etc. i don't know, but there is definetely something or someone out there

2006-10-23 19:04:34 · answer #7 · answered by The Seeker 2 · 0 1

wow i have answered this question so many times it is scary. yes i believe in a "god" but my idea of god is not like yours.
i believe that big bang happened.
i believe big bang was a type of domino effect that created the world and humans evolved.
i just believe that something out there that we don't understand knocked over that first domino..

2006-10-23 19:08:05 · answer #8 · answered by staci m 4 · 1 1

Yes I do believe in god!We odviously didnt evolve from some slime on the ground!

2006-10-23 19:09:41 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Only gods who bown down to me, zee great WikiFuehrer Jimbo Wales!

Heil Jimbo Wales!

2006-10-23 19:10:03 · answer #10 · answered by Bobby... 1 · 1 1

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