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Hello everyone i am an 18 year old girl that wights 190 pounds and every one tells me i look older than my age this situation has me really deppresed and i dont know what to do anymore i feel unworthless because i think that im not attractive at all...can someone help me???

2006-10-23 11:46:51 · 38 answers · asked by Demongc 1 in Health Diet & Fitness

38 answers

Cardio + Light weight training + Proper Diet = Goal

* Eat whole food
Top weight loss tips
Eat whole foods that are as natural as possible. When you eat whole foods that are full of nutrients your body will know how much to eat and how much not to eat. You do not have to count calories because your body is a wonderful machine.

* Eat fresh fruit
Eat at least two servings of fresh fruit every day. Choose whatever type of fruit is in season. Also consume protein because both fruits and protein can fill you up and it makes your stomach seem like its full.

* Drink enough water
Drink the best weight loss supplement known to man, water. Most people do not know the difference from being hungry for food or thirsty for water. A great deal of times people eat when they should drink. Most likely you will not feel as hungry if you are getting enough water. You will be satisfying the thirst, which is confused for hunger. Water also helps you digest food better. Drinking water before you eat will help fill you up.

* Always chew your food
Always chew your food well. Chewing your food well will ensure that you get the most nutrients out of your food. Getting the most nutrients will satisfy your body therefore you will eat less. Another benefit of chewing well is that it helps aid in digestion.

* Take small meals
Eat small, frequent meals in a day. Large meals tax your digestion system, making it work harder. Taking too much time in between meals makes you hungrier for the next meal.

* Include protein at meal
Include good sources of protein at meal, chicken, fish, legumes, peanut, cottage cheese, eggs or yogurt.

* Shut off TV while eating
Shut off the TV whenever you eat – that includes meals and snacks. Studies show that we automatically eat larger portions when we snack in front of the tube, and typically those foods are high in fat and sugar, which means excess calories!

* Increase your physical activity ( Cardio )
Increase your physical activity. Most people are over weight because of a lack of physical activity. Start walking more, bicycling, walks your dog for longer periods of time, swim, dance and leave the car at home when you can. It’s important that you choose a physical activity that you enjoy because you’ll stick with it.

*Weight training ( Light 5 to 10 lbs )
buy some dumbells that are 5-10 lbs and do some exercises with them. Search google: Dumbell exercises and you will see a bunch of useful links along with pictures and description on how to do it. When gaining weight but your doing everything correctly and see changes in your shape, that means you are building muscle and muscle weighs more than fat so dont be alarmed when that happens

2006-10-23 12:39:42 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well, the easiest solution in the world is to simply start on an exercise program, preferrably one that will give you some cardiovascular or aerobic exercise. This could be: jogging, biking, swimming, joining a gym, whatever. The main thing is to pick something you enjoy so you will continue to do it and it won't be miserable work!
This will have two-fold benefits: you will lose weight, look better and younger, plus, its been proven time and again that exercise can relieve depression. Email me if you want a program outline!
And PLEASE! Whatever you do--don't follow the advice of the two answerers who recommnded diets! There is always some new trendy diet but the vast, vast majority of people who do them gain the weight right back! The only solution is a new lifestyle change. I've seen this many times. The very word "diet" implies temporary!
I'm a personal trainer for Gold's Gym

2006-10-23 11:57:59 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Sweetie, the best way to lose weight is through a low fat diet and exercise. Get a book on good nutrition or go on line for healthy eating habits. Also, make sure you are being monitored by a doctor so that you know you are losing in a healthy way. It takes time but trust me, YOU CAN DO IT! I gained 50 pounds with both my pregancies and lost every bit of it with a low fat diet and exercise. If people are telling you that you look older than your age, tell them all to go jump in a lake! What you need is positive people and positive reinforcement - not put downs. Be strong and smile!. Again, YOU CAN DO IT!! xoxo, Zena

2006-10-23 11:54:09 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

you might think about trying this book called "The Movie Star Diet" by Steve Simmons. It helped me lose thirty pounds in 2 1/2 months when I didn't think anything would work. My goal to begin with was only 20 lbs! It has a really easy plan to follow and an excellent workout to use as well. And cheer up. . .your worth has nothing to do with how you look.

2006-10-23 11:51:35 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Well in case you wish to drop pounds; simply attempt to devour fitter (do not now not devour) and upload extra recreation into your tradition- recall your simplest 14.Most men at your age are immature idiots. Don't make him a precedence except you quite, quite like him..Go to the films, or plan a occasion with year peers; so you'll be able to have whatever to seem ahead to. Don't believe of your self as "fats." It's making you've gotten curb self worth. You must love and admire your self. I endorse studying Feeling Good via Dr. Burns and A new earth via Eckhart Tolle.

2016-09-01 01:37:07 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I wanted to lose weight as well and I turned to games to help me out. Dance Dance Revolution, Yourself, Kinetic, are all games geared towards exercise if you happen to have a ps2 or xbox at home. It's something you can do in the house plus with ddr it's fun and you hardly notice how much your working out while you try to get better.

2006-10-23 11:56:19 · answer #6 · answered by golden_moon_girl 3 · 0 0

Exercise! Believe me, it's the only way to have a fit body. Along with regular exercise, you may also control your food intake with Weight Loss/Hoodia sample. These will help develop firmer muscles, while you burn fats and shed off those extra pounds. Check out this site http://www.upkb.com/weightloss.php for more info.

2006-10-24 15:07:30 · answer #7 · answered by Scotty 2 · 0 0

set a healthy goal if you want to lose weight. but only start a program IF YOU feel it's warranted. don't do it because people say whatever. because if you do that you will be forever trying to please people.

if you really want to change your body. do not do crash diets or take diet aids. they will make you worse off. start a healthy plan. weight watchers is good i heard. but if you are broke those types of plans will not last because you won't have the money. www.sparkpeople.com is good for setting up your plan including diet and its FREE.

WWW.3fatchicks.com is free too. and has tons of support including pictures of real people losing weight the right way.

2006-10-23 12:00:24 · answer #8 · answered by sweetestnectar25 3 · 0 0

Awww honey, don't ever let anyone else make u feel worthless! If people can't accept u for who u are than the hell with them!
If ur gonna lose weight, do it for yourself, NOT for someone else. What u need to do is just eat right and exercise. Eliminate any junk food, eat plenty of fruits and veggies.
If wanna talk more u can email me...just go to my page and send me a message.

2006-10-23 11:58:36 · answer #9 · answered by It'sMe23 5 · 0 0

you dont have to make a three digit number your weight loss goal aim for a certain dress size or waist measurement

2017-03-13 08:24:36 · answer #10 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

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