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Questions like where can he be seen ,What is his location,Why can`t we have proof of his existance, Where are his relatives ?
Where are the Actual writings in jesus`s handwriting?Any DNA evidence ?Why does he let innocent people die horrible deaths ?
Why do children suffer with painful diseases?

2006-10-23 11:42:47 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

14 answers

Because they have no good answers. Anger is a good defense for being an idiot. You see it on the roads all the time. Somebody makes a dangerous and idiotic maneuver and then they give YOU the finger. Suffer ignorance and smile is the best advice I can give you.

2006-10-23 11:47:19 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Where can he be seen?
God can be seen everywhere if you know how to look.
What is his location?:
Why can`t we have proof of his existance?
You are proof that he is alive, ask your MOM
Where are his relatives ?
We are his brothers and sisters
Where are the Actual writings in jesus`s handwriting?
Jesus wrote in the sand
Any DNA evidence ?
The Holy Spirit
Why does he let innocent people die horrible deaths ?
To seek him.
Why do children suffer with painful diseases?
To seek him.

2006-10-23 18:55:30 · answer #2 · answered by St. Mike 4 · 0 1

There is no such thing as a bad question regarding God or Jesus, if it is asked in truth, I mean, seriously. If a person is mocking, then their question should be ignored but an honest question is just that. If you have gotten bad responses from people it's just that they're insecure themselves.

God can be seen everywhere. We overlook Him because he spills over into everything. He sees to it that every proton in every nucleus stands together and doesn't fly apart. He wrote your DNA sequence personally which is why Jesus is called the "author" of life.

Jesus is in Heaven, but also on earth, working through His people, who are few, because he is a spirit.

Jesus has no physical relatives, sexually speaking, but His spiritual brothers and sisters are everywhere.

People suffer because people sin. Sometimes a person suffers because of their own sin, and others due to the actions of someone else. It's not why you suffer that counts, it's how you get through that suffering. We are guaranteed suffering. Jesus can help us through it, but dealing with it personally. With His spirit tied to our own spirits, we have access to His strength, which is the lost secret of humanity-- God within us, living through us, loving through us and making life worth living through us. He can do thbe things that we can't. But you have to be willing for Him to take control of your life, and that is something few, if any do.

2006-10-23 18:56:39 · answer #3 · answered by Damon 2 · 0 1

I would think it is because they assume your "questions" are simply a feeble attempt to argue against the existence of God. But just for fun I will answer your "questions" to the best of my ability.
1. He can be seen in His creation.
2. His location is everywhere, He is omnipresent.
3. Because then faith would be unneeded.
4. He has none.
5. There are none.
6. No.
7. Because life is a vapor and our ultimate purpose is to fulfill His will.
8. See number 7.

I hope that helped.

2006-10-23 18:52:05 · answer #4 · answered by Cybeq 5 · 0 1

There are many ways to prove that Jesus existed as I told you before but perhaps you still did not read the book by Josh Mcdowell called "evidence that demands a verdict"
So I dont believe that you really want answers you just want to ask questions and the choice Is yours,most people trully want answers.

2006-10-23 18:47:46 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Mostly sin. And because this is Yahoo! Answers, where anything can be answered and any type of answer can be given. It's the gift of a mind and free-will. I love not being a robot! Oh and Jesus existed, whether he was the son of God or not.

2006-10-23 18:46:06 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

he only innocent people are children, and we look at death as bad, God may look at it as a way to take us home, but sin is the reason for all suffering, if someone in the family has a disease, start looking in the past , and see where the sin came from.

2006-10-23 18:47:27 · answer #7 · answered by theladylooking 4 · 1 1

You know, there's God, and there's the opposite of God, AKA THE DEVIL. Do you really think God, the creator of the heavens and the earth, creator of you and me, ultimate pure love, is going to cause all of that terrible stuff? NO!!! His opposite will. His opposite is out to kill, destroy, make miserable. That's why he's the opposite, DUH. That's the only reason I wouldn't like those questions, because it isn't GOD doing this evil! God and the devil are at war! The devil is trying to f*cking claim and kill everyone, and God is fighting for us stopping it!!! God doesn't allow things to happen, He only doesn't prevent certain things from happening. Why? I'm not sure, because some of those things He doesn't prevent are really terrible! His timing and His ways are mysterious, yet perfect. We may not like them, we may not see what the heck kind of plan He has when bad things are happening, but He does, and He knows what He's doing, and He's FREAKING AWESOME!!! :) And like thelady said up there, it's all because of sin, not God. That's the point of Jesus, to rid of sin. Why isn't it gone if He died for it ages ago? Because lots and lots of people are saying no to Him and the freedom!

2006-10-23 18:55:25 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

they get mad because they have no real answer. People will get angry with this because if they are forced to really examine and try to find the answers they will realize they believe and base their lives on a myth perpetrated by greedy men trying to control the population.

2006-10-23 18:52:27 · answer #9 · answered by staci m 4 · 1 1

I think people get offend we ask questions about god or jesus b/c they dont fully belive

2006-10-23 18:45:46 · answer #10 · answered by jthizz_06 2 · 1 0

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