You all remember me, i am the one with the trouble about my ex-girlfriend, and how she was flirting with another guy right in front of me. well it worked i ignored her, stopped flirting with her, and started flirting with other women, and with 3 days she stopped flirting with him, hardly even talks to him, and now she is flirting with me and being sweet to me. but what should i do now that i have got her back? i dont want to ask her out right away, but one day i do. so what do i do now?
19 answers
asked by
Family & Relationships
➔ Singles & Dating
There is no point in asking her out. If you do, you will give her the attention she so obviously wants and then she is going to start flirting with other guys. This girl is not in the same mindset as you and I highly recommend moving on bc she will do this to you again if you do have her back in a relationship.
Good Luck
2006-10-23 11:33:27
answer #1
answered by Me 3
Enjoy the attention form other females and maybe you will find soemone better for you befor eyou take her back. Seriously reconsider taking her back.There are lots of really nice women out there that will respect a good man. Just be patient and you will find one. Good Luck, I'm hoping you find someone else!!!
2006-10-23 18:34:29
answer #2
answered by DispatchGirl 4
just be careful not to get hurt again. her attention span doesn't seen too long, and she could be interested in someone else before you know it.
I don't want to bring you down when things are going your way.
I would just take it easy with her for a while and if she goes back to flirting with another guy or guys I would cut my losses and move on.
Best of luck to ya
2006-10-23 18:40:14
answer #3
answered by atiana 6
Just act cool and have fun with her. She was just getting attention. Ask her out when you feel it is the right moment. But I'd keep a close eye on her. She sounds like a player.
2006-10-23 18:31:11
answer #4
answered by Wibble 4
Just give it time, and you will know when the time is right. Just make sure that you don't wait too long. Good Luck and hopefully everything works out for you.
2006-10-23 18:38:41
answer #5
answered by sea shell 2
She knows how to work you over! Don't fall for it, kick her to the curb, and find you someone who appreciates you, without all the head games; unless you are thirteen or something, then I don't know, but I could put my 12 year old on her to give you different advice.
2006-10-23 18:32:29
answer #6
answered by Kelly D 2
Don't feel so sure of yourself. Things can change moment to moment with fickle people. Have confidence in yourself and do what "you" think is the right thing to do. Feelings don't come cheap and you deserve the edge for the moment anyway......
2006-10-23 18:36:53
answer #7
answered by silhouette 6
Sh*t or get off the pot. Ask her out. Quit playing games. Grow up.
2006-10-23 18:30:05
answer #8
answered by denverbroncos1973 4
just keep flirting and if she breakes up with her B/F, then i would ask her out...
2006-10-23 18:30:04
answer #9
answered by ? 3
ok....flurt with her all the time (only with her) grrls love when guys give all there atintion to just them! then after a while tell her u like her then aske her out.......simple! hope i helped!
2006-10-23 18:31:44
answer #10
answered by cfp70607 1