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Please can someone tell me if you know how to...or sites that clearly tell you

i would prefer someone telling me

And does it help relax the mind?

2006-10-23 11:19:30 · 14 answers · asked by Miss Terious 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

14 answers

Although the general advise regarding meditation is based on the Panjali system of Astanga Yoga, of which Hatha Yoga is a composite part, in this age it is very difficult to still the mind, because our lives are moving at such a fast rate, so another consideration is Mantra Meditation, which is recommended in this age by Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and HDG A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada who states the following about attaining the spiritual platform by this easy and sublime process of chanting the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra:-

By chanting of Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare, which is the sublime method for reviving our Krsna consciousness. As living spiritual souls we are all originally Krsna conscious entities, but due to our asociation with matter since time immemorial, our consciousness is now poluted by the material atmosphere.

In this polluted concept of life, we are all trying to exploit the resources of material nature, but actually we are becoming more and more entangled in the actions and reactions of worldly activities.This temporary illusory condition is called maya, in which there is a very hard struggle for existence over the stringent laws of material nature. This illusory struggle against the material nature can at once be stopped by revival of our Krsna consciousness.

Krsna consciousness is not an artificial imposition on the mind. This consciousness is the original energy of the living entity. When we hear the transcendental vibration, this consciousness is revived. And the process is recommended by authorities for this age. By practical experience also, we can perceive that by chanting this maha-mantra, or the Great Chanting for Deliverance, one can at once feel transcendental ecstasy from the spiritual stratum.

When one is factually on the plane of spiritual understanding, surpassing the stages of sense, mind and intelligence, one is situated on the transcendental plane. This chanting of Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare is directly enacted from the spiritual platform, surpassing all lower states of consciousness--namely sensual, mental and intellectual.

There is no need of understanding the language of the mantra, nor is there any need of mental speculation nor any intellectual adjustment for chanting this maha-mantra. It springs automatically from the spiritual platform, and as such, anyone can take part in this transcendental sound vibration, without any previous qualification, and dance in ecstasy.

We have seen it practically. Even a child can take part in the chanting, no-one is excluded. The chanting should be heard however, from the lips of a pure devotee of the Lord, so that immediate effect can be achieved. As far as possible, chanting from the lips of a nondevotee should be avoided, as much as milk touched by the lips of a serpent causes poisonous effect.

The word Hara is a form of addressing the energy of the Lord. Both Krsna and Rama are forms of addressing directly the Lord, and they mean, Krishna means "all attractive" and Rama means " the resorvoir of pleasure." Hara is the supreme pleasure potency of the Lord. This potency, when addressed are Hare, helps us in reaching the Supreme Lord.

The material energy, which is described in sanskrit as maya(that which is not) or the temporary ever shifting material energy, is also one of the multipotencies of the Lord, we are also possess marginal potency, which means we can either choose to live a spiritual life and revive our original spiritual form, that is temporarily covered by the inferior, ever changing material energy, or we can choose to perform more worldly activities which result in our remaining in the material realm, transmigrating from one body to another, which is awarded to us based on the mentality we create over the course of our lives through desires and activities.

The living entities are described as superior energy than matter. When the superior energy is in contact with inferior energy, it becomes an incompatible situation. But when the supreme marginal potency is in contact with the spiritual potency, Hara,it becomes the happy, normal condition of the living entity.

The three words, namely Hara, Krsna and Rama, are transcendental seeds of the maha-mantra, and the chanting is a spiritual call for the Lord and His internal energy, Hara, for giving protection to the conditioned soul. The chanting is exactly like a genuine cry by the child for the mother. Mother Hara helps in achieving the grace of the supreme father, Hari, or Krsna, and the Lord reveals Himself to such a sincere devotee.

No other means, therefore, of spiritual realization is as effective in this age, as chanting the maha-mantra, Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.

His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

To discuss further:-Sriman Sankarshan Das Adhikari (sda@backtohome.com)

2006-10-23 13:15:13 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Here's a good way to get started.

Sit in a comfortable position, with a straight spine, and the eyes either closed, or out of focus.

This is a good one to teach our mind to concentrate, called the twenty-four second meditation. It involves picturing numbers made up of dots as shown on large digital displays. We commence by picturing the digits 24. When we can clearly visualise each dot which makes each of the two digits two and four, then we move to 23, and 22. The concentration on the dots helps to eliminate other thoughts from the mind, and with a little practice over a few days, we are able to move from 24 down through all the digits to 0. If another thought enters our mind during this process, then we must start again. This is why it takes a few days before we are able to succeed Once we can succeed then we are achieving an alpha state of mind, which is relaxed, and free of the linear thought process. This is the state of mind required for deep meditation, which we discuss later.


2006-10-27 03:37:32 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Meditation is just tranquil thought. All you need to do is take some time out, find somewhere where you won't be distracted and to spend time focusing on being in your environment. I find the shower can be a nice place if you haven't got time to go anywhere else. Someone else can often give you interesting things to think about, but I like to just wind down the conscious activity and let my thoughts drift for a bit. It's very relaxing, and it will probably wind up coming naturally to you if you can just loosen your grip on restrictive contemplation.

2006-10-23 11:29:21 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I just get in a comfortable position with my eyes close, and then to get my mind quiet, I usually count to 100 (or from 100 to 0) and then I spend a minute or two imagining my "happy place" which for me happens to be lying in the grass looking up at the sun shining through the leaves on a tree, and then I spend time just focusing on breathing deeply.

But there are lots of good ways to do it, some people imagine each muscle relaxing one body part at a time, others imagine light filling their body...etc...it doesn't really matter, so long as it gets you to a point of a calm mind and body.

And yeah, it definitely helps relax the mind, sometimes I do it just to get my head to shut up so I can fall asleep.

2006-10-23 11:30:55 · answer #4 · answered by daisyk 6 · 1 1

Meditation does help relax the mind, it teaches you not to ignore the constant mental chatter, but to accept it and just let it "be" without worrying or concentrating on it. The best site I've found is:


It has online courses in meditation, and also MP3s to download and such to help you along the way along with some very clear descriptions of many different types of meditation.

I particularly like the Mindfulness and Loving Kindness meditations, both are very calming, and if you use the MP3s, the guy who does them, Bodhipaksa, his voice is very soothing.

2006-10-24 04:03:44 · answer #5 · answered by junkmonkey1983 3 · 0 2

Firstly know you can do it, like someone said here, it's easier than most think. One doesnt have to be a budhist monk to do so.
Sit down somewhere quiet and try not to think of anything, just sit and let what ever comes come. The more you try the easier it gets. To look within will bring peace of mind.
There are cd's that can help .

2006-10-23 11:31:02 · answer #6 · answered by *JC* 4 · 1 1

Meditation is in basic terms tranquil thought. All think ofyou've have been given to do is take some holiday, hit upon someplace wherein you is genuinely no longer distracted and to spend time targeting being on your ecosystem. I hit upon the bathe could be an exceptional area in case you haven't any longer bought time to go anyplace else. somebody else can generally grant you exciting concerns to assume approximately, although i like to easily wind down the conscious undertaking and permit my ideas flow for quite. it is totally tension-loose, and it is going to maximum possibly ultimately finally end up coming genuinely to you in case you will in basic terms loosen your grip on restrictive contemplation.

2016-10-02 21:24:49 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Meditation is quite simply being alert of your speech and actions while comtemplating the nothingness around you. Pick up some books on Buddhism for help. And yes it not only relaxes you, but teaches you how to handle stress without taking any drugs.

2006-10-23 11:22:58 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

if you go to a bookshop and get a meditation or relaxation tape/cd that may be a good introduction to meditation.

there are many forms of meditation, but i tell you this: you're about to learn one of the most useful skills of your life if you learn how to meditate.

i hope you get something that works for you, it really is worth the effort.

2006-10-23 11:28:28 · answer #9 · answered by swot 5 · 1 1

Counting breaths is a good way to begin with.

Count your breaths silently up to ten and then start again.

Let distracting thoughts go and focus on your counting.

If you lose your way just start again.

And yes it does help relax the mind.

2006-10-23 22:20:01 · answer #10 · answered by mesun1408 6 · 0 1

Hello -Miss Terious-.. :)

I meditate on God's Holy Word..it not only relaxes your mind, but your heart also.. :)


In Jesus Most Precious Name..
With Love..In Christ.. :)

2006-10-23 11:26:10 · answer #11 · answered by EyeLovesJesus 6 · 0 2

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