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I keep hearing it, and frankly, I'm fed up. If the illegal immigrants want to join them then they should go ahead and ask permission to live among the Native Americans. But the thing is, the illegal immigrants are seeking to join the society established by the European settlers. So, abide by our rules or stay out.

All we're asking is to play by the rules and assimilate. But no, I've seen positive questions about assimilation getting hate-filled answers and acusations of how our ancestors stole the land.
Well, I've got news for you- we didn't choose to be born here, we didn't ask out ancestors to settle here. But we are born here and we're concerned with preserving out heritage, our democracy.
I've seen a lot of generous Americans in the forums who would like to give amnesty to the illegals, and that's a credit to their humanity and generosity. But the thing is, we don't owe the illegals anything.
Not one thing. So stop with the racist card already!!!

2006-10-23 11:09:32 · 16 answers · asked by katskee 1 in Politics & Government Immigration

16 answers

I do not approve of anyone using my peoples ties to this land as an attempt to sway public opinion of legal status or lack thereof.

"This is the Native Americans land" , concerning the United States of America is not an argument, It is a fact. All Natives feel this spiritual and cultural tie to the land. That can never be broken as long as there is a single Native left alive. Fact. This tie is not a commodity to be used or traded, it is a thing deep within each native Americans heart and soul which can never be changed, We have always been here, and this is where we will always be, We were put here by our Creator to be a part of this land, not to own it, but to live with all of creation on it, because we are related to all things.
Many will not understand this concept and thats alright, those that do understand, know of what I speak.
Thank you.
No amnesty for illegal immigrants, no matter their country of origin.

2006-10-23 11:46:38 · answer #1 · answered by Stands Alone 2 · 4 1

I'm tired of hearing people say only "native" Americans are the true Americans. Anyone born in the USA or is a naturalized citizen is a true American, not just the so-called 'indian'. Besides, before America was discovered they were never Americans in the first place. Only the Europeans gave it that name. Who knows what it was called before that.

2016-05-22 02:19:46 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Me! especially since Mexicans have forgotten that we had native Americans, and no tribe was the "Mexican tribe." I get so tired of having to explain basic elementary school history over and over again. Doesn't anyone read anymore?

2006-10-23 12:41:24 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Yeah, but you notice they don't take issue with Spain on this, they ***** about the United States instead...american settlers were latecomers to the native american wipe-out fest, although once upon a time, in the 1800's, there were a lot of battles fought against the various native american tribes in the american territories by the Army and the settlers themselves.

I support compensating the native american tribes within reason, they're provided special legal considerations, monies, land that is theirs for keeps unless they decide to sell it, but you have to beware of all the people from primarily Mexico who are looking for space on ANY handout wagon they can concievably climb aboard. Mexico's not after one bite off the burrito, they've already got that. They'd like the entire enchilada platter, AND your chair...
you don't mind, do you? LOL

I support the US/Mexico border fence, and a brand-new mutual immigration treaty with Mexico that specificially addresses migrant workers etc. LEGAL immigration only. The 'you stole our land' crap needs to be forwarded to Spain...they can stop trying to demonize Bush or whatever, and go after Juan Ponce De Leon, the 'original gangsta' Conquistador, whose contemporaries in Mexico laid waste to the Aztecs etc. Spain ruled Mexico with an iron fist for decades if not centuries, and propelled the Catholic church( a shady racket in its' own right, truth be known) into the Americas.

In amid all of this carnage, they also taught everyone a common language, how to build buildings, I believe they even introduced horses to the americas, not 100% sure on that but it sounds right without looking it up, do your own reference work, and there was a host of other things they did to advance and promote progress in Mexico. I'm not sure what exactly is wrong with Mexico these days, Spain went home, I guess we can hope for the best, put the history book back on the shelf, and focus on building a better future for both countries...but, in the meantime until that utopian magical day arrives, and milk and honey descend from the clouds borne by virgins carrying alabaster vases and weariing nothing but smiles, until then, back in reality-land, let's have our border fence and no-nonsense immigration enforcment. Chances are we'll never see flying virgin ONE, so reality's better, even if it's not as utopian...

Moral of the story: Put the tequila bottle AWAY, and live in the here-and-now, where we need a better agreement with Mexico where they recognize our border and stop trying to game their way past it at will...and, if we don't get that kind of mutual understanding, then just don't give em a choice in the matter...they can fix their own country, we can fix on ours, everyone gets along, happy-happy joy-joy...just on opposite side of the US/Mexico border fence.

As a footnote, the border fence with Mexico only deals with ONE portion of illegal immigration, the largest perhaps, but not the only one. Illegal immigration is a phenomenon that carries people from all over the world to our shores in search of a better life ostensibly, but often in search of OTHER things...like where to unload their dope, a way to live off the government without lifting a finger, and ways to commit larceny, all the GOOD stuff...crime DOES pay, until the citizenry at large stands up in support of better enforcement standards...we have to decide what kind of country we're building, and what we mean, exactly, when we say 'we'. There's a lot of polarization out there on this one, hopefully we can get around to some good answers on all of this.

2006-10-23 11:51:26 · answer #4 · answered by gokart121 6 · 0 2

i am an American
my family has some Indian blood lines in it..
you are right 100% it is just people wanting something for nothing
most justify taking advantage of the system by saying
" if they are dumb enough to give us things we should take it"...
illegal Mexicans should know that the natives here would never have tolerated there trespassing on our land
we would have taken the women and killed the men or made them slaves.. mexicans are not native americans

2006-10-23 11:20:53 · answer #5 · answered by ken y 5 · 3 3

I am so tired of all the arguments pro-illegals make - none are valid. Legal or illegal is the only thing that matters! If all those "generous Americans" want amnesty then let them support them - stop using my tax dollars!

2006-10-23 11:14:26 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 6 2

I dont think the inmigrants want to join your society. They`re creating their own among yours. North America should change the inmigrations rules, because currents ones are not working. Its not about racist or who is white, or who is brown. You should change your point of view.

2006-10-23 12:20:04 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

The idea that only "Native American" have the right to oppose immigration to the United States ignores the concept of "nation." There was no such thing as the political entity known as the the United States until the Founders created it in 1776.
Furthermore, there are not grades of citizenship. One is either a citizen of this country, or one is not. We are not more or less citizens of the United States based on the number of generations preceding us on these shores.
And, particularly, we are not more or less citizens of this country based on our skin color or ethnicity.
Since everyone in the world has ancestors who immigrated from somewhere else, the immigration history of one's ancestors is probably not relevant to the formulation of wise public policy.

To the SALUG who said the illegal gives so much to this country....Read what the illegal alien takes from just my state of Arizona with his "cheap"labor

The $1.3 billion in costs incurred by Arizona taxpayers is comprised of outlays in the following areas:

Education. Based on estimates of the illegal immigrant population in Arizona and documented costs of K-12 schooling, Arizonans spend approximately $820 million annually on education for illegal immigrant children and for their U.S.-born siblings.

Health Care. Uncompensated medical outlays for health care provided to the state’s illegal alien population is now estimated at about $400 million a year.

Incarceration. The cost of incarcerating illegal aliens in Arizona prisons and jails amounts to about $80 million a year (not including the monetary costs of the crimes that led to their incarceration).

The unauthorized immigrant population pays some state and local taxes that go toward offsetting these costs, but they do not come near to matching the expenses. The total of such payments might generously be estimated at $257 million per year.

The fiscal costs of illegal immigration do not end with these three major cost items. The total costs of illegal immigration to the state’s taxpayers would be considerably higher if other costs such as special English instruction, school nutrition programs, or welfare benefits for American workers displaced by illegal alien workers were added into the equation.

2006-10-23 11:19:41 · answer #8 · answered by Yakuza 7 · 2 5

Probably not the Native Americans still living on reservations....

2006-10-23 11:16:40 · answer #9 · answered by kmcdonald 2 · 2 2

Yes, I'm tired of hearing it. Can't change the past. But I was born here, therefore, I'm a legal American citizen. I have every right to be here - I'm legal. They (the illegal aliens) have no right to be here and should be deported back to their home countries. You're right....we do not owe them anything. They resent Americans, but Americans are supposed to like and accept them, no matter how much they hate us. It's perfectly okay for them to be racist toward us, but if we show any resentment toward them...omg we're hate-filled racists! I'm just sick of all of it.

2006-10-23 11:19:20 · answer #10 · answered by spmk_009 2 · 4 5

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