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I have a neighbour with 5 kids. She is a loser who is on welfare and does not discipline her kids AT ALL! I'm not kidding. They are so horribly behaved that NOBODY in our town will babysit them. I think they need a really good spanking. In fact, I've been tempted to slap them myself but I'd get in trouble. They are completely awful kids. Do you think they need a really good spanking? My buddy disagrees. Mind you her kid's a spoiled brat too but not as bad. I think a good spanking is needed when all else fails. What do you think? (I now completely avoid this neighbour because I feel like slapping her kids whenever I go over there). Yes, they ARE that bad!! They have NO manners and act like f*cking barnyard animals. They don't even act like human beings. They act like little spoiled animals who have to have their own way. It's sickening and I realize it's mostly the mother's fault for being too damned lazy to discipline her kids. She just gives them whatever they want to shut them up!

2006-10-23 10:57:24 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

20 answers

You didn't say how old the kids are, but if there are five of them, I'd guess that at least some of them are school aged.

It's not the act of spanking that makes a kid behave. So, at this point in those kids' lives, a spanking would do nothing except give the adult some strange sense of revenge, and that's not the purpose.

Spanking is just one small part of an entire method of discipline and correction. It should be used only as the final consequence for direct disobedience (as opposed to natural childish mistakes). You don't just go smack a kid when he screws up... there's a whole process that should happen before it gets to that point.

First you decide what behavior you're trying to encourage or discourage... let's say you want to make sure your child doesn't run out into the street. You start teaching that as soon as he's old enough to understand and remember. You take him to the curb, and tell him that he should never go out in the street. You tell him why, and discuss it with him as much as his age will allow. You remind him about it as often as possible for a while.

For a time, if he starts to move toward the street, you stop him and sternly remind him of the rules. Early in the process, you can assume that he's just forgotten (childish mistake). Once you are sure that he understands, if he breaks the rule, you have to assume that he's defying you. That's direct disobedience, and at that point, you'd need to spank him. I recommend a quick spank right there at the curb, followed by a time out, followed by a discussion of what happened. You'd also give plenty of love and hugs and forgiveness during the discussion.

SO ANYWAY... to answer your question directly.... No. It's probably too late for your neighbor's kids, especially considering that she's not motivated to improve their behavior. Additionally, it's NEVER a neighbor's job to spank someone else's kids.

It's clear that you're frustrated, and I don't blame you. Is there some reason why you need to have contact with her? I think I'd just tell her, "I like you, but life's too short for me to be around such unpleasant children. I won't be coming over any more. You're welcome in my home, but I'm sorry, your children are not." Chances are, Mommy Dearest won't be too pleased with this, and any friendship you have will be over. Doesn't sound like you'll be missing much, though.

Oh, another thing... if the children are doing dangerous or illegal things, I'd definitely call the police or Child Protective Services, and notify them.

2006-10-23 11:35:57 · answer #1 · answered by Susie Q 2 · 0 1

When a welfare mother has five undisciplined children that are running wild, we can't blame the children. A really good spanking is not going to make these kids change into responsible, respectful, nice children. If they have no manners, it's because Mom isn't teaching them any. If they run around like f'cking barnyard animals it's because the mother allows it. I have NO doubt in my mind that the children are BAD and miserable to be around, but the children are to be pitied. It is heartbreaking to see children in a situation like this. They need love and guidance and a lot of attention. Avoiding this neighbor is a good idea right now. You can't do anything to change the kids and their behavior is unacceptable as it is now. Spanking would merely relieve ones own inner anger at the behavior of the children, not fix it. If Mom is truly to lazy to take care of her own children or too immature or whatever, maybe it's time for someone to make a call to get her some help. If not, it's the children who will continue on a downhill path to a dead end road. If spankings were the answer to the children's behavior, it make the situation much easier, but as it stands, it's not going to help.

2006-10-23 12:08:42 · answer #2 · answered by sistervoodoo2 2 · 0 1

lee.ishere's posted this: to be honest this is nothing to do with you and spanking is iliegle in many states'/ countrys now. and you have no idea what trarmers this girl/ mother/father has been through so dont call her a looser coz this is just making you look like a jerk
and if your friend is a friend u wouldent say her kids r spoild the reasures me about my last comment
oh yes and lesley what you have just sagested is aliegle and a matter of fact spanking someone elses child is aliegle to. and what you are saying about the mother is slander i have a right mind to report this chain.

law enfocement website, jhonny (friend and police oficer)

MY RESPONSE: WHAT ARE YOU LEEISHERE, THE F*CKING POST POLICE?? First of all, people who are not even smart enough to spell at the fifth grade level should not post responses. Mostly because they are stupid. Aside from your post being barely understandable, it's obvious your a moron. What the hell is
"aliegle"?? Do you mean ILLEGAL? What a complete retard. You must be in special ed. Anyways, retard, please go back to school and learn how to read and write BEFORE u post. And by the way, sometimes kids do require a smack on the butt. It should be used in conjunction with a proper discipline regime. I think the poster leeishere's needs a really good slap too! Might be too late to turn this moron around though!!

2006-10-23 12:00:53 · answer #3 · answered by I_KNOW_EVERYTHING 1 · 0 2

Shoot, don't all neighbor kids need a good spanking, lol. Keep your kids away from these children. U already said it, she is a loser, the problem starts with her not the kids, yes the kids are a direct reflection of her abilities (or lack there of). I am a huge beleiver in spankings however I don't think they will work with these kids. First they must be loved, and have enough quality time with there parents before a spanking will do them any good. Successful parenting is one huge pie, the biggest fraction going to love and attention, then the second biggest gong to discipline and punishment. I don't think you can have one with out the other and turn out good children. Just my opinion.

2006-10-23 22:05:20 · answer #4 · answered by olschoolmom 7 · 0 0

Well, slapping, spanking is the wrong way to go,and often times illegal. If you think theyre being neglected then call cps...that would be the normal,sane thing to do. Nobody should ever take physically disciplining a child into their own hands,if someone ever spanked my child I would probably want to take em outside and give em a good punch in the mouth,I dont spank my daughter and noone else will either or theyll pay for it. I say if theyre being taken care of then dont bother with them,mind your own business,unless theyre trespassing and doing something on your property that they shouldnt be,then call the cops.

2006-10-23 11:55:30 · answer #5 · answered by prettybelle7 2 · 0 1

I think the mother needs a slap first and then maybe some birth control so she stops spitting out kids for the taxpayers to pay for. The little bast ards sound like they do need a spanking. And spanking is not illegal..abuse is! You are allowed to spank your kid you just can't take it to the level called abuse. I used to get the belt when I really deserved it. I wouldn't do that but a good slap on the @ss can work wonders. I have only spanked my son 3 times. He is 12 and he would tell you that when he got spanked it was for a very good reason. Not just to take my frustration out on him. Abuse is wrong. A good slap on the @ss when all else fails is not.

2006-10-23 11:12:43 · answer #6 · answered by Johnny 1 · 2 2

people who are way lazy should not be allowed to have kids, if they can't take care of them or discipline them properly, have they ever heard of having their tubes tied, I feel the same way about some people in my town, but don't do anything to get yourself in trouble it is not worth it the world would be a better place if these people got their acts together and use their brains, hope things work out for you she should take a parenting class that would show her how to raise her kids properly, they do offer them.

2006-10-23 15:52:20 · answer #7 · answered by Tiffany B 1 · 0 0

first try calmly talking to her about the problem state your reasons in and then listen to her answer like you care. if she does not listen contact authorities. they will handle the problem and suggest programs the children can be enrolled in or else steps for discipline. spanking honestly does not really do anything except for scare the kids or make them cry. if you take away a there privileges such as TV or video games they will think twice before disobeying you.

2006-10-23 11:11:11 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

There not your kids, so not really your issue. If you can zone the family out mentally do so, or make some more money so you do not have to live in an area with people on welfare.

2006-10-23 12:52:08 · answer #9 · answered by messtograves 5 · 0 0

It is definitely NOT YOUR JOB to discipline another woman's children. Shut and lock your door, and mind your own business, and call the police only when they trespass and start to ruin your stuff.

Nothing you are going to do will change this woman, and there is nothing worse than getting in the middle of a disfunctional situation!

I feel sorry for kids with crappy parents ... Call Social Services every time the kids are neglected - I guarantee she will be moving those kids soon!

2006-10-23 11:09:08 · answer #10 · answered by kkirby45 3 · 1 2

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