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Ok well im am 18 years old, and found out i am 7 weeks pregnant, i love children and babies in fact i plan on being a maternity nurse. My dad died 2 years ago and i have saved a lot of money through his social security and such. I have a good job i work full time and i will be teaching saftey classes in the nest month to truck drivers.
My boyfriend is 24 we have been friends for 4 years and have been together over a year he is a dental technician he is a great guy and loves kids to, i am excited about having a baby but also very very scared, i dont know if it will kill my dreams of going to college and getting my dream job. I want to keep the baby but i dont know how to tell are parents i need some kind words to make me feel a little more capable any advice or suggestions?

2006-10-23 10:54:38 · 19 answers · asked by JayNell 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

19 answers

First of all congratulations. If God didn't think that you could handle this then you wouldn't be pregnant right now. The hardest part might be telling your parents, but remember you are 18, you are an adult. There isn't much they can do if they don't approve of your situation. It sounds like you have a lot going for yourself, it is great that you have a good job, money saved, and that you are still with your boyfriend. Just wait until the first time you feel your baby move, their is nothing like it! You sound mature for your age and I know that you will be just fine!! It is normal to be scared and nervous--just relax as much as you can and try to take it wasy. Also, try not to stress out too much, it isn't healthy for the baby. Remember things happen for a reason, I am excited for you and remember to enjoy every aspect of this journey...it is the best thing you will ever experience! As far as college, etc...there isn't anything that you can't do just because you have a baby. You can still chase your dreams...It is also very important that you see a doctor right away so that you can get started on your prenatal vitamins and health check ups. If you ever need to talk or more advice feel free to email me at jmarks1819@yahoo.com. I'd love to help you through this if you need it and send you a baby gift one day soon! One more suggestion is that if you do not have health insurance, contact your county child/welfare service. It will be a big help if you get on your states medicaid program...it can get quite expensive. Again, good luck, you, your baby, and your family are going to be fine! -Jen

2006-10-23 11:09:46 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You sound like you would be a wondeful mom!
It is also sad that you two aren't married but, at least you are 18, and not a younger teenage girl.
Well, you will have to take time off of work and such- especially if you are put on Bedrest, and you usually want to rest a couple months after your baby is born.
But, don't let it ruin your education!
Putting your child in the hands of a babysitter all day isn't the best idea either. You can also take classes from the internet for school. There are a lot of opportunites that are now available to get school work done, without actually going to school.

But, think of your baby as a blessing. You might have to give up some of your dreams to focus on your child.
It will all work out in the end!
Well, I hope everything goes well! Good Luck!

2006-10-23 11:02:13 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Pregnancy and parenthood is scary for anyone at any age. Make sure you eat well, get some rest and start preparing now because time goes by fast. You can still go to college and work toward your dream job. I may take longer and be a bit more of a challenge but keep strong and you will succeed. Just tell your family no matter what their reaction it will not change the fact that their is a child on the way. Hopefully they will be supportive. I wish you a healthy prgnancy and a healty happy baby. Good Luck

2006-10-23 11:04:58 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I haven't the slightest clue for being a parent as I'm only 15, but I do have to say, my mother had myself at age 9 and my sister at age 6 and went back to college! So it shows that all you need is a little intiative, some elbow grease, and lots of love and you can accomplish anything! Be warned though, it will be a hard trip, my mother tells me that it was the hardest thing she has ever done, but it was well worth it, not only did she live her dream to become a teacher, she also felt very accomplished knowing that she could do anything no matter how impossible it seemed if she just put her mind to it!

2006-10-23 11:04:54 · answer #4 · answered by Jersey Shore Bulldawg 33 2 · 0 0

Obviously you've done a lot of thinking and you aren't going into this with your eyes closed.

Although it will be hard, I think you have what it takes. I know women who started having babies at 18 and they are happy and productive people. It wasn't easy but they did it.

You don't have to give the baby up for adoption to get support. Your family will help you. Also Make sure you talk to the babies father. His support will mean more than anything. What does he think and what kind of encouragement will he give? Sounds like he is willing to do what it takes and 24 isn't too young for responsibility.

Have a great life! Work hard and be happy!

2006-10-23 11:02:11 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The best advice that i can give you is to go ahead and keep the baby, i am 21 years old and i have a 3 month old baby and he is the best thing that happened to me and i love him to bits.... I do agree with you it is scary at first but some how holding your baby in your arms for the fist time will give you the ability to care of it, DON'T ASK ME HOW it just happens. I must tell you that not all parents are the same. My mom did not take it bad at all in fact she was happy to have a gran son. About your studies........... its a hard one, you will have to work twice as hard to get where you want to be in life( you and dad to be).

2006-10-23 11:31:07 · answer #6 · answered by ferdie S 1 · 0 0

Congratulations!! I am happy for you. There are a lot of good responses you received from your question. I do agree that you should go on and tell your parents and get it over with. You never know mom maybe happy to be a grandmother. Not to mention she may already suspect that you are. Just lay it on the line. You can make it like one guy said it's going to be hard sometimes, but it's been done lots of times too. With the help and support of your baby's father and both of you guys parents it makes things so much easier on everyone. Guess what. When that baby makes it here, grandma and grandpa is going to spoil him/her rotten. Believe me I know. My mom was sooo disappointed in me when I told her I was pregnant at 14 years old. She got over it slowly but surely. Good Luck and GOD BLESS!!!!

2006-10-23 11:38:58 · answer #7 · answered by kryptonnite2000 3 · 0 0

Tell your parents. The worst thing they'll do is be mad for a little while or they may just accept it from the get go. I would say that you should also get married. If you've been with your bf for 4 yrs. now, he should be married to you or asked you to marry him. You are both responsible for this child. This baby didn't ask to come into this world, so you and your bf need to take care of him/her. Don't blame the baby for the setbacks or getting in the way of your life.
These situations happen in life and you learn from them. Just remember the choices you make can and will sometimes affect you for the rest of your life.

2006-10-23 11:02:57 · answer #8 · answered by bornagain 2 · 0 0

It'll kick your a** but you'll love it. I wish more your age were as level headed. Be scared. Always question yourself. See if you can get people you trust to help out a little here and there. You'll be fine, you just wont get much sleep. The sooner you tell the truth the better. Plans take time.

2006-10-23 11:01:54 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

well, first off, its better to tell your parents then to lie. sit them down and say, mom and dod, i have to talk to you. there are decisions that i make that impact my life and the decision that i have made today will impact my life. i am seven weeks pregnant.i want to bring this child into the world and i want the support from you the grandparents. i know that you might not agree with the choice that i have made, but i am eighteen and i know what i want to do in life. i plan to have this baby, go to college and get a good job and suceed in all i do. i know that it will be hard but this is what i want. and with the help of my boyfriend, my friends and my family, i know that i can do it.

2006-10-23 11:00:14 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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