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Please help me understand why God would make some ppl homosexual and then firmly say it's a sin. I am a Christian & my faith is in God, so I know there's an answer somewhere, b/c I believe He is love and He is just.
Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.
If you're one of the people who says homosexuality is a choice, tell me why - same goes for those who think it's not a choice. I know homosexual ppl who tell me it's not a choice and that they were born that way... So what do you think?
Thanks a lot!!

2006-10-23 10:43:07 · 30 answers · asked by J-me 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

To clarify things, I do believe it's sinful, because I trust God's judgment, but why would he put that upon someone?

2006-10-23 10:43:57 · update #1

More clarifications...
I am not homosexual myself; I'm just concerned for friends who are struggling because of it.

And to "justagurl43": I don't believe in persecuting gays at all! I know we're all sinful, so why should they be any different. I think we should reach out and help one another, which is why I asked this question - to find the best way to help my homosexual friends when they ask for my help.

Thank you all for the answers so far :)

2006-10-23 11:31:46 · update #2

30 answers

I don't believe you will like what I say because it isn't politically correct. I believe that it is a choice a person that this choice is made out of a deluded sick lust to be something they are not... Jim

2006-10-23 11:18:28 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Even in the homosexual realm they are conceding that one is not "born" homosexual. Besides as we are all born sinners your reasoning would be that God made us all sinners. Murderers are guilty of their sin just as gays are and God is not the author of sin. Read some of the latest research. Most gays come from certain environments with one of them being having no father. Also it is during the teen time when often our hormones have us not thinking right anyway when people have confusing thoughts and what happens today is people tell them they must be gay when they are just confused. That is why it really is a gender disorientation and strong families and truth would help the matter a lot plus telling them they are "born" and or stuck that away makes them believe that and its not true and many are stuck in that lifestyle and don't need to be.

2006-10-23 10:53:12 · answer #2 · answered by beek 7 · 0 0

I don't think homosexuality is a choice.

I am not gay either.

I was raised on a farm. We had dairy cattle. One of the cows was built like a bull - muscular with a thick neck. The cows were bred artificially so they had no experience with bulls. Whenever the cows were put out to pasture, this cow would act just like a bull. She also would try to nurse on the other cows. All of them would kick her except one. She was very difficult to breed and my parents finally had to get rid of her. Everyone said she was actually gay.

I know a woman who is a lesbian that got married as a cover because we live in a very small town and she is a devout Catholic. She had a son who is gay. How can that be if it is a choice?

As for God, I don't have an answer for you. I do find it hard to believe that God would punish someone for something that is beyond their control. I think an untold number of people have suffered terribly throughout history because others just can't live and let live and rather than committing atrocities in their own name, they use God, the devil, or religion as an excuse.

2006-10-23 11:07:07 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

First off, I'd like to ask you all why you think being homosexual is some kind of disease, when clearly, it is not. You can't just rid yourself of being gay by going to support groups. I mean, sure people may want to try, but who are we trying to kid. Just be your goddamn self!

I think your question is quite ignorant to be honest. Even though that is just your belief that homosexuals are sinners, or being gay means you're sinning. I think that if you believe in what God does and the actions he takes, you should also believe that people are who they are and we should respect them for that. We shouldn't treat them any differently then anyone else. isn't the golden rule "treat others the way you would like to be treated."? Yeah I thought so. I'm a Catholic btw...but I'm quite liberal. Oh and God doesn't put it on people to be homosexual, they just are. People are just born the way they are, they don't make some kind of lifechanging choice to become gay, it just happens and there is nothing wrong with it. Also like there is nothing wrong with same-sex marriage. Let them do what they please. People are people and that's how they should be treated. I think we have more important things to deal with these days than being brown-nosers in other people's businesses anyways.

O btw, if you people are saying homosexuals are sinners because the Bible says so...well the Bible also said slavery is okay, too, but it isn't. It's exploitive and harmful - not only physically, but emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

2006-10-23 10:54:49 · answer #4 · answered by justagurl43 1 · 0 0

Let me break it down to you. I am hetrosexual. I was born that way. I am a Christian. It is sinful for me to look at a girl with lust in my heart. But I was born this way. I was also exposed to Alcohol and Drugs growing up and lieng and cheating too. So is that ok? Nope. Alcohol would be if I could drink normally but I can't. Im a drunk. When we are born again we decide to repent and die to ourselves. We are no longer part of the world. It doesn't matter if you are gay or straight or fat or skinny or tall or short. I believe the problem stems from people projecting their own personal morals and homophobia onto their beliefs. Yes its an abomination but so is a pridefull look. Not honoring your Mother and Father is right up there too. We can do nothing outside of the Holy Spirit and Jesus finished work on the cross. All we have to do is accept what Jesus did and want to stop sinning and mean it. The Holy Spirit does the rest if we really want to let it go.

May GOD richly bless you.
(Sorry about spelling spell check is out)

2006-10-23 10:52:21 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

God would never put that upon someone and I do kind of think it is a choice but then again I don't think it is a choice, see the reason I think it is a choice is that you see someone that is the same gender as you and you either adulterate, have feelings but never adulterate, or just think wow its a guy/girl woo hoo. It is your brain and your heart that feels this and if you believe in God and are homosexual my suggestion is pray about it and see what God tells you. The reason I don't think it is a choice is that Satan puts many things into your head that are not Godly and he is trying to pull you away from God. Maybe it is just a feeling at that moment when he puts it in your head and if you think about God's glory and how that is wrong it may go away, but either way just pray and remember you are right where God wants you.

2006-10-23 10:57:08 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Who told you that God makes people homosexual?

But before that debate, maybe the simpler answer is this:

Once a person has heard the Gospel, they are now faced daily with a choice to live righteously.
Maybe gays did not know they had a choice before hearing the Gospel. But once they have heard, they now must choose.

Sinners of all kinds have to deal with this. Thieves, drunks, gays,adulterers, the prideful, etc., etc.

2006-10-23 10:53:42 · answer #7 · answered by Bob L 7 · 0 0

It is just like any other sin. I think the Christian community makes a mistake in judging those who are gay above those who commit other sins. All sins are the same in God's eyes.

Some people have homosexual desires that are sinful, but that doesn't make that desire any worse than a heterosexual desire. At the same time participating in homosexual activity is a sin, just as participating in any sexual activity is a sin outside of marriage.

I am pretty conservative, I hope my response seems logical to you.

2006-10-23 10:51:59 · answer #8 · answered by idlie 2 · 0 0

I find this tendency among us Christians to lay everything at the doors of god very frustrating. If God did everything do you think he could not have made suitable arrangements in putting the fear of his life in Adam to remain away from the Tree of Knowledge? He did not but that does not mean he did not live him. But he is not a spoilt mother who woud spoonfeed the child even if he grows up to be an adult. Such a mother is not an ideal mother at all. God has given us free will and we are adult enough to make iformed choices. No but we would rather blame God or then that inimitable Satan. We are in indeed innocents abroad if we feel that Lucifer tempts us.He is an excuse devised by us. Let us for once try to be adults and find a solution to our problems, if they are problems .

2006-10-23 10:54:33 · answer #9 · answered by Prabhakar G 6 · 0 0

Consider this : Whether we are white or black, yellow or brown, our souls are all the same, being spirit.
So, to me , this means we do not have to answer to any man,when it comes to the things concerning God and our souls, and because we live on this physical earth for a while, we as physical beings must abide by the laws governing society, which is also advised by God anyway.
So the answer would be to have a healthy balance between our spiritual and physical activities.
It makes sense then to do your best in whatever choice you make, or whatever way you are born, abide to both the laws, Gods being : love God above all, and thy neighbour as thyself, and abiding by the exisiting laws of mankind/society.
If society does not accept certain ways of life and lifestyles, that does not mean that God does not accept it.
It is clear that He accepts everybody who does not purposefully and intentionally do things against their own better judgement and concience.
As you said , God is love, and just and all the good things.
The laws of mankind change, but not Gods law.

2006-10-23 11:05:43 · answer #10 · answered by Featherman 5 · 0 0

I can tell you from experience that being homosexual is not a choice. My youngest son is one. I could tell at an early age he was not like the other boys, and would wind up being homosexual. I still love him but I do not agree with his lifestyle. The Bible tells us it is a sin to be gay. Enough said!.

2006-10-23 10:49:02 · answer #11 · answered by Roper 2 · 0 0

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