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My son has horrile tantrums he throws him self around trys to destroy things, Screams at the top of his lungs when he doesnt get his way. It's so bad I really cant take my kids any where because he doesn't know how to act, And he's starting to rub off on my 2 1/2 yr old daughter. I'm pregnate and he takes so much of my energy. I've tryed ignoring him, putting him in his room for time out. I need adive on how to end this. Some one help.

2006-10-23 09:00:52 · 15 answers · asked by Louisa F 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Toddler & Preschooler

15 answers

If ignoring the tantrums are not working & your other child is learning this behavior, try SPANKING!!!!! NOT beating, spanking, to show them both that this behavior will NO LONGER be tolerated.... The longer you let this go the worse it will get & from the sound of it, you will have two doing it instead of one.....
My three boys knew that when they wanted to have a tantrum, there WOULD be consequences for their tantrums. My husband & I do NOT believe in time outs & we do NOT condone beating any child, but we have NOT had to spank any of our boys since they were 2, they are now 10, 8 & 5. Once they KNEW that my husband & I WOULD do what we said we would do, NO MORE TANTRUMS!!!!! I refuse to let a child trash my house throwing things around because they are having a tantrum.... NO WAY!!!
My husband & I are both from homes that spanked. We are NOT maladjusted, cowering, violent, people & our boys aren't either.... They are smart, funny, loving, compassionate & thoughtful. Spanking does NOT scar a child for life or make them violent. BEATING a child, especially just for something to do can & will. But showing a child that there are consequences for their choices will even help them in the future...

Note: mzprincesslady... DON'T fool yourself, your daughter IS old enough to see that when she throws a tantrum mommy gives her a treat. You are only encouraging tantrums that will only get worse so she can get more treats or whatever you start rewarding her tantrums with..... First time mom is my guess!!!! HA HA HA HA!!!!!

2006-10-23 09:19:09 · answer #1 · answered by More Lies & More Smoke Screens 6 · 1 0

How about a good slap on the @ss!!
You know in this "politically correct" society, spanking is so frowned upon but as long as it's just a firm slap on the behind every now and then when really deserved, it's justifiable and legal. I think when all else fails a good slap on the behind can go a long way. These days parents are too scared to discipline thier own kids. Now these kids who don't have any real consequences for their actions end up being complete rotten spoiled brats. The next time he does it grab him and slap him firmly only once on the behind. You'd be amazed at how quick he'll learn to behave himself.

2006-10-23 09:18:31 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I've got a girl that's 4 that just went through that, and one that's barely 3 and is just now entering into it!

Here are a couple of tips for handling it:

Get some books at the library about being mad. The toddler section of any library has excellent books that really do state how to show anger in an effective way.

During the more peaceful moments, play the "emotions" game with him. This is one you can play anywhere, like in the car. Have him show you ways to express anger, love, fear, etc. You will be teaching him the proper ways, like stamping his foot and declaring "I'M MAD!!!". Do it in a silly way and I promise he'll remember.

Oh, also, try to remember that a lot of tantrums at this age are because of frustration at not being able to express what they want, or not being able to achieve their goal, like getting candy or something lol. Helping them to express themselves will lessen the number of tantrums they have.

Just try to remember that tantrums are meltdowns when they can't control the situation and they don't know how to get the situation under their control. Last time my girl had one we were at McDonald's and one boy had yelled into a slide and it hurt her ears. The boy ran off and she didn't get the opportunity to yell back at him lol. She had no way to express how upset she was to the boy so she had a meltdown. I ignored the tantrum and whispered to her screaming self that she was angry because he hurt her ears. She screamed yes she was angry and I whispered to her again that yelling was not appropriate, she needed to lower her voice. She did, and right about that time the boy's mom marched over with her son and made him apologize lol.

Hope this helps some!

2006-10-23 10:34:53 · answer #3 · answered by arewethereyet 7 · 0 1

give him an incentive NOT to throw fits, tell him quietly BEFORE he gets a tantrum going, that if he is nice and asks nicely for something, he gets a gold star but if he throws a fit, he looses two. set up a little poster that you can stick the stars to and when he gets 10 stars on his poster, you all go out for a treat like icecream or a day at the park. Or, set up a timeout chair. If he begins a fit, he goes in the chair, the chair should be in a remote, quiet part of the house so he is semi isolated. he should quiet down soon. if he refuses to sit in the chair, do not raise your voice or get angry, jusst calmly put him back, you must be patient because he'll keep trying untill one of you gives up.
good luck

2006-10-23 09:12:46 · answer #4 · answered by ichigo_li2 3 · 0 1

Ignore it. It's the only way to deal with them.

If he throws a tantrum then just walk away and don't say anything. You see, the reason children throw tantrums is to get attention. When you address the tantrum you are giving him attention and therefore letting him win--even if he isn't getting what he was fussing for. Addressing tantrums tells them "Throw your tantrums..you won't get what you want, but you'll get my attention."

Just ignore it. I garuantee he'll stop. But, remember that tantrums are only tantrums as long as he's not hurting himself. If he is hurting himself (i.e. hitting his head on things, slamming on the floor, vomiting, etc.) it's time to talk to his doctor.

2006-10-23 09:03:14 · answer #5 · answered by CelebrateMeHome 6 · 2 0

he's 10 they're in all risk in simple terms his buddies. supply up analyzing too lots into it, in the event that they're those variety of calls why does your son supply out your selection and think of it is large? Take some duty and prepare the boy some morals instead of coming to Yahoo talking nonsense, how previous are you? 15? appearing like a toddler.

2016-10-16 07:42:42 · answer #6 · answered by benner 4 · 0 0

I have a one year old that just turned one and is very advance and she falls out on the ground i guess it just depends on the childs likes and dislikes i often distract my daughter with something she likes and the tantrum is over but she's not old enough to understand that everytime she is upset mommy give her a treat or simulates her with something pleasant but what i have discovered is that children won't respond to yelling but a calm voice don't show the child you are upset because those feelings are easily picked up and are contageous

2006-10-23 09:14:17 · answer #7 · answered by mzprincesslady 2 · 0 1

Welcome to the club!!!LOL- what I do is-if the tantrums get too out of hand and he starts throwing stuff and screaming I give him a good wack on the rear(pants off) and that calms him right down. I have tried everything from time outs, the corner, you name it I have tried it!! The only method that works for me is to smack him on the butt.I only do it if it gets really bad and out of control. Have you tried it? It might work since it sounds like we have the same problem!! I know it sucks but you gotta put your foot down to let him know who is boss!! Especially since it is getting to his little sister. Since she sees that he gets away with it she is going to do it too and you have a new baby on the way. I hoped this helped a little. Good Luck and congrats!!!God Bless!!

2006-10-23 23:28:48 · answer #8 · answered by erinfitz831 3 · 0 0

He will keep doing this as long as he continues to get the attention he wants. Put him in a closet just for tantrums when he acts up / before the tantrum. Not after he starts it. Get him used to just going to the closet when he misbehaves. No need to get yourself into resentment. Do it before you lose your patience. Once that happens you will get insane and won't know what is right for him.

2006-10-23 09:10:20 · answer #9 · answered by TMAC 5 · 0 1

Apparently you haven't gotten his attention yet. He's probably used to getting his way and the tantrums are his way of rebelling.
You need to punish him in a way that matters to him--find out what he values most, then take it away when he behaves badly (could be a toy, tv privelidges, being with others for a while, whatever).
You also need to give him another way to act when he is upset--tell him what he can say---using his words.
Also, make sure you are paying attention to him when he is behaving well. This could be his way of saying "look at me too"

2006-10-23 09:08:42 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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