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2006-10-23 06:41:09 · 25 answers · asked by giggles 1 in Pets Dogs

25 answers

just got a fix-month-old pug/beagle mix that my wife and 3 daughters were all involved in choosing.
Who will walk him and Who will train him with first things = that is what we kept asking

2006-10-23 06:58:26 · answer #1 · answered by clophad 2 · 0 0

What your lifestyle is and what are you looking for in the dog? Do you want a jogging partner, protection, etc. Then you need to figure out what size, how much time you are willing to spend on grooming, etc.

There are plenty of places on-line where you can take the quiz to find out which breed suits your lifestyle. You need to read everything you can about the breeds you are interested in, first.

Then you need to ask yourself if you want a puppy or an adult dog. The puppy is going to need much more work than an older dog, will you have the time to invest in a puppy?

If you aren't home a lot don't pick a breed that craves human companionship, some breeds do better alone (or you could always get a second dog). Dogs are pack animals and often do better with another dog if you aren't home for a large part of the time.

Then you need to decide how much money you are willing to invest. If you don't want to spend a lot on a particular breed, most breeds have their own rescue organizations. They are usually very good at matching a person with the dog that will fit into their lifestyle.

I know it sounds like a lot of work but it's far better to spend the time now learning all you can about a breed you are interested. Wish more people would be like you and check out the breed before they bring it home - there would be less dogs in shelters!

Whatever breed you decide, sex or age - good luck with it and I'm sure you will have a great time once you bring home your new companion.

2006-10-23 13:53:08 · answer #2 · answered by Mugsy's Place 5 · 0 0

The first thing would be home much room do you have.

What do you want the dog for(companion, working, hunting, etc) as each breed has a different purpose....

HOw much grooming do you want to do....

HOw much time do you have to exercise the dog per day...some breeds need a lot more that others.

What dogs do you think look good, you don't want a dog that you think is ugly...

Check the breed history, some dogs are naturally better with families, and some are nortorious for being "one owner dogs"

These are what I would go through before selecting a breed....

2006-10-23 13:47:04 · answer #3 · answered by yetti 5 · 0 0

First ask yourself about the practical side:
how big is your house? (space),
how much money have you got? (food, Vet bills, bedding)
how much do you work and when? (dont get a dog if you have to leave it for long periods)
And stuff like that.
on a more personal side, let the dog choose you. i know it sounds silly but once you have determined the breed, go and visit a litter of puppies and take the one that shows the most interest. that way you'll always have a connection.
hope this helps.

2006-10-23 13:47:11 · answer #4 · answered by Chloe C 2 · 0 0

1. What size dog are you able to handle.
2. Can you deal with shedding?
3. Is it going to be an inside or outside dog? (smaller dogs are good for inside)
4. How much time can you devote to your dog?
5. How much can you afford when feeding and taking them to the vet? (smaller dogs won't cost as much)

I have a lab a St. Bernard, and a blue healer, St. Bernard mix and they are all very active. If you aren't going to be home a lot, it may be a good idea to get 2 dogs, it will help them get more excercises.

2006-10-23 14:06:42 · answer #5 · answered by Jenna 4 · 0 0

Friendly Hello, Well, I would decided which breed of dog I like by educating myself with all the different breeds. You need to determine size, length of coat, life span. Now this is what I send my people when they are interested in purchasing a bullmastiff. This might give you some ideas. Blessings, Kelly

Gentle Giant Canines
Questionnaire For Prospective Puppy Buyer

1. Name____________________________________________________________________

2. Address__________________________________________________________________

3. Telephone Number________________________________________________________

4. E-Mail Address___________________________________________________________

5. How did you find us?______________________________________________________

6. Your age_________________________________________________________________

7. Other adults in your home__________________________________________________

8. Do you have children?_____________________________________________________

9. If so their ages and have they been exposed to dogs in the past?___________________

10. Were there any problems with your children and dogs in the past?_______________

11. Do all the family members agree to have a Bullmastiff as and addition to the family?

12. If not who is not in favor of getting a Bullmastiff and why?______________________

13. Who will care for the dog if it were to become incapacitated or temporally or permanently?_______________________________________________________________

14. Do you agree that if you were unable to care for the dog, we will be contacted about its
relocation and first right of refusal?______________________________________________

15. Do you own or rent a home?_________________________________________________

16. If your home is a rental will your landlord be willing to sign a statement allowing you to
keep a Bullmastiff?__________________________________________________________

17. How many hours will the Bullmastiff be left home alone a day?__________________

18. Where will the Bullmastiff be when no one is at home?_________________________

19. Does your family have enough quality time to devote to a dog?___________________

20. Are you willing to take responsibility for the Bullmastiff for the next 10 or more years?

21. How long did you last pet live and what were the circumstances of its death?________

22. Have you ever returned a pet to a breeder?___________________________________

23. If so why?_______________________________________________________________

24. Have you ever given a pet away?____________________________________________

25. If so why?_______________________________________________________________

26. Have you ever given a pet up to a shelter or a pound? __________________________

27. If so why?_______________________________________________________________

28. How many dogs do you have now?__________________________________________

29. What breeds?____________________________________________________________

30. Have you owned a Bullmastiff before?_______________________________________

31. How recently?___________________________________________________________

32. What are your reason for choosing one now?_________________________________

33. Are you aware of the socialization needs of a Bullmastiff and are you prepared to provide that?_______________________________________________________________

34. Do you have other pets other than dogs?____________________________________

35. What are they?__________________________________________________________

36. Is your yard fenced in or do you have a fenced in enclosure for a dog?___________
37. If you answered no to the last question. How do you intend on exercising a puppy?

38. How large and what type of enclosure?_______________________________________

39. Do you let your dogs run loose?_____________________________________________

40. Do you intend to house your dog?___________________________________________

41. Have you ever used a crate to confine your dog?_______________________________

42. Have you ever trained a dog before?_________________________________________

43. Have you ever shown conformation?________________________________________

44. Have you ever shown obedience?___________________________________________

45. If yes. Where and to what extent?_________________________________________

46. If you are interested in breeding this dog. What are your reasons for breeding?

47. Are you willing to enroll this puppy in at least one puppy class?_______________

48. Please indicate you color preference______________________________________

49. Do you prefer a male or a female?________________________________________

50. If traveling is impossible and we know sometimes it is. Will you be willing to allow
us to have someone in your area do a home visit?______________________________________

51. Please give us 5 reference of people who have known you and your pets?

52. Please give us the name and telephone number of the local agency that handles complaints.______________________________Phone_______________________________

53. Are you aware of some of the health problems that can appear in some Bullmastiffs?

54. Please provide the name, address and telephone number of the veterinarian that has
worked with you in the past.___________________________________________________

55. Have you been in contact with other Bullmastiff breeders in regards to the purchase a

56. Which breeders?___________________________________________________________

57. Are you currently on a waiting list from any other breeders?______________________

58. If you had to choose between two puppies. One with perfect conformation but low
moderate drive or one with so so conformation but not bet quality and high drive. Which
would you choose and why?_____________________________________________________

59. Have you ever been convicted of animal cruelty or neglect in the USA?_____________

60. Do you object to me doing a background check?________________________________

61. Describe your personality to me. ________________________________________

62. What exactally do you have planned for your new Bullmastiff puppy?

63. What kind of food do you plan on feeding your puppy when you first bring it home?

2006-10-23 14:04:44 · answer #6 · answered by Gentle Giant Canines 3 · 0 1

what maintance are you going to be able tio give the dog. you want a dog that needs alot of attention or can do enough alone.
you want a guard dog? or a family dog? will you be breeding them? or will do get them neutured/spaid?
will it be a large dog? or a small dog? do u live in an apartment or house? or condo?
do u have other pets? will they get along?
if you moved, will they go with you? or will you give them up?
can you afford taking care of them and all the hopsital bills?
do u want a dog with short hair that sheds alot? or one with long hair that also sheds?
do u have any allergies which might come back because of a dog?
i personally, i have two cockers spaniels, really hyper dogs even though they are both operated. they also have skin disorders that i did not know when i got them about their breed. but i also them, they make me laugh and give unconditional love. and if i could, i would have ten more of them.

2006-10-23 14:00:40 · answer #7 · answered by lasalle_1986 4 · 0 0

Energy Level
Willingness to groom or take to groomers
What dog was bred to do (so how much will you need to create work or play opportunities)
Temperament (laid back or full of energy?)
Initial cost
Known health problems of the breed
Life span of the breed
Do I want a puppy or a "previously owned" dog?
How much time can I spend with the dog?
Does the dog like to be around water?

2006-10-23 13:56:34 · answer #8 · answered by kramerdnewf 6 · 0 0

1. How much time do you have to devote to training?

2. How much time do you have to devote to exercising?

3. How much time do you have to devote to grooming?

4. How much can you afford to spend on quality food?

5. How much can you afford to spend on vaccinations and health care?

6. Who will care for the dog when you go out of town or have an emergency?

7. How much time and energy can you devote to house breaking?

8. Are you prepared to do whatever is necessary to keep the dog, like working with behavioural, and training issues?

9. Are there any breed bans or laws in effect in your area that can affect the breed you are interested in?

10. Are you prepared to pay for a dog from a quality breeder, which is more expensive than back yard bred newspaper ad dogs, and you may have to research the breeder?

11. Are you aware of any hereditary health problems that the breed you are interested can be be prone to?

For foods, I suggest and use http://www.frrco.com/121668

I highly recommend breed rescues or shelter dogs as opposed to breederss. Search here: http://www.petfinder.com for dogs in your area.

12. Are you willing to be a responsible pet owner and spay or neuter your dog instead of breeding even accidentally and adding to the plight of so many homeless animals? Here's a link with info and cheap spay/neuter certificates: http://www.friendsofanimals.org

13. Do you have kids? How old are they and will you teach them the correct way to interact with the dog? No rough housing ever and always supervise?

If you are a couch potato, you don't want a jack russel.

If you are passive, you don't want a rottweiler, pit bull, shepherd.

If you want to do agility or other dog sports, consider border collies.

The smaller breeds tend to be more hyper and harder to train, ncluding house breaking.

Hope these questions help! If you want to email me at libertydogtraining@yahoo.com I can help you further.


2006-10-23 14:21:55 · answer #9 · answered by libertydogtraining 4 · 0 0

questions like what type of dog fits well with your lifestyle and which one requires more or less work, training or attention. The type of dog u choose should always be cute of course, but u hav to do a personality check on the dogs u like to see which one will be right for you.

2006-10-23 14:37:05 · answer #10 · answered by ~Swoop~ 2 · 0 0

How much space do I have in my home and garden for a dog? = size of dog
How much time do I have every day to exercise a dog? = energy levels of dog
How much time am I willing to spend every day grooming a dog? = short haired breed or long haired breed
How much time will I expect the dog to spend by itself every day? = independent breed or breed requiring a lot of mental stimulation
How experienced am I in training and handling dogs? = biddable type of dog or more dominant type of dog
How much can I afford to spend on purchasing my dog? = expensive breed or more common breed and cross breeds
HOw much can I afford to spend on my dogs' upkeep? = some breeds have a tendancy to certain illnesses which leads to higher insurance premiums, and of course high energy and large dogs eat more!

These are the questions I ask myself every time I have chosen a dog and I have stuck to the result because I have known that it would be the right choice for my lifestyle.
Hope it helps, its fun choosing!

2006-10-23 16:40:28 · answer #11 · answered by PetLover 4 · 0 0

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