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I just submitted this Business Ethics assignment and then I turned around and posted it to a Future Teachers forum and a few other places when a question was posted about home schooling and thought I'd share it with you. We are as different as cats and dogs, yet we can still get along.

Jason "Chief" Stansfield

What I posted :

I was home schooled for High School and I would love to share a Business Ethics assignment with this forum. This should show exactly what home schooling can do for a student if they are taught right.

Business Ethics - Discrimination At Work

I see racial ignorance in the work place and outside of work through delivering pizzas and as a Security Officer. I also see racial discrimination due to this and because of a lack of intelligence to both parties that are doing the discriminating and those being discriminated against. I would like to say that I am not now, nor have I ever been a racist nor have I tolerated racism. I do not believe that a person's skin color, their gender, their sexual preferences, or their ethinical history should be a decision to discriminate against anyone.

Having said all of this I know that racial discrimination does happen. Do I think that affirmative action can be a good thing? I think that if it was done properly and with good judgement that it could definately be a good thing. However, over the small amount of time that I have been on the face of the planet Earth I have seen a major negative trend towards affirmative action having gone to the far end of the spectrum.

In this day and age, affirmative action has gone to the extreme point of where a single white male individual has more luck in working at McDonald's than getting a job at a company that has sought to be "politically correct" in it's hiring and managerial structure, no matter if the white male has more experience, more schooling, or more intelligence. On top of this I see that reverse discrimination is just as bad as discrimination. If you are not a part of the solution you are a part of the problem in my opinion.

I am a single white male, and I have had reverse dicrimination thrown in my face very recently. Being a Security Officer I had a black female come into the Hospital where I work under the Baker Act, which is a mandatory hold until a psychiatric evaluation can be done at a psychological facility after medical clearance through our Hospital. This woman was totally belligerant toward the 3 white male Police Officers that brought her in, towards myself and other white staff, and even towards a black Security Officer who she called an Uncle Tom.

2006-10-23 06:22:30 · 2 answers · asked by spartan_dh 2 in Society & Culture Etiquette

Once the situation was de-escalated and the Police Officers left I was left to monitor several Baker Act patients and this woman chose to throw that I was a "white man" working for the Man and keeping her a prisoner, blah, blah, blah. I turned around and asked her, if I once used racial or ethincal slurs towards her. She stated that no I had not. I also asked her if I had used foul language towards her. She stated that I had not. I then asked her then why would she bother to use those type of things against me and she apolgized and we actually talked and she calmed down even further.

2006-10-23 06:24:42 · update #1

This may not be a perfect example of the racial discrimination that the assignment was referring to, but was that such a difficult thing for me to do? Not at all. I really can not stand racial discrimination, or the use of the "race card" in someone's defense when it was never played against them in the beginning. My opinions about racial discrimination, racial profiling, and racism in general hold to my standards of my original assignment in Unit 1. I see racism as a total waste of time in my opinion. I do not judge a person on the color of their skin, I do not judge a person at all, until they choose to do something stupid like hurt myself or other individuals I care about.

A nation divided against itself can not stand

I posted this in a few places on the Internet and thought I'd share it with everyone. This goes hand in hand with my last e-mail that was my Business Ethics assignment. I plan on making a positive change in this World and taking the World with me.

2006-10-23 06:25:35 · update #2

We should be striving for Unity through Diversity. What I mean is, you draw on the diversities between the different groups of people. It can be done as it's similar to a marriage between a man and woman. Does the man do everything one way? Of course not and that's why the woman completes him and adds to him and vice versa.

It can't always be done and it can't always be done to perfection since there's no such thing as a perfect world, but if people even tried they might be surprised to see how easy it is to do this.

Why is it that a white man, a black man, a hispanic, a Hebrew, an oriental man can not get along? It sure isn't because they didn't try. It's because the media focuses on those few stories about racism and explodes it out of proportion and because people seem to only want to read the headlines. Am I saying the media does this on purpose?

2006-10-23 06:26:53 · update #3

Well, to an extent, yes. I don't mean this is some extremely large conspiracy of the media, although I can see how it might appear that way and sometimes it can be that way.

What sells a newspaper? Sex, controversy, death, mayhem, destruction, racism.

Why is this then? It's because people would much rather read about a 5 car pile up and the mass destruction than some story about a 50 year old woman and her kitten and grandson who made a positive change.

Don't get me wrong, I like Monster trucks, guns, TNT, and a little bit of carnage like every red-blooded American, but who needs that all the time? I sure don't.

We as a society need to be focusing on the positive changes and how to make life better than focusing on negative things and how to tear our own society apart.

2006-10-23 06:27:41 · update #4

So we see a story in a newspaper or the 6 O'clock news about a terrorist attack that has killed 25 people from a car bomb or some other stupidity. What positive things can we find from it? You see that the survivors are drawn closer together. You see that now we have learned not to just get in our car without looking it over. You learned that you need a car alarm so no one can tamper with it. The list goes on and on.

Do I mean to say it takes this drastic a thing to happen to learn these thing?


What I am saying though is not to JUST focus on the negativity that has happened, but to find what positives about the story you can and try to learn from it. The same goes for some ignorant red-necks dragging a black man behind a truck in Texas, like what happened a few years back. Quite obviously these men don't see the value of life, or racial equality, or intelligence now do they?

Well, not every person can be gotten to when it comes to racial harmony...but we can try.

2006-10-23 06:28:16 · update #5

I'm going to end this post with a link to a video and song on YouTube about acceptance and harmony. I don't know how many people have seen this but I love the song and the message the video had about it.

The name of the band is "The Sick Puppies" and the message that is being conveyed here is that one hug can change someones life.

By the way, I almost went and got cardboard and found a spot on the street to do this, but time just didn't allow for it and I may still do it. A very powerful message if you listen to the words of the song. This is now My favorite song of all time. I played this literally 500 times already and I'm listening to it right now as I type this message of peace.

[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vr3x_RRJdd4]"Sick Puppies" on YouTube : Free Hugs. A message of peace and harmony in a time when hatred is all around : Juan Mann/One Man[/url]

2006-10-23 06:28:37 · update #6

2 answers

Racism is easy to get rid, most people enjoy it!!!

2006-10-23 06:30:58 · answer #1 · answered by alfonso 5 · 0 0

I agree with Most of what you wrote, except for this part:

We should be striving for Unity through Diversity. What I mean is, you draw on the diversities between the different groups of people.

:) the first sentence makes sense..but in order to do that, we need to STOP drawing or pointing out "diversity"..instead we need to see what is Similar between ALL cultures, in order for us to understand and appreciate each other. for example, every culture is different, but still have to have rules and stuff about the same things (parenting, etiquette, etc etc). so instead of focusing on how One culture does things vs Another culture, we just need to accept that we all are Humans, and have to deal with the same things each and every day. that is why, compared to the rest, i still think America is wonderful in that it is quite a "melting pot" of sorts... whenver anyone has pride in the flag of the USA, it's not about white people.. it's about it being OUR land, OUR country, together, undivided. instead of trying raise only a Mexico flag, or Korean flag, etc etc.. of course pride in one's ethnicity is wonderful, but so is pride in our Country as a whole. focusing on differences brings up conflict; focusing on Unity brings peace~

good luck to us all~ :)

2006-10-23 14:23:59 · answer #2 · answered by sasmallworld 6 · 0 0

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