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Can someone please help out the ignorant here?! I understand things like omg (oh my god) and btw (By the way) but then things like imfao pop up and I don't know what half of the things mean! Can someone provide some terms and abbreviations, please? I know. It's sad and I should be more in touch, but there you go. It's just the way I am! TTFN!

2006-10-23 06:18:07 · 12 answers · asked by wee stoater 4 in Education & Reference Words & Wordplay

Luggerbug - ursuyoa! Hey! Just made a new one! (U r so up your own a**e!) Getting the hang of this!

2006-10-25 00:02:39 · update #1

12 answers

lmfao laffing my effing a55 off
pmp peeing my pants

lol: laugh out loud
rofl: roll on floor laughing
btw: by the way
imo: in my opinion
imho: in my humble opinion
lmao: laughing my --- off
wtf: what the ---
otoh: on the other hand

afk Away from keyboard

And about to do goodness knows what.

bak Back at keyboard

Having done goodness knows what.

bfn Bye for now

Tells others you're stepping away for an indeterminate amount of time.

Variations: b4n, bbl (be back later).

brb Be right back

Announces a brief absence, as if you're pausing to read a Shakespeare sonnet.

cu See you

The more formal version of cya (See ya).

ltns Long time, no see

A polite way of saying "I forgot you even existed," which could be abbreviated as ifuee.

ttfn Ta ta for now

What Zsa Zsa Gabor might say when exiting a chat room.

Variation: l8tr (later).

Flaming and Feuding
gal Get a life

The exact opposite of hand (have a nice day).

kiss Keep it simple, stupid

An impolite way of saying ot (off topic).

pu That stinks

tswc Tell someone who cares

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LOL :) -- A Guide to Internet Lingo and Emoticons
With just a few keystrokes, you can quickly convey laughter, disbelief, and other complex emotions on the Net. Here's the lingo you need to know.
James A. Martin
Friday, March 29, 2002 01:00 AM PST

Hooting and Hollering
gfete Grinning from ear to ear

Indicates mild amusement in which minimal dental work is displayed.

lmao Laughing my ankles off

The third word can also refer to another body part.

lol Laughing out loud

An appropriate response to a humorous statement. Alas, it doesn't necessarily mean lots of love.

rotfl Rolling on the floor laughing

Use when you couldn't possibly be more amused. Unless you're rotflmao, of course.

Opining and Informing
aamof As a matter of fact

Though in cyberspace, the fact could just as well be fiction.

afaik As far as I know

Use when you really don't know, but want to appear as if you do.

Variations: afaic (as far as I'm concerned), afaict (as far as I can tell).

btw By the way

A kissin' cousin to fyi (for your information) and fwiw (for what it's worth).

damhikt Don't ask me how I know this

For those obscure factoids your friends tease you for remembering.

eod End of discussion

Use EOD after the 163,456th chat-room message about the new Star Wars trailer.

hth Hope this (or that) helps

imho In my humble (or honest) opinion

Commonly used to preface unsolicited advice, such as "If I were you, I would dump your no-account girlfriend immediately."

Variations: imnsho (in my not so humble opinion), imco (in my considered opinion).

ianalb I am not a lawyer, but...

As in, "IANALB I play one on TV."

j/k Just kidding

Best used when combined with the :) emoticon. For more on the world of emoticons, see Everyday Emoticons.

ot Off topic

A polite way of saying kiss (keep it simple, stupid).

otoh On the other hand

Indicates you were once a member of the high school debate team.

2006-10-23 06:26:06 · answer #1 · answered by Lady_Lavinia 3 · 4 1

Notice that these are not abbreviations, but acronyms. An abbreviation just shortens a word, like "abbrev.", while an acronym takes the first letter of each word in a phrase.

2006-10-23 07:09:47 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

lol = lots of laughs - or laugh out loud
lmao = Laughing my **** off
n00b = newbie ( someone new to the scene/game)
brb = be right back
fubar = F*$&ed up beyond all recognition
The important thing is to ask at the time if you don't know..... the worst thing to happen is that you are called a n00b, but everyone is at first =D

2006-10-23 06:21:51 · answer #3 · answered by see_through_faded 1 · 2 0

Use the link below. It's a great website for parents and others. Click on "Online Lingo."

2006-10-23 06:27:19 · answer #4 · answered by Andi 6 · 2 0

awe lol sry they give me a headach too i only know hcg thats the horomone in your body produced when your pregnant and pt pregnancy test :( wish i could help more

2016-03-18 23:13:00 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

wdc - whats the crack
lol - laugh out loud
lmao - laughing my a*s off
lmfao - laughing my fat a*s off
wtf - what the f*ck
wth - what the hell
rofl - rolling round floor laughing
ffs - for f*ck sake
fyi - for your information
gtg - got to go
brb - be right back
ttyl - talk to you later
btw - by the way
ty - thank you
tysm - thank you so much
lyl - luv ya lots
bfn - bye for now
ttyt - talk to you tomorrow

Well they're the ones me and my friends use most...

Hope that helps you!!

2006-10-23 08:01:51 · answer #6 · answered by kareno209 3 · 1 0

IPN = I'm posting nude!
not me folks it came up so I asked what it meant!

2006-10-23 06:28:16 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Do not worry about smart A***s type it out in full or they will only report you to yahoo

2006-10-23 07:29:25 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Here's a few for you, off the top of my head:

LMFAO = laugh(ing) my f***ing a** off
ROFLMAO = rolling on the floor laughing my a** off
WTF = what the f**
IIRC = if I recall correctly
IMO = in my opinion
JMO = just my opinion
IMHO = in my humble opinion
TTYL = talk to you later

2006-10-23 06:20:32 · answer #9 · answered by I ♥ AUG 6 · 3 0

The questioner is sad, as are all the answerers.
Why not simply learn our language ?

2006-10-24 23:28:46 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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