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Matthew 10 32"Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven. 33But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven.

2006-10-23 05:51:16 · 18 answers · asked by ♫O Praise Him♫ 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

18 answers

"May God Bless the Children. ALL the Children. not just the Christians, but every child."

"Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS, for they shall be known as the Children of God.
But I say to you that hear, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you pray for those who abuse you.
To those that strike you on the cheek, offer the other one also, and from those who take away your cloak, do not withhold your coat as well.
Give to everyone who begs from you, and of those who take away your goods, do not ask for them again.
And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them."

2006-10-23 06:05:15 · answer #1 · answered by Genevieve 4 · 6 0

I just want to say that jesus taught love first and foremost... Jesus also taught toloerance... he did not sit at the seat with the "good" people of the time no he sat with the hartlots the beggars and the tax collectors.... He took a stand against organized religion even... Im not going to go as far as to say that chruch is a negative thing...f ar from it... but i will say that god is perfect man is not... therefore anything man truies to touch is doomed to be a failed effort. This includes religion perhaps more than everything else.... Again im not tryin to talk down on any of it however more important is the spirit. Capture that spirit in your heart and carry it with you everywhere you go.. Do you truly have love in your heart? Or is it mearly a donation to a building and a bumper sticker? Love your enemy.... Turn the tother cheek right? This can be applied to all kinds of things wr politics, everyday life etc.... It is not my place to go father than that but i hope you do!

2006-10-23 13:00:15 · answer #2 · answered by Ziggy W 1 · 2 0

There are so many in my life, I'll choose my most influential. My mother had been unable to walk without a cane or crutch for quite a while. She had joint problems since 1991. Two years ago, a cousin of ours asked if she could invite a minister over to pray for her. She asked God that if this minister was not of Him, don't allow him to enter her home. He came, laid hands on her and prayed, and immediately began to walk her up and down the street without a cane or crutch, like she no longer had any ailments. When she returned to house, she wiped her bare feet (she didn't take the time to put on shoes) with a white towel and it remained perfectly clean. God not only healed my mother, but He also carried her as she walked away the pain in her joints. God is so good.

2006-10-23 13:04:35 · answer #3 · answered by edcw0214 3 · 3 0

Here is a testimony of how God works...and how He can use us even here on Yahoo! Answers. I recently posted this link, because it was something that had greatly inspired me.


But the initial response was so negative (from nonbelievers), that I almost decided to just pull the question....then this answer came in....

Bless you...bless you...bless you...this is the answer to a cry of my heart that has not even been a prayer...but literally a cry...Thank you so much for sharing and for posting this more than once! It is perfect timing for me to see it today...as I was speaking to a friend earlier on the phone that I was going to have to let God be my Father completely...as my father was abusive and the counseling I had to recover gave me alot...but the counselors are imperfect also. Only Abba can really be the perfect Daddy, God, Father...that I need. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being the vessel He used today to bestow such a blessing into my life....Sincerely.

Goes to show you that if we are willing to take a few insults to share the Gospel, and if we have a heart for those in need, God can do amazing things!

2006-10-23 12:57:50 · answer #4 · answered by whitehorse456 5 · 5 1

This is a personal testimony of what God has done for me. I was born with spinal bifida in 1968, when I was born the doctors told my parents that I needed emergency surgery but they couldnt do it there. I had to be taken to another hospital in another city, well the drs said i would never make it to get there. But God said I would and I did. After the surgery they said I'd be a vegtable all for what little life I had, and Id never walk. I spent 10 weeks in the childrens hospital where they did everything they could to get me to walk. Unfortunaltely they couldnt make it happen. But God made it happen. The night before my 4th birthday, I took my first step and Ive not stopped since. So anyone that dont believe in the power of God or dont believe he is real, talk to me, let me introduce you to my God. Hes Alive and Well. And he loves us all.

2006-10-23 13:02:06 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

Short version...

I walked in the dark times for more than 20 years...

I have been saved and see the light in a world of darkness.

I have the most amazing and intense relationship with God the Father, through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

I am truly blessed!

I am humbled that He would seek me for a relationship after all I used to do...but He does.

2006-10-23 12:58:48 · answer #6 · answered by Salvation is a gift, Eph 2:8-9 6 · 3 0

I cried out and He heard me in my despair. I have never felt the lonliness I felt almost 8 years ago. I have fallen away and come back to Him. He tells you He misses you, you just have to listen to that still small voice. When I finally opened the door again, I was persecuted by ...lets just say not nice things... and I once again cried out in horror at the things I was experiencing. He saved my life from insanity and continues to bless me. I finally realized all He wants is my heart, all I have to give when my best is as a dirty rag. He loves me and I love Him. He has never left me but I have forgotten Him plenty of times. I just pray that He comes quickly now, as this world lines up for what has been prophesied. thank you

2006-10-23 13:03:53 · answer #7 · answered by Hurray for the ANGELS! 3 · 3 0

when I was 14, in 1992 I was really into becoming a Christian. At that time, my family was extremely poor. No food to eat type of poor. I remembered learning that if you really need something that God would see you cry, for the things you really need.

That night, I cryed and prayed for us to have food to eat for breakfast ,lunch and dinner. For three days I cried while praying. On the third day, my father came home and had a winning lottery ticket. $180.00. That was enough food for the week. 3 kids two adults. The next day he hit again. $180.00 then on the third day he hit. $180.00 three days in a row, after I prayed to the lord and cried because I really needed it. He heard my tears and came through for me and the fam. We ate for days!!!!!!!

2006-10-23 13:34:50 · answer #8 · answered by Kawainani 4 · 2 0

The Love of God helped me feel forgiven and less grumpy towards others. I now feel that God's efforts to help me have a knock on effect because it enables me to appreciate others more intimately than any temptation or sin I could have commited with them.

Love gets you places in a relationship more than any
godless activity.

2006-10-23 13:08:33 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I am alive and I have a great family. But others can have a testimony too. I know Jesus is the only way but, some people here may not know that, but they can still have a tetimony

2006-10-23 12:54:54 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

When I was young I loved God and believed in Jesus and asked Jesus to come into my heart. When I grew older, others were easily offended if I liked to talk about God. So after marriage to a man who made me feel special, though I didn't question him if He believed in Jesus Christ as his Lord, I moved away and forgot about God for about 10 years.

About 10 years later, I had a drunken blackout. I don't remember a thing except before (at 10 yr class reunion) the black out one of the girls asked me if I still believed in God? She was one who criticized me in grade school. I didn't know what I thought. Obviously she could tell something was wrong since I stood in front of the fridge to refill and was already drunk.

Whatever, I returned home, and had a prolonged hangover. My mind raced. Since I had been practicing self hypnosis, I tried to do that to help. I also prayed to God to forgive me for the first time in years. I knew I must have done something wrong. Then I went into a 1 yr breakdown; physical, emotional and spiritual. I got stuck in the dream domain where I couldn't sleep or wake up. So there cried out to God for help. So went through a bunch of point of no returns. Feelings magnified in ups or uphoriah or downs of evil. Went through too much.

Through this break down, I realized that some of the things in my life were contributing. Tossed the hypnosis tapes. Quit listening to the rock station, etc.

But the victory over this never came until someone came into my life & brought me to church. I went forward at the church. The first time I was desperate and made a fool of myself of a witch spirit. The pastor prayed over me and that awful feeling witch spirit left me for good. I settled down. I later went forward to recommit to God. And again because I still couldn't sleep. About the 4th time I went forward, the pastor said that to be prepared because God's anointing was coming. With that my hands went straight up and the Holy Spirit overflowed me and & praised God in tongues. Overwhelmed in God's Spirit, I went home. I stared into the closet. The Holy Spirit directed me to take out a book. I dropped it and the Holy Spirit directed me to toss it out. Then the Holy Spirit directed me to another book and I opened it to a verse that read that it is the Holy Spirit that I received that leads me into all truth. That I don't need man to teach me, but this Spirit will lead me in all truth and is not a liar... I knew that was from the bible. I knew it was true. The Anointing I received I could trust. The other book that was a lie to toss was the Mormon book. That is the first night I slept without remembering what happened throughout the night. This was my biggest victory. God gave me that victory.

As I have grown in faith and God is so merciful because His precious blood covers all my sins, even those deceptions & idols that became aparent in the breakdown.

So I love Jesus Christ my Lord much because He has forgiven me and saved me from much.

2006-10-23 13:14:40 · answer #11 · answered by t_a_m_i_l 6 · 1 0

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