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I see why too much hatred of Christians on this site and in the world. Just like all hatred and intolerance it seems to be born out of ignorance. This opinion is based on some of the ridiculous questions and comments that have made in this site and in the media (some even by our elected representatives).

All I see is a bunch of people who appear to have been told that Christians are judgemental, hateful and stupid. Too me this is the same blind stupidity that Christians are accused of.

We've got millions of extremist Muslims that want to murder you and everyone you know. But the Christians are seen as the biggest threat mankind has ever known. What is that all about?

2006-10-23 05:45:28 · 22 answers · asked by Robert L 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

22 answers

It's not necessarily the Christians themselves that the world hates, but rather Jesus. Natural man knows God, but due to our sinful natural state, we feel a natural animosity toward God and see Him as a cosmic killjoy that is only out to ruin our day.

Jesus repaired this riff between God and man by becoming sin on the cross. He satisfied God's holy requirements for the punishment of sin completely. So there is no longer any requirement from God for us to atone for our screw ups. Jesus tell us this very plainly and we have only to believe Jesus to attain the forgiven feeling for ourselves.

But, the world hates Jesus.
John 7:7
The world cannot hate you, but it hates me because I testify that what it does is evil.

John 15:18
"If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.

So, it's not the Christians that the world hates, but Jesus. Since they are also afraid of Jesus and dare not confront Him directly, they take it out on those who are Christ's representatives here in time and space.

2006-10-23 05:59:38 · answer #1 · answered by Bruce 3 · 2 6

As an atheist i do not comprehend the question, why do you say you carry no animosity in course of Islam ? What delivered the question up in the first position, why might want to any Christian carry any animosity adversarial to the different faith?? You and the Muslims believe there is yet one God do not you?? the in difficulty-free words distinction I see is that Islam does no longer believe that Jesus replaced into God, they do appreciate him as a Prophet, as they appreciate their personal Prophet Mohammed ! that all sounds easy sufficient to me as an finished unbeliever!! Islam in basic terms does no longer believe that Jesus replaced into (and nevertheless is) God!! in truth for sure in difficulty-free words Christians believe this. What a load of finished BS all this non secular stuff is the faster this is all banned the further constructive for something persons human beings!! Peace be with the human race!! in basic terms examine the answer from 'proscunio' what information of religion is there in that answer?? what number spouse's children did Moses have any idea?? No i did not imagine so!! or possibly it would want to be extra constructive to adhere to the hot testomony?? Very unusual how 'Christians' can %. and make a call from testaments to in advantageous condition their personal purpose isn't it????? Its a sad mixed up international, why dont all of them bounce off??

2016-12-05 03:34:38 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My Christian friends and co-workers are wonderful people. Unfortunately, Christianity has a very loud, rude, minority that makes them look bad. The media doesn't help either---whenever someone is portrayed as a Christian they are usually shown as a fanatic. All religions have their fair share of fanatics though. The trick is not to judge the religion by their loud minority.

Most of the complaints that I have heard about Christianity have nothing to do with the religion, though. Mostly, people don't like the proselytizing and rudeness towards others of different beliefs. Most Christians don't fall into those categories, but the few that do are awfully loud about it.

2006-10-23 05:56:51 · answer #3 · answered by Witchy 7 · 3 0

There are some people who have no problem with the religion of Christianity but instead have a problem with the faithful of Christianity. And you know. The whole "Not Christian? GOING TO HELL" bit doesn't help any.

If you're not a zealot and can leave religion out of a conversation there are lots of people who would treat you like everyone else. Even if they treat everyone else really badly.

2006-10-23 06:00:37 · answer #4 · answered by spirenteh 3 · 2 0

Well perhaps because GWB is an elected Christain and hes got controll of most the bombs and bullets and missiles in the world and he's going spastic with them in the name of our God. It was on the news in Australia today, we dont have quiet the candy coating on our news as Americans do, that for every America soilder killed in Iraq over 100 men, women and children are killed in Iraq, everyday, yes every day. Does that give you a clue. I also found out that in Vietnam, another great example of Americas helping the world 500 000 vietnamess died, again men, women and chidren, and America lost that one too and we where all supposed to be over run with what Christain American politicans called the domino effect. Really Christain don't bomb their brothers and sisters but America has been bombing Countries including Afganistan before 9\11 for as long as they work out how to put bombs in planes and drop them from a great hight on men, women and children, even Hiroshima was not enough, just keep doing it, on and on and America prides itself on being Christain, i feel sorry for all the real Christains in America, God Bless them. How can actual Christains spread the word of Jesus with so many so called Christain trying to raise Hell. Just ask someone from Hiroshima what they think Hell looks like and who dropped it on their children heads.

2006-10-23 06:02:25 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

why is there so much hatred and animousity among christians and other christian sects? Oh and i agree with the one that said i dont buy into the christians are being persecuted crap.


Ever hear the phrase, "You can dish it out, but you can't take it"? That's what's happening when Fundamentalists use this statement. They have been on the attack for years now, trying to deny rights to homosexuals, trying to outlaw abortions, trying to keep women from obtaining equal rights, and trying to impose their own morals - many of them non-biblical - on the rest of society. Non-Fundamentalists are finally fighting back by speaking out against their campaigns, their media onslaughts, and their mistaken notions of truth, and the Fundamentalists don't like it very much. They can dish it out, but they can't take it. So when people of good conscience stand up for their rights, Fundamentalists cry foul - they claim they are being persecuted.

Fundamentalists see this "persecution" as biblical proof of being on God's side. It's not. Their so-called persecution is merely the rest of society defending itself from their attacks. Their so-called persecution is merely being called to the carpet for their actions. Their so-called persecution comes in the form of editorials that don't paint them in a glowing light or legislation that goes against their made-truths. If they can't get their schools to allow them to pray to their God during class time, they claim they are being attacked. What would happen if Buddhists and Muslims tried to get the same special rights? Fundamentalists would be beside themselves in anger.

This is not the persecution mentioned in the Bible. The leaders of the Christian Coalition are not being hung on crosses (Philippians 2:8). The leaders of the Family Research Council are not being stoned to death (Acts 7:59). The leaders of Focus on the Family are not being thrown to the lions (Daniel 6:16). And yet these people have the gall to claim they are being persecuted in God's name. They are not. All they have to worry about is someone calling them bad names and denying them their request for favoritism.

2006-10-23 06:07:27 · answer #6 · answered by shippochan 2 · 4 0

very very wrong!

let say Iraq invade america completely. Blastt the buildings kill and torture americans. Dont you agree someone in america will burn a muslim or a muslim soldier and hangs his body on a bridge? Thousands of american will stamp on and burn Iraq flag. Will americans say that islam (not iraq) who start the holy war?

That is what happen now in iraq!!! You may say that islam is a violent religion but its not ISLAM but its people yet not they themself who is violent but others who make them violent. They are victim of circumstances.

Now you tell me who is the extremist. may not be America coz she is not a violent country but BUSH and the BUSHES family is responsible. Is he the ultimate terrorist and extremist?

That is the current issue. if you wanna argue bout history. No documentation have ever recorded that islam ever started any war.

2006-10-23 06:06:25 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

It is easier to dislike anything DIFFERENT. Many people develop the thought that they are superior for whatever reason. We all have to remember that we are all equal no matter what religion, race, gender, or sexuality. Those that don't believe this are sadly ignorant in being able to see and understand the bigger picture.

2006-10-23 05:53:10 · answer #8 · answered by Oh well 2 · 1 0

I feel a lot of Christians have to be careful when they are trying to evangelize. Saying "turn or burn" is not the most effective way to try to help the lost.
When we forget what Christ taught, we make Christianity look bad. A lot of Christians have lost sight of the truth, and we should continue to pray for our congregation, and our leaders that we are radiating the love of God.

2006-10-23 05:54:31 · answer #9 · answered by ♫O Praise Him♫ 5 · 2 1

My children and I embrace people of all walks of life, including Christians. Tell me, when a Christian friend of my daughters comes to our home and sees "Harry Potter" books and her mom comes to get her and decides that because we read "Harry Potter" that we are evil and they don't come back....just who is it that is being hateful and has animosity? Who really is guilty of being ignorant? Who really is the one guilty of biased opinions based on that ignorance?

2006-10-23 06:01:31 · answer #10 · answered by FreeThinker 3 · 3 0

No offense - but I am so NOT buying this "We're being persecuted!" crap from Christians. You know what - pagans have been persecuted. The Jews have been persecuted! By who? Christians. What I see happening is for the first time in history it's becoming more okay for those of us who aren't Christians to disagree with you all and to criticize your religion without fear of being killed. You think anyone who disagrees with you is persecuting you... or that because we won't let you put Christianity in our schools or allow you to force it on us - that we're persecuting you.

I'll tell you what - when you have your name put on a police watch list just because of your religious beliefs (like I am just because I practice what is considered an "occult" religion - even though I am a law abiding citizen and have no criminal record whatsoever) - come talk to me.

Then I'll stand alongside you and fight against your persecutors. Until then - quit whining and learn to take criticism like big boys and girls. That's what those of minority faith have had to do.

2006-10-23 05:51:44 · answer #11 · answered by swordarkeereon 6 · 5 3

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