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A followup to the below question,
where someone answered with Lev 18:22 that homosexuality is an abomination and this is motivation for the protest of gay marriage,

Leviticus 11:9-12 states clearly that the eating of shrimp is an abomination.

Why are Christians not protesting long john silvers and red lobster?

When will Christians admit that the protesting of gay marriage is not about abomination, sin, God, the Bible, but about their own homophobia.

If it was really about God and abominations, we would see Christians picketing Long John Silver. We do not.

2006-10-23 05:38:58 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

33 answers

Jim, that passage about homosexuality in Leviticus 18 is part of the "Holiness Code". That code has been done away with and is no longer binding to modern-day Christians.

2006-10-23 05:41:46 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 5

A far better question would be why do Christians tollerate gossips in their churches. Unlike shrimp gossiping is on the same level as same sex sex, and murder. No one who practices any of these as a life styles can go to heaven.

Note scripture never says to be intollerant or to restrict any of these people who practice these things in the NT which is the despensational rules we are subject to.

There are some things that some people keep secret but that are likely the reason some of these behaviors warranted death prior to this despensation, and to antibiotics.

Anal sex causes prostititis which is often not curable, and contageous. Oral sex causes a jaw problem that eventually causes ones face to go slac on one side. Yeast infections can and do cause severe problems such as intestinal and skin problems also sometimes not curable then or now. The body uses bacteria in certain places that cause problems if imported elsewhere. Dr.s for some reason do not explain these occurances to those affected. Most husbands do not know that if their wife gets a yeast infection she caught it while having sex.

All of these are contageous to the tribe and may well be the reason for extermination of those who practice behaviors which in the end can infect every one. Ex. how many lives would have been saved if everyone who had sex with that original guy (i beleave who worked in the air travel industry) had been terminated. Quarantine would be more reasonable but seems to me for the time scripture was written had all these been terminated the whole bunch would have benefited.

2006-10-23 14:00:51 · answer #2 · answered by icheeknows 5 · 0 0

You ask a good question. And while I don;t support the hatred often associated with those who speak against homosexuality, it is still important to understand that this is something that separates us from the life God wants us to have. To resolve the issues between God's Word in Leviticus, it is important to understand how God forms covenants with His people. For example, God formed a covenant with samson that required his hair not to be cut. Now this restriction on haircutting of course does not apply to us today. This is similar to the restriction on eating shellfish. However, "the law" still reveals sin to us and if there were any doubt at all about homosexuality it is spelled ou explicitly in several New Testament passages(1Cor 6:9-10; Rom 1:24-27; Jude 7). I encourage you to resist the temptation to make the word of God say what you want it to...because if you follow it, even before understanding it, you will be greatly blessed!

2006-10-23 05:51:14 · answer #3 · answered by whitehorse456 5 · 1 0

If you believe the Bible read the tenth chapter of Acts. The first portion is about Cornelius, a devout man (gentile) then the vision that Peter had and he is told "What God has created call not common or unclean"....and Cornelius and his house hold being accepted into the Church.Gentiles ....
The dietary restrictions in the Old Law were religious restrictions on the Jews and don't apply to Christians.
Now read Romans 1:24-32 which clearly states God's displeasure with homosexuality. It is not homophobia.

2006-10-23 06:06:21 · answer #4 · answered by Robert b 4 · 0 0

In response to the question about Gay marriages and no protesting about unclean foods:
Gay marriages are as wrong as eating shrimp, dog meat and pork. Just because someone is doing something wrong is no reason for you top do something wrong. From a biblical point of view homosexuality is as much a sin as lying, eating swine flesh, sleeping with someone you're not married to, talking about someone behind their back and breaking the sabbath. There is no greater sin than another. Everyone needs to repent and return to God who will forgive.
The problem comes when people differentiate between sins and leave with their darling sins while attacking other people who are sinners like they are.

2006-10-23 06:00:38 · answer #5 · answered by gco s 1 · 0 0

All Christian aspects aside, if the definition of marriage is changed to suit same sex couples, will it not then have to be changed for poligamists and others who wish to marry legally?
Back to the Bible aspect of this question, the word sodomy comes from the days of Sodom and Gamora, where God destroyed these cities because men were laying (having sex) with men. Dont get me wrong. I feel that this is a free country, and homosexuals deserve rights and benefits just like everyone else. But we cant go around changing definitions of words to suit everyone who complains. There has to be a way of getting what is right for everyone without changing everything. People say religion and God should not have anything to do with it. But this entire country was built on a foundation that recognizes God and religion.

2006-10-23 05:49:29 · answer #6 · answered by belinda f 3 · 1 0

You are correct; we should boycott shrimp also. If we were following the old law, there are many things that Christians should be doing, or not doing. However, Christians should follow the new law (after Christ). In Romans 1:26-27 the Bible states:

"Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion."

That is what should be quoted when Christians make their arguments against homosexuality. Otherwise, we need to boycott Long John Silver.

2006-10-23 05:44:32 · answer #7 · answered by truly 6 · 2 0

I want to clarify something. Not all Christians are protesting homosexuality. Those who are have never heard or read that Jesus has asked all of us to treat everyone with love and friendship. I personally do not believe that homosexuality is lawful, but I accept those who are gay, and try my best to accept them.
It is true that Leviticus 18:22 says that it is unlawful in the eyes of God for people to take part in homosexuality.
But the Bible also says that God loves all of His children (meaning everyone), and has forgiven all their sins by sending His Son to die in our place.
As far as picketing Long John Silver's, I don't believe it is quite as urgent an issue as homosexuality. God is not going to condemn us for eating shrimp or other unclean foods He has asked us not to eat.

2006-10-23 05:52:18 · answer #8 · answered by cuppycake676 2 · 0 0

Because the laws pertaining to food (which were for our benifet not His) were revoked with the new covenent of the Blood of The Lamb(Jesus Christ), but read Revelation 21:8 "but the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexual immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, wich is the second death," that shows that the Law of God exists for those that do not accept Jesus Christ as thier savior and repent from thier sins.

Oh, and I do not hate, I just don't approve of homosexuality, abortions, adultry, devorce, rejection of the Truth (that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and is the only way to salvation), or any other evil and immoral act, I love the sinner but hate the sin.

2006-10-23 05:48:19 · answer #9 · answered by JesusFreak 4 · 0 0

Well I cannot admit to something that is not true. I am not homophobic. I think you have a bit of a complex.
God didn't say eating shrimp was an abomination to Him He was protecting people from disease. At a later point He made it clear that it was OK to eat these things. He has not ever made it OK to have sex with your own sex. Nor will He.
It is good to know you know your bible though. Maybe that is why you are so angry because you have deep conviction in your heart since you actually know the truth.
That voice that is nagging at you is your conscience not Christians.

2006-10-23 05:46:20 · answer #10 · answered by JAM 3 · 1 0

I hate homophobia, it gives us bible believing Christians such a bad name!

Putting the shrimps to one side lets affirm something, Jesus didn't walk around sharing the love of God and teaching folk, just to let his ministry get side tracked by any of us if we don't like the rules!

The Love of idols (lifeless objects) can never replace a relationship with the Living God and I think this is why scripture says He turned idolaters over to unnatural relationships; There are relationships which are not ordained. It doesn't change Gods love for any one, in fact it strengthens the message that God's ways are for (all) our benefit. Try them!

2006-10-23 05:50:36 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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