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Why do muslims take such offence at jokes and insults at their religion. Surely they can rise above it or ignore it like everyone else does. Catholics didn't put a fatwa on the writers of Father Ted which was deeply offensive to the catholic faith (but very funny) and the Monty Python lads didn't get their throats cut for the Life of Brian. How would Islam react to Mulla Ted or the Life of Aqmed and don't you think it's about time one of the moderate muslims we keep hearing about (although I've never see one) had the guts to do something about it.

2006-10-23 04:16:38 · 29 answers · asked by John H 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

29 answers

It does make you wonder whether Islam can't take criticism because it has no answer to it. There again moderate muslims who calmly refute false claims and don't bring their faith into disrepute probably make less interesting news stories.

2006-10-23 04:24:05 · answer #1 · answered by mesun1408 6 · 2 0

I suspect that they took it like we all do, in stride and as a joke as well, but when push comes to shove and it continues on and on no matter how many times you ask them to stop, somewhere there will be retaliation. And vengence. I guess you could ask yourself, how would I feel if I were in their shoes, and all I heard was prejudice, hate and dislike from so many people since you were born? This is why there are so many angry and dissatisfied people in the world, if they would just cut the crap they give to each other and just get over themselves, things would be so much better.

And if it matters, no I am not Islamic but Roman Catholic, but I can see where it hurts them, some of them do take it too far though, and I am not standing up for the ones that do. I stand up for the innocent.

2006-10-23 11:23:42 · answer #2 · answered by Zillah 2 · 0 0

No idea. It really bugs me though. They're not much fun to be blasphemous around. Mulla Ted or Life of Aqmed would probably result in Buckingham Palace being blown up. Moderate muslims are what cowardly muslims call themselves. Nothing's ever gonna change, unless the Government does something about it.

2006-10-23 11:19:01 · answer #3 · answered by Katrina Van Tassel 2 · 3 1

Because it's a perfect Religion; you're wrong they're right. You have the right to criticize their religion, they have the right to kill you for it. I'm sorry, that's not true. They have a responsibility to kill you for it.

But then all that we throw at the Muslims and what the Quran says etc isn't so different from the Old Testament.

Every Dogma has it's day. Will we wait it out, or bomb them forward to the stone age?

P.S The difference between the Crusades and Spansih Inquisition is a few hundred centuries.

2006-10-23 11:24:48 · answer #4 · answered by Paul E 2 · 1 0

I think you'll find there was rather a lot of controversy surrounding the life of Brian and father Ted.

The muslim religion is very strict about making images of God (or Allah) They are tolerant yes and I'm sure they laugh as much as the rest of us while watching friends. But the fact that they maybe don't ball their heads at the eastern equivilent of Life of Brian perhaps shows that they have a lot more respect for Allah than we do for God.

As for never having seen a moderate muslim...I'm guessing you stay in the states, maybe somewhere in the south...?

2006-10-23 12:56:48 · answer #5 · answered by dirty_class 2 · 0 1

Simple!! Let me ans you in 3 different sets of ques.

1st. can you tolerate bullies?

2nd Why does criminals been sent behind bars? Why are there police and Court of law?

3rd Why are you fully protective of your own home and your family?

Actually I have never seen 1 Christian have the guts to preach directly in the islamic community. If they have the guts to do that the MIDDLE EAST now is surrounded by Christian nation.

A guy name Ahmed Deedat has made a forum in the US debating Chritianity VS Islam with being 5 muslims and a whole football stadium of Christians. isn that call guts?

2006-10-23 11:39:24 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

actually your referring to those in the minority who throws tantrums like crazy idiots. i'm a Muslim and i don't agree with what most these Muslims do. they embarrass the religion.

it's just that most things said about Islam are in the extreme and there's no stopping when someone will go one step further.

compare with what happens to the Jews. if you make a quick comment your in court being sued. no one's listening to the Muslim's though, so I have a little sympathy. just look at what the Muslim nations have been going through for the past year....

In my local Muslim society we have called for calm on many occassions. but you know what, there's always an idiot in many a crowd. look at the Sharia law, i'm dead against it. even the qur'an has not given permission to a muslim to judge another person or muslim.

no-one's being fair. if you have an opinion then request an audience or even set up a forum.

if anyone needs advice or know more about my local community email me and i'll invite you to my mosque. we have facilities for the local community, not just worship.

i'm sorry but this sort of thinking you guys have just suggest that you have not even bothered to learn about the faith. but to learn from the examples of a misguided few. that is arrogance and it's quite annoying.

my email is: fresh_mcgraw@yahoo.com

2006-10-23 11:25:45 · answer #7 · answered by fresh_mcgraw 3 · 2 0

Christians are quite used to having people laugh at them! Jesus told us to expect it . If our God was spat at, flogged, mocked and crucified how can I expect any better treatment?

There are decent 'moderate' Muslims! Many of them visit this site and take part! I am so glad they do because I am beginning to understanding Islam through their measured responses!

I have to say some Christians are very rude and just as offencive. There are ignorant people on BOTH sides and its up to us to educate ourselves! These people are our neighbours and precisely who Jesus meant we should love in the parable of the good Samaritan!

I have deep respect for any religious group who are so vilified and still continue to worship their God! I hope when the day comes I have half their courage!

2006-10-23 12:33:25 · answer #8 · answered by Nicola H 4 · 1 0

Very good point!

I am sick listening to them whine on about how they are treated and always jumping on the band wagon of racism!!!!
People in the UK feel they cant even look at a Muslim the wrong way without being perceived as being a racist!!!!

Its a fanatical religion hence the reason why they choose to kill innocent people for allah to try and stop the supposed persecution of Muslims thus I think thats why they cant stand criticism as they know deep down that there actions are wrong and that people are sick of their sh!t! I know I am! its getting to the stage I am sick ***** footing around them- if they dont like it then y dont they feck off back home to where they belong and stop bringing our civilised communities down!

2006-10-23 11:33:30 · answer #9 · answered by Scots lass 2 · 1 0

Stop. I think you're being slightly ignorant.

There was much uproar about The Life of Brian, so much so that in some places it was banned. And there was also critisism of Father Ted.

Didn't you see the reaction to the Madonna Tour recently? Or the way the Jews reacted to The Passion of the Christ?? Or there was also the way the Christians reacted to The Da Vinci Code!!

I don't hear about Jews being asked to stop wearing scull caps, The Sikhs being asked the stop wearing turbons or the Hindu's to stop putting a red dot on their heads. Yet the muslims (because they're so feared!) are being asked to stop showing their religion.

It sounds to me like something that the German's would have done during the WWII.

The Muslims take such offence because most of the Western World is blaming them for all the troubles going on today!! Iraq was invaded after 9/11, but had nothing to do with it. No one lifted a finger to help Palistine or Lebennon when the Jews took it upon themselves to 'rescue' some soldiers!

I think you need to look at who is unable to take critisism. George Bush still cannot admit he was wrong to invade Iraq, they didn't send anywhere near enough forces to Afghanistan - a true axis of evil and now they've messed up the entire situation in the area.

Even the soldiers and generals are telling them what they've done wrong, internal reports tell them what they've done wrong. They can't even be bothered to sign the damn Keoto agreement even though loads of American cities are now abiding by their own Keoto style agreement.

You will find that if the American's and Britain actually fought just causes e.g. really telling Korea where to stick their Nuclear bombs, doing something to help Darfur or the people of Zimbabwe...but no, we have to fight the middle east and their majority religion on some num skull idea that it's for the good of the world! It's done more damage than good and we, the normal people are the one's who will suffer for it.

Maybe someone gave Osama Bin Laden a reason to hate the Western World...

2006-10-23 11:18:41 · answer #10 · answered by caz_cash 2 · 2 5

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