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Please listen to my story, before answering. I know it's long,but bare with me.
My father whom is no longer with me, when I was young he turned me on to bands like Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Helloween, adn authors like Allister Crowley, whom I read, but did not find his words to be truthful in my heart.
So, I decided the more fundamental approaches of Christianity was for me, but to no avail it did not answer the many questions of my inquisitive mind. So I studied many religions in search of meaning, and still found nothing. I met a Reiki Master, and found so much truth in her "non teachings" but from her example of living life.
My father who for many years believed himself to be an atheist, and I always respected his views, after many years of drug abuse found himself at death's door, with a virus called Hiv, and a disease called Cancer.
It was then that my dad was open for anything, and I gave him a book called "conversations with god" At first he rejected it, but I told him

2006-10-23 04:13:07 · 5 answers · asked by fryedaddy 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I explained to him the book was not about god being a guy in the clouds who controls our life, the book was more about the experience of oneself, and the god within our being. He read the book and to my surpise even said thank you because he said he knew that god was a word that was forced upon him in the way of the worlds definition, not one that he was allowed to form himself. He realized that he called himself an athesit, because of these ideas. He said the book gave him a better understanding of what he believed in which was everything, and nothing. That god was everything, and nothing. He said that when he looked upon himself now he understood that the way he chose to live his life was not his, but was the rejection of how someone else told him to live. He said he now gets that god is not a religious word it just meant as being more, and the peace within. He said that when he looks upon his sons face, he feels god. He said now after all the years of anger that I carried, I can

2006-10-23 04:51:33 · update #1

see that I too with the peace I have now with everything I am god, and I feel god, and know.
I tell this story because I wonder if for athesists it could be the same.
Does the very word god implie to you a deity to believe in, or is that good that we recieve and the peace we have within that is god. And if that is the case then I too would be called an atheist who does not believe in a god made by man. But the one who lives within me, and instucts me to see the good of myself and everything else to me that is being connected, and knowing god. It may be wrong, but it gave my father peace before he left this world.
Im not suggesting that all atheists feel this way. But what I am suggesting is that most I have meant are good people who follow moral code,not because of relgion but because of their being.
I ask is this the same for you? Do you agree atheists.
And as always I wish you well

2006-10-23 04:57:11 · update #2

5 answers

okay, I do understand what you're trying to express. I personally feel that there are some things that cannot be explained through science. I know people who should be dead right now. I know that things for me work out even if I've reached the end of my rope. so there is a force out there that is very strong. I just haven't identified it yet. why? because it is unexplainable. I don't accept god in the way that religious people do and will no longer use that terminology. their god is based on the bible and I will never believe in the bible. however, I am too searching for answers to unexplained. It's kind of like x files. everytime you think you're close, nothing turns up. there is an explanation and I will continue my search for my own truths. I hope this helps. good luck to you in your search as well. I really didn't mind answering your question, I just didn't know if you remember to check on the question. peace

2006-10-23 04:15:32 · answer #1 · answered by WAKE UP 3 · 0 1

I don't agree. I tried that philosophy before, clinging to the hope that God exists. I wanted nothing more than to believe in him. I was desperate to believe. Nothing could console that for me. I analyzed my surroundings, what I was taught, and what I was trying to create for myself. Then I realized that this philosophy was cowardly. It was depending on a crutch instead of dealing with my life alone. I feel that we are alone. Most would find this depressing, but I embrace it because we are alone together. When faced with death, no Atheist should be blamed for being scared. That's human. It's human to want to believe that everything is going to be okay. I think most Atheists wish that it is as easy as there being a God that created everything, but we see that it's not. We see the evidence and the hold religion has over people. If you studied psychology and compared your studies to church guidelines, you'd have an "Ah Ha!" moment.

2006-10-23 04:19:58 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No, I don't agree, because I don't believe in any sort of being or intelligence besides my own and those of the people around me. There is not some Higher Self in my head to try to guide me, nor is there some Lower Self trying to stumble me. If we are going to assume that 'god' is just some higher part of ourselves, why bother calling it god? The universe is nothing more than a massive computational existence of which we are one small part, in no way separated or distinct from it. Everything follows perfectly definable mathematical rules -- at the moment of the beginning of the visible universe, its final outcome, and every moment in between, was set in stone, all of existence beginning, lasting, and ending, all at once.

There is nothing but matter and energy, and even those are just two sides to the same coin.

2006-10-23 04:15:04 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Sounds a bit suspect, choosing 'omg satanic' bands and questionable writers. Not only that but your father had HIV AND cancer? That's rather unlucky.

I'll answer properly when you post the rest.

2006-10-23 04:21:30 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

They don't believe in God at all. Which is fine. I do believe in God as the creator, not the man in the sky that you pray to or obey. To me, he is a force.

2006-10-23 05:23:21 · answer #5 · answered by AuroraDawn 7 · 1 0

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