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I'm 15 years old (in the 8-th grade) and my life is a total s**t. I hate my life, I can' do sport, rarely, but after that i have an asmah atack. I can't concentrate at school, mid-grades, I have just 3 friends in my classroom, with the oher 25 I rarely speak to them. I thought on sucide, but I calmed down. What should I do? Who cahn give me a more happy point of view i my life?

2006-10-23 00:37:11 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Mental Health

17 answers

first of all if you have three good friends that's more than a lot of people have. so don't worry. and things change as you get older.
its never fun to have disability or chronic illness, i know.
don't ever tell anybody your school name or street address but tell me in an email your country state and city will look stuff up for you. you need to get better medical care for your asthma first. maybe that's affecting your grades too? what do you think is the biggest problem for you.?
do you have a regular doctor?.or a specialist for the asthma?
and if your parents use air fresheners or Lysol or bug spray or any strong smelling stuff in the house they must stop. many people don't know that makes it harder for people with asthma.!
learn everything you can about your condition and see if there's a local support group. I'll help you find out if you cant find anything.
read this stuff first. its the official information.

Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America - Information About ...
Get FREE information and resources from the leading national nonprofit organization for people with allergies and asthma.
www.aafa.org/ - 34k

here's a teen info space too to chat about things..

they have info on the asthma and depression.

if you feel really depressed you should speak to a school counselor or call a teen hot line look that up on the internet for your area.

and you can do outdoor fun things that aren't so rough .
join sierra club teens if there is one near you
Sierra Club Missouri Valley Group - Activities: Sierra Teens ...
Sierra Teens Orientation. Sierra Teens looking for a few good teens, and some volunteers, too. May, 2005. A summer Sierra Club Missouri Valley Group project ...
nebraska.sierraclub.org/movalley/ calendar/activities/SierraTeens2005.asp - 7k -

your life is just beginning and it will get better.
the more you know the easier. its not fair you have asthma to deal with, but there it is. it could be worse.

if you do everything you can to find out your options and to fix things you will already begin to feel empowered and better.

this is to start !you can email me by clicking on my picture and then the email tab on that page too and ill give you more information.

i hope you learn what you can to help yourself thought these sites and other resources so you can start doing more you enjoy soon.

hang in there !

it will get better!

2006-10-23 01:16:20 · answer #1 · answered by macdoodle 5 · 0 0

I remember when I was like that...it felt really horrible. I don't know how I managed to get out of it.
However some of the things that pulled me out of depression were music and books witch became my best friends and taught me how to deal with the outside world.
However, I think you are really lucky. You already hae 3 friends in your classroom and, believe me, that is really a lot. I had a hard time keeping any friends at all.
In the end, it doesn't matter if you have 3 friends or 300! What matters is that you enjoy your life the way it is. Try to make the best of your situation. Who cares about the rest 25 people in your classroom. You are the most important thing and if they don't want to be friends with you than it is theri problem not yours. Maybe at some level you ar esuperior to them!
Enjoy the people who are around you, however few they are!
Find a hobby! A thing you like to do, something through which you can express yourself! Just because you can't do sports it doesn't mean you're finished! Take up photography or any other thing you might be interested in!
Your life will change when you change your attitude towards it.
Have some fun, don't take things so seriously!

2006-10-23 00:48:55 · answer #2 · answered by GothAngel 2 · 1 0

If this is any help even the cool kids are scared of being not cool deep inside, I was cool even though my parents did not let me date or spend the nite at other peoples houses , what I found was I started a jounal(boys & girls can do it) and I told myself 1 bad thing about myself and 5 good things about myself. I looked in the mirror and said "I love you" everyday because my parents had no time for me just rules that had to be done daily. I had to clean the whole house with my brother while my mother slept in a sugar coma(Diabetic) and they had the nerve to saddle two new babies on us too, and th s*** hit the fan if we did not do it. I snuck out alot which only got me hooked on drugs and pregnant at 18 with a 15 yr old boy. After 46 yrs I have everything I want beautiful kids,nice car, nice house & great freinds. do not give up,sports are only one aspect of life, there will be hurdles, look in the mirror and say "I love you and no matter what happens today you still have me". I have 3 very good freinds one from high school, one from work, and the man I married. And I have 3 best freinds my children. Don't give up son life will get better maybe not today put tomarrow or next month or next year or in five years you never know, one day you will wake up and say what a great day! Believe me I do care and I don't even know you. Have a good day,find one good thing today and dwell on it.

2006-10-23 01:15:07 · answer #3 · answered by livlafluv 4 · 0 0

So what if an astham attack is caused by sport? Do sport thats less tring or occupy urself with somethin else. And if the other 25 kids don't wanna be ur frieinds then thats their problem. ur 3 freinds are probably the three u should stick with, if uv got them who cares? U dont need 25 freinds ur 3 r more important than them. U changing ur mind on suicide shows u made a sensible decisin. Suicide is cowardly, don't let that be the way u exit ur life,even if u think its ****. Its times liek these which show what kinda person u really r, fight against those weird voices that complain how **** life is and make u contemplate suicide. Ull be a better person if u try nd live ur left as best u can-so do that

2006-10-23 01:11:27 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm a bit of a chameleon personality, which allows me to get along great with a lot of people but not really close to anyone. I hopped around a lot from clique to clique early on in high school and everyone was friendly when I'd show up but after a while, they didn't really know me other than this weird guy who shows up for a few nights out/parties and then splits for 2 months while he makes the rounds to all his other friends. The short is, I lost pretty much every group of friends I had and got right down to nobody. I hit my low point in grade 10 when I'd eat lunch alone, outside, behind the tennis courts near the school. I was miserable so I know how you feel. My misery caused my grades to fall and my parents were on my case non stop, telling me I was throwing my life away.

At the end of the second trimester in grade 10, I brought home a report card that was accompanied by a letter saying they'd have to hold me back a grade if I didn't improve in the final trimester. My dad slapped me HARD that night and I went to my room and lay awake all night grimicing in the pain and then suddenly it was like an epiphany hit me. I said to myself, "F**k everyone, f**k wasting my energy on trying to be popular, I've got nothing left to lose now so what the hell am I doing just sitting on my hands? I need to reinvent who I am." From that day on, I took studies more seriously and with no social life distracting me I started making improvements. After a few solid B's on some tests and projects, the thrill that I might actually beat my way out of high school with a half decent academic record became my new fuel. By the end of grade 11 I was on the honor roll and my parents were so happy, they sent me overseas for a few months to go see the world a bit (as a reward). That COMPLETELY changed my view of life and how "small town" my life back home was the whole time. After that, I couldn't wait to get done with high school and get into college. I grew up in Vancouver, Canada and now I'm doing my masters degree in the Czech Republic. I left everyone and everything behind... and so can you! My entire life's posessions literally fit into two suitcases and a book bag now. I keep a sketchbook I also use to write stuff in. I'm 27, I'm happy, and I have a cell phone full of numbers of people all over the world I care about.

Good luck to you Andy. Find something that makes you happy and use that as your focus to get through school. Sometimes you have to go through a low point in life to see an opportunity you were blind to before.

2006-10-23 01:01:53 · answer #5 · answered by wreck_beach 4 · 1 0

There is life after high school. Focus on your studies, get good grades, in 3 or 4 years go to college, AWAY from where you are now. I was miserable in school, middle school AND high school. I thought of suicide then too. I only had a couple of friends, wasn't "popular". As soon as I graduated from high school, I LEFT that town. And when I went back to my 10 year reunion? All of those "popular" people, were still there, stuck in their little world.
The best thing you can do is focus on the fact there is a WORLD out there, most of these people in your life now? Won't be a part of your life later.

2006-10-23 00:52:06 · answer #6 · answered by msuzyq 4 · 2 0

School is huge so you will always have people forming thier own groups and who will probably not soialise out side of it. I'm 15 and in year 11 and i don't talk to about half the people in my class and with the rest a little, I have other friends in other forms (classes). I am also not great at sport at school (I have asthma too and brocheactesis but its mild) but I have found other things which i do like and am good at such as fencing and bell ringing. There is so much out there to discover, don't give up now!

2006-10-23 00:53:26 · answer #7 · answered by midgetryley 1 · 1 0

Hi I would recomend getting a dog they are there for you whenever you need them and are always on hand to give you a friendly greeting. Also bear in mind that as you go through life you will only probably only have a few true true friends these are people who will stay in conctact all your life and even if you dont see them for 10 years or so you would be able to pick up where you left off!! Keep smiling though and i hope things get better soon :o)

2006-10-23 00:44:48 · answer #8 · answered by sarah j 1 · 1 0

You need to find a hobby that makes you happy and makes you feel like you are accomplishing something. You don't say what you are interested in aside from sports. Do you like animals? If you do volunteer at your local animal shelter. Do you like small children? If you do volunteer at your local community center. Whatever your interests are, use them to the fullest. When you do, you'll find that you will meet many new friends. In addition to that, when you are doing something that you enjoy and that you take pride in, you'll find that you be focusing on the good area of your life and not the bad. good luck.

2006-10-23 05:44:24 · answer #9 · answered by curious 1 · 0 0

my friend ..much of fun in this life is just a head of you
so what you have asthma may people have it and still happy and can fit in the society ..forget about sport try painting ,music,video game...every human is special in a way try to find your unique style..
about friends look to the positive side you have 3 friends some may have no friend at all....ok be social try to talk to others but 3 seems good for me don't you think....
and believe me life is much more bigger than high school
and remember
suicide is for losers and I'm sure you are not one of them
take care Andy

2006-10-23 00:47:20 · answer #10 · answered by going-to-light 3 · 1 0

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