yes, get him goodnites. i am 16 and i use them every night.
there is probably nothing wrong with him. those people who say he need a doctor for "psyoliogcal" (spell?) dont know an thing at all. i went though 5 diffrent doctors, 3 of them urologst, and none of them found any thing wrong with m. also drugs have very nasty side efects, they are worse than the wetting. just buy him diapers, dont make it a big deal and dont forse them on him. and wait for him to outgrow it.
2006-10-24 17:34:37
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I would take him to the doctor. This could be an indication of an undiagnosed bladder infection, or diabetes. Or maybe a case of immature bladder. My older sister had bed wetting incidents until 14 years old. Hers was based on emotional problems but, I would hold off on the diapers, plastic sheets will protect the mattress and and alarm colck could wake him for bathroom at intervals to help in the meentime
2006-10-22 15:18:20
answer #2
answered by penelope 1
Have you taken him to the doctor. He could be diabetic. Bed wetting is one of the signs. Don't buy diapers until you find out why he is wetting. The diapers will only cause problems in the end if it is not needed.
2006-10-22 16:59:01
answer #3
answered by tscollin2000 1
Do not buy your son diapers! That will humiliate him. Take him to the Doctor, either he has a medical condition or a psychological problem. There are treatments for both.
2006-10-23 04:32:19
answer #4
answered by Urchin 6
Take him to the doctor. There is medication that will help him. He is going into a deep rem sleep. The medication will help change his sleep pattern and stop this problem. It is not a permanent prescription, he onl;y has to take like 50-150 pills. A general family doctor can write the prescription. Good luck. I hope this helps.
2006-10-22 16:14:46
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
You should see a doctor. The majority of bedweters outgrow the problem by fifteen. There are drugs available to help and alarms as well.
Good Luck.
2006-10-22 15:15:31
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I think you should go see a doctor and get him checked out if he is still wetting the bed at that age.
2006-10-22 19:31:47
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
you should take him to the doctor, a 15 year old shouldn't be wetting the bed, something physiological is going on.
2006-10-22 15:14:56
answer #8
answered by melashell 3
oh my you need to take him to the doctor because that is not normal and he will be embarrassed if his friends find out so save him the embarrassment and take him to the doctor
2006-10-23 09:22:34
answer #9
answered by ashley 2
I have had the same problem I am 17. Let me talk to you or son and we will talk about it.
2006-10-22 15:28:07
answer #10
answered by worriedteen14 1