Since the age of 5,wow that's along time.!was there any sexual abuse that you are to afraid to talk about with someone,or maybe your elders, whoever it was gave you mental abuse? Your sis may be right about the forcing yourself.when i was in an accident they said I would never function again,i really got very depressed until i seen someone named Kim she was worse off than me,she handed me a bible and told me how happy she was to be living even in her condition you see she lost the use of one arm got cut off,alsohad a head injury caused from a stroke,,,,there is always going to someone worse off .try to enjoy life to fullest for we have no promise of what tomorrow hold my accident i was 30 im am now fifty,my husband woud refuse to give up on me,but it had to be MY OWN DECISION. YOU HAVE TO HELP YOURSELF FIRST,also if you believe in god talk to him he will lead you in the right direction sincerely hopeful for your quick recovery will be praying.ldp
2006-10-22 15:22:47
answer #1
answered by ? 2
Making other people understand that depression, or any other mental illness, is actually biological and very real is nearly impossible. They will always just tell you to "toughen up" or "take a bath" or something like that. We know the illness is real and not situational, and it sucks really bad.
You can't change them, but you can get help for yourself. Here's how:
You should have 2 doctors, a psychiatrist and a psychologist/talk therapist. The psychiatrist is someone trained in the field of mental illness who can prescribe medication, and the psycholgist/talk therapist will help you with cognitive and behavioral methods of helping yourself. Both are shown to work together to fight depression.
Have you been on every single med? How about cocktails of meds? How about whole other classes of meds, mixed with anti depressants? I'm bipolar and I take Wellbutrin, Lamictal (awesome anti-depression mood stabilizer), and Risperdal (anti-manic and anti-psychotic), and Klonopin for anxiety. They all work together to help me function. You may need this kind of approach, which is why going to a psychiatrist and not a regular doctor is important.
If you HAVE gone to a psychiatrist with no luck, switch doctors. Interview them first, tell them your story and ask them what their treatment plan would be. Go with who you like and think is the most reasonable.
Do the same thing for your talk therapist. They are equally important. Make sure you like them, can trust them, and can develop a good relationship with them.
Please don't give up! There is hope. Just follow my instructions and you'll be set. I've been bipolar since I was 7 and I'm now 28. I've been there. I've been to the hospital 5 times. I've been on so many drug cocktails your head would spin. The stuff I"m on right now seems to be working. I hope it continues!
Good luck. My thoughts are with you.
2006-10-22 22:04:47
answer #2
answered by Loon-A-TiK 4
Depression comes from the thoughts in your head, put there by the main people in your life, usually when you're a child. Trust me, there are programs that can help you. If you have seen doctors for 25 years and no progress has been made, then unfortunately you have not seen very competent ones, because depression is very treatable. A complete change of diet plus a good counselor and a support group are the areas that you should start with. Your family probably has had enough of it, and you cannot expect them to deal with it all these years. They have to get on with their life, and they want you to do the same. It is not too late for you, and the change you can make in your life can make your latter years amazingly wonderful.
2006-10-22 21:47:28
answer #3
answered by Just Ducky 5
I am 55 and was diagnosed when I was 7... found help mid '40s after finding out about the "recovery movement"... long story short, now, for the last 5 years... I am at peace and proactive about my life, my kids are on a good path, my credit is good, and I earned my certification as a psychiatric rehabilitation professional. All that suffering paid off in a way because now I can use my experience to help others that suffer similarly... there IS hope, my sister... tomorrow CAN be better than today... use the internet to learn about recovery...( do searches on recovery*mental health cause otherwise you will 60 gazillion hits )
with my doc's help, I am off medication tho I have a prn (that I haven't used in almost a year)
come join us as we follow the yellow brick road - you are the destination of your beautiful road
how bad do you want it to be good, baby? be strong, baby steps are the hardest but inch by inch, you will be able to take bigger and bigger steps.... you CAN have the life you deserve!
the site below helped me get started... best of luck
2006-10-22 22:05:08
answer #4
answered by dornalune 2
First of all : You can't give up.If you do,depression wins and your sis and Ex will never fully understand.The only way for them to have some kind of understanding is for them to see how you deal with it, or for them to have it themselves.
I know someone;they are in their early 50's too.What they do,is channel the depression into something constructive;something positive.I'm not talking about a hobby, that'd be personal acheivement.What they do is volunteer work.This person helps others and it deflects the depression into something good.They feel good about themselves and how they manage their depression.I'm always glad to hear of the wonderful things this person does.Others see the good this person does,so they do kind of get a grasp of what the pain of depression is.
Try something like this,it may be a way to beat it for you as well.
2006-10-22 21:58:58
answer #5
answered by frith25 4
Depression is very real and painful.
A good way of fighting the way out of depression is to get out and focus on helping others who are in great need of assistance. Are there opportunities to do volunteer work for less fortunate people in your community? Talk to a therapist about getting involved. They will love you because volunteers are valued.
2006-10-22 21:46:46
answer #6
answered by Lynda 7
Don't give up. They may never understand you, but you should keep trying to find help. Maybe they do understand, but they pretend they don't because they can't cope with their own inability to help you; powerlessness is an awful feeling.
Find a new doctor. Keep trying keep trying keep trying. There has to be something out there that will help you. You aren't alone.
2006-10-22 21:38:52
answer #7
answered by lilgoat4 2
stop trying to make others understand.
you will not get someone to understand something they have not experienced. try writing about it on a blog or something if you need to express it. just stop trying to make them understand.
stop talking to them if necessary. and focus on yourself.
feel deeply the trucks sitting on you. describe in detail what it feels like - to your journal - not to another person you want to understand. let go of the need to be understood. you will be happier.
2006-10-22 21:44:24
answer #8
answered by Sufi 7
You can't make some people understand. But you do need to try to do something if you don't do it nobody else can for you. and yes I do understand.
2006-10-22 21:44:12
answer #9
answered by jingles_200 6
Would an inpatient psych ward stay help maybe?
2006-10-22 23:33:43
answer #10
answered by catzrme 5