what age-range female do you think a 44 year old man should stay within for dating ? & long term potential ?
Also, What is your age, & what age range would you consider dating ?
30 answers
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Family & Relationships
➔ Singles & Dating
ok, fyi, a couple have wondered why i would ask their age. I was looking to see how the perspectives might be different from different ages.
14:20:55 ·
update #1
I am 36. I usually date guys 3 years above to 3 years below. It has just happened to be that way, but if the guy was interesting I might consider older.
2006-10-22 14:12:20
answer #1
answered by Barbara 6
Hi. I'm 42 and would consider dating 39 - 50. The reason is anything younger may not be ready to settle down yet, is probably on the rebound from a marriage with young kids or a playboy. I have dated over the 50 mark and find that they are preparing for retirement and looking for someone to enjoy their "golden years" with. While I may be golden, I am not in my golden years and have a lot more years to work before I can retire and play all day. I might consider a guy if he's over 50 and has lots of money and loves me to pieces and wants me to quit working and play all day. :-)
There is a small range of years that a 15-20 year difference works for. When you get to be 50 or 60 and you are dating people 20 years your Jr, what is it you are really looking for? I can't date people my kid's age, that's totally unethical. Age is only a number, but there gets to be a time when it's about plans and every ones are suddenly different.
OOOOPS! Almost forgot about you. If your 44, I think a range of 36 - 50 should work and be acceptable. I hate when I see 44 year old guys looking for women 18-50, what is that about????
2006-10-22 14:14:35
answer #2
answered by Cinderella 4
Why should there be an age range, if you like what you see age shouldn't stop you. I am a bit over 50 and I have dated men that were 20 years younger. Age is just a number but the heart knows what it wants.
2006-10-22 14:13:15
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I think that you should go for the age range of 40-44 yrs old. If you like to go for the younger ladies then go for it. But I think you will find that most of them still dont know what they want and arent comfortable with themselfs. I hope I helped you with your question.
2006-10-22 14:11:16
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I would say between 30 and 50. Although when it comes down to it...if two people get along then how can it be wrong. Just find someone who loves you and that you love. I am 44 and married to a man who is 40.
2006-10-22 15:42:48
answer #5
answered by KaLee 2
I think within 10 years of his age, depending on the person.
I'm 44 and I don't usually go younger than 40 or older than 55.
It really depends on the people involved and their maturity.
2006-10-22 14:17:11
answer #6
answered by Debbie 2
I really don't think that age is of much importance in a relationship as long as the two involved are over 18. I am 28 and I would consider dating someone of any age really.
2006-10-22 14:10:32
answer #7
answered by ♥dream_angel♥ 6
Personally i dont think age matters as long as you love the other person what does it matter what other people think. I am 25 yrs old and i dont care about age. I try not to go for guys that are older than 35 but sometimes you cant help who you love.
2006-10-22 14:12:05
answer #8
answered by zachsmomsh 2
for a 44 year old i think the appropriateness of his manner and action. age really doesnt matter if they love and respect each other even in the early stage, as to dating. for long term potential, i guess 30-40 if he intends to settle down. not younger.. me? lets not talk about it.. :)
2006-10-22 14:10:17
answer #9
answered by rizaplanco 1
I honestrly do not think age matters. My dad was always with a much younger women, I'm talking about 15-20 years younger than himself. He was a very fun loving person, that found his matches with a younger female. I know someone who is with a much older man too. Whatever fits for you...if you get along with the person..if it is working for you, age should be the last thing that matters I think.
2006-10-22 14:10:18
answer #10
answered by ? 6