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about the commercials we see on tv. I have my little one year old daughter crawling by the tv while a commercial about the movies saw, friday the 13th etc are on (two in a row) How is it that we can't show a butt crack on tv, or a set of breasts, but any gorry, voilent stuff is okay. What can I as a concerned parent do to make a change. I don't want to see all that violent stuff either, and please don't tell me to turn off the tv, I see this stuff while watching comedy or other non-violent stuff, so it is not my choice.Are any other parents feeling the same way, is it congress I need to write or what can I do, please give advise

2006-10-22 13:32:54 · 17 answers · asked by Cherie 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

17 answers

I completely agree with you. You can be watching a family show and the next thing you know a horrifying commercial comes on for a movie that is scary to me much less my four year old.

I don't have an answer but would be happy to work with you to find one. I think it is ridiculous and something needs to be done about it, and I am a pretty free thinker so it takes allot to get me angry about something on TV, but this does!

Perhaps these commercials need to be restricted to certain hours. I have seen them at any time of day.

2006-10-22 13:47:41 · answer #1 · answered by crct2004 6 · 0 0

I agree, but there are worse things then the gorry commercials. I am a parent of a 7 and 6 year old and I have had concerns for years. The best thing is when the commercial comes on to change the channel. It is free speech and advertising, congress will just ignore or use that as an excuse.
There are blocks for the other things, like Cartoon Network and adult shows. I use them as the kids grow up and can access the television without me around, that way I know they are protected from viewing that crap.

2006-10-22 20:40:18 · answer #2 · answered by jerseymilo9 2 · 0 0

I agree that commercials are a problem! You have identified the best solution -- Turn Off the TV!!! Invest in Tivo or some such if you want to watch after she has gone to bed. I did not even have a TV in my house until my children were older. Trust me, I cannot think of a single thing that I missed in 10 years of NO TV!! Instead, we read books together and played board games. My daughters still talk about the fun we had. Best yet, they weren't exposed to all the trash!!

2006-10-22 20:45:13 · answer #3 · answered by Cindy B 5 · 1 0

my grandparents just muted the tv during commmericals? You also could maybe look at a v chip?? Like those things that block out unwanted stuff, but i'm not sure they do anything about commercials!
other than that, and turning off the tv like you said are the only things i can think of! Maybe if you are worried about the impact it will have on your kids, take them out of the room during commercials or don't let them watch with you!
or record your show and watch it when the little one has gone to bed!
I hope this helped!
And yes i agree with you, which is why our tv isn't on much! That or we do something like get a snack during commercials! Cause they can get pretty sick!

2006-10-22 20:38:12 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Recently I got a call from an organization who was worried about the quality of television shows. You could join an organization or buy the DVD's they sponser.

For an answer to the tv dillemna. I am not going to be one of the people who tells you to get rid of your tv. What I do is record my favorite shows using the device provided by cable company (they charge me like $5 extra a month) than I just fast forward through the commercials. It saves me time, and I don't have to deal with the crappy ads.

2006-10-22 22:18:22 · answer #5 · answered by katherinernilson 2 · 0 0

Yeah, that's a tough one...I feel for you. I know by writing to the stations won't do any good, unless they're bombarded with tons and tons of similar complaints. The congress - I doubt they'll do anything, but you can try if you really want to.

Have you tried renting dvd's or videos from a store, or borrowing appropriate children's videos from the local library? This way, you can bypass the commercials and be in total control of what your daughter's watching on tv.

Hope this helps!

2006-10-22 20:46:56 · answer #6 · answered by ¿What Now? 2 · 1 0

This is the very reason that we don't have cable or satellite. We have a TV, but WE choose what our boys watch. We have an antenna that picks up one station......PBS. Other than that we either watch movies/shows on DVD or we just leave it off and do other things. Honestly I don't miss having cable/satellite. It was all a bunch of reruns anyways.

2006-10-22 21:46:32 · answer #7 · answered by Crystal 5 · 0 0

Sorry, the answer is for you to turn off the tv. You should be paying attention to your child and not spending mindless hours with it droning on. Try reading a book to your child, going out to play, go for a nature walk, or play games. If you have to have a tv on, then put it on the public channels that show children's educational shows.

Its not the governments responsibility to parent the child you chose to bring into this world, its yours. Turn it off.

2006-10-22 22:21:20 · answer #8 · answered by tjnstlouismo 7 · 0 1

i have a 3 and 4 year old and i try for them to not watch to much tv but i am lucky as they only really pay attention if i put in one of their favorit dvds but this is a free country and because of this i have no problems with the comercials that are on. and unfourntantly for you the only solution is to turn of the tv if you dont want your child exposed to it then dont put them in the situtioation to see it, which leaves you with the only option of turning of the tv. i am sure that you dont want you freedoms taken away.

2006-10-22 21:51:24 · answer #9 · answered by birdie 1 · 0 0

I don't have a TV, my 3 and 1 yr old do fine without it. There's alot of stuff on their that a child shouldn't be lookin at anyway simply because they are not old enough to understand so why expose them to it? I don't like what they show on TV either so I don't have it.

2006-10-22 21:04:57 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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