I stayed at home (still do). The cost of daycare was just to much, and I knew I would miss my babies. Sometimes I am happy about it, but other times I really want to get some time to myself. I think you just have to find what works for you.
2006-10-22 13:29:23
answer #1
answered by jamie s 2
I have 3 children and I've always worked. There was a time when i thought that staying HOME would be a great plan, but i quickly found that i was a much better mom when i was gone during the daytime hours(9-5) and then came home to my kids. I think that daycare,school, and even babysitters are a great tool that teaches kids about other people,places and gives them wonderful social skills. I'm one of those moms who's dead set AGAINST home school for the simple fact that i think kids need to be OUT in the "real world" and around all kinds of people to develop the necessary skills to just simply learn to live and get along. This is just my opinion, and I'm sure some will completely disagree, and that's ok.
Hope this answers your question and good luck with whatever decision you make.
2006-10-22 20:35:23
answer #2
answered by JustMe 2
I have 2 chilren ages 6 1/2 yrs and 2 months I am staying home right now and for as long as I can because I went right back to work with my oldest and I felt like I missed out on too much even though most of the time i was gone she slept. Money is going to be the biggest factor in my decision so that my familys life style doesnt change but for now I am happy at home
2006-10-22 20:31:24
answer #3
answered by ♥Ta Loca♥ 4
I wrk the nite shift to be home with my kids during the day once they are both in school I will switch to the day until then I will wrk the nite shift. I think its very important to be there atleast the 1st 5 years when the foundation is created and I dont believe in key latch children either so I try to wrk around them. Thats where alot of kids go wrong now a days (not all) but alot do they come home to no one and leave in the morning with no one there to start off their day good :(
2006-10-23 19:03:05
answer #4
answered by Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Mom2two Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ 7
Hi there Lindsey. I always styed at home. I mean nowadays daycare has become such a chronic problem out there. Parents have kids then shuffle them into a daycare to be raised. How pathetic.
I mean really, when are people going to wise up and either choose a career, or choose to stay at home and change diapers. One or the other, not both. It's all so pathetic.
2006-10-23 08:27:24
answer #5
answered by Frugalmom 4
I am Shanet963's wife. I stayed home with my first in 1999, for one year and then went back for financial reasons and personal. I really felt like a better mother outside of the home. Plus, I am much more organized and get more accomplished at home with working full-time. I now have 17 month old twins and wanted to stay home, wanted to go back and ultimately I went back. Again, the want for something that was my own, a sense of contribution to the family, being productive and organized becasue of working. I am older now, was not as nervous like with the first and it just works for us. I have the twins in daycare two days a week and they are by far so much more socially adjusted than my son was at that age. I had him in day care at the age of two for a short period of time then family stepped in, husband's schedule, it just worked then.... to keep him home. Ultimately, you do what is right for you. Until the end of time, women will argue over staying at home or returning to work and which is the better choice. At the end of the day it is you and your family at home together and what makes sense to you should make sense to you, not anyone else. Good luck with your decision! I am happy with mine, you be happy with yours!
2006-10-22 20:39:52
answer #6
answered by shanet963 1
I managed to work at home until my son could go to school. Them I found work when he was at school. We lived in a city where I could pick him up after school, so I worked until that time and then we came back home by bus. It was a long walk to the bustop, so we used to talk and sing a lot. When he got home he used to be so tired that it was easy to feed him and he went to bed early, so I had time to do other stuff. When he grew older We moved to the city where I live now, I tried to get two jobs, but when he was alone in the house he started experimenting with things and one day I found burned paper and water in the wastebasket in the bathroom, another time I saw he had been tempering with other gadgets. I decided then to quit one of my jobs, and find something I could do at home instead. My only concern was always find time to do things together with him. He was a nice kid. Sometimes we had a great time cooking dinner together.
2006-10-22 20:32:58
answer #7
answered by eliana s 3
My daughter is 8 weeks old. I'll stay at home with her until the new year and then I'll work part time. I choose to do this because I want to be with her until she's a little older. Also childcare is very expensive here in Ireland and working fulltime wouldn't even be worth my time with the amount childcare would cost me.
2006-10-22 20:29:50
answer #8
answered by Alana B 5
I stay at home and runt he kids to and from school.I do not trust day care or any other type of transportation for my children. to many bad people do bad things that end people's lives and they stay with you for ever and ever.
so I chose to stay at home and do it that way.
and I do not regret it at all.
before I know it they will be all grown up and on their own and it will be well worth all of it..many times over...then maybe I will go back to work...
have a good day
good luck
and by the way..your husband is the luckiest guy int he world!
2006-10-22 20:36:40
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Both. I stay at home with my kids. And I babysit my sister's 2 boys and my cousin's 2 girls. It works out nicely. I can stay home with my kids and still earn something. And they don't have to pay daycare prices.
2006-10-22 20:30:22
answer #10
answered by zil28ennov 6