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He's been drinking it but not the whole bottle and not as much as he used to drink his formula, is it ok to switch back to formula or should I keep him on vitamin d milk and let him get used to it?

2006-10-22 13:15:01 · 13 answers · asked by YD 4 in Pregnancy & Parenting Toddler & Preschooler

13 answers

let him get used to it. i just switched my daughter over about a month ago and she drinks it just fine now. If he doesnt drink it all at once and it hasnt gone bad just put it in the fridge and give it to him later instead of juice until it is finished. He is supposed to be getting about 3 cups a day which can be hard to do but just give it time and it will work out. I got my little girl to drink all of hers by putting a very small amount of chocolate syrup in it, just enough to give it a little sweet taste and gradually took it out. She now drinks her milk plain. Some days he might not drink it all but thats ok bc something is better than nothing. Also you might try giving it to him in a cup instead of a bottle. Get him a cute cup maybe that he has helped pick out. I suggest any gerber cups bc they are the only ones i have found that wont leak. The nuby cups leak bc of the insert they use and eventually start to get build up on the insert which is gross. If you put it in a cup you can take the bottle away for good. If he is used to getting a bottle at night just give him milk in a cup at dinner time so you know that he isnt going to bed hungry.

2006-10-22 14:50:57 · answer #1 · answered by BJTD 2 · 0 0

Changing to whole milk is a big step. You should not go back to formula. His intake will eventually pick up, but don't worry he's still getting the nutrients he needs. And yeah you probably should try switching to a cup. When we switched to real milk we lost the bottles. Bottles are for formula and only babies drink that. You've got a little man, start making the transition.

2006-10-22 13:28:19 · answer #2 · answered by laedeb 3 · 1 0

Stick to vitamin D milk. I'm assuming that he is a year old since you put him on milk. You shouldn't be giving him milk in a bottle anymore. He doesn't need it. Switch to cup. Milk isn't formula. If he's eating solid foods than he's only drinking milk now when he's thirsty.

And when you give him the cup, don't go back in forth trying to get him used to the cup. Throw away the bottles! It may be hard the first few days, but he'll get used to it.

Good luck!!

2006-10-22 13:27:41 · answer #3 · answered by lil_hem_n_va 4 · 1 0

First, I hope he is 1 year old, because you should not give babies younger than 1 whole milk. It can cause kidney problems. Second, he probably should be drinking from a cup, not a bottle. Third, he should also be eating baby or mashed up table foods, not subsisting primarily on milk. If he is not 1 yet, go back to formula. If he is 1, he needs to stay with the milk.

2006-10-22 13:21:14 · answer #4 · answered by nurse.courtney 1 · 1 0

its fine i took my daughter off formula in january this year when she turned one but 6 weeks ago i realised why she was back to waking up in the night because even with all the food in the day she wasnt getting enough out of her bottles so i put her back on formula about 6 weeks ago and she his fine. Also im not sure where you are located but some places have formual for 1-3 years. Hope i have helped

2006-10-24 03:19:52 · answer #5 · answered by cheekykim17 3 · 0 0

Once babies hit a year old they should drink whole milk. They don't consume as much milk as they did formula because most babies are on table food. Eating the table food is where they get the most nutrition.

I would keep your son on the milk. As long as he's not getting dehydrated he is getting enough to drink.

2006-10-22 13:54:10 · answer #6 · answered by Marie 2 · 1 0

once u switch from formula to regular milk he wont frink as much because by now he should be or starting to eat solid foods..which makes up for sum of the milk intake..its normal for him not to drink the same amount keep him on reg milk he will get used 2 it..

2006-10-23 06:41:46 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

it should be okay, my girls dropped a tremendous amount because they were getting nutrition elsewhere. If you are concerned I would log his intake daily, monitor it for 2 weeks and see what adjustments need to be made. Babies can stay on formula for two years but it is time to switch him to whole milk and he will adjust. Have you started a breakfast lunch dinner schedule? Again, with that he will get what he needs from other foods.

2006-10-22 13:21:25 · answer #8 · answered by shanet963 1 · 1 0

As long as he's eating a regular diet of solid food, the milk is only a beverage (formula was a meal unto itself).

2006-10-22 19:08:50 · answer #9 · answered by p2of9 4 · 0 0

As for nutrition, my pediatrician used to say that a child will eat whenever they feel hungry.
At the point of view of speech and muscle development, the sooner the baby gets used to drinking from a cup, and chewing their food, the better for the developmento of his oral abilities. Besides, children who chew well and are not lazy to do it, tend to avoid orthodontic problems.
Emotionally, going back to the habits of a baby is not going to help your child to be prepared for bigger challenges later in life. Growing is always painful, but with support and the right attitude, we overcome the hardships and build self-confidence.

2006-10-22 13:26:20 · answer #10 · answered by eliana s 3 · 1 0

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