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It's really annoying, I want to sync me iPod then POUF iTunes tells me it's got to close. Why and what can I do against that?

2006-10-22 13:12:13 · 1 answers · asked by simfr21 2 in Computers & Internet Software

I bought a new external hard drive short ago, I think it is linked to that.

2006-10-22 13:28:14 · update #1

I've also moved a big part of my files onto my new hard drive, but my programs keep running from my old one, I don't know how to move a program.

2006-10-22 13:29:02 · update #2

I'm on windows Xp and the message error is "We are sorry but *** (the * being the name of the program) has to close." And it can happen about one or two times by two hours or so.

2006-10-23 12:19:58 · update #3

I tought it might have been because of my hard drive because it started when I installed it, but I haven't tried removing it and I haven't had any problems with anything else than iTunes and Firefox. For the iTunes problem, it might be because I moved my itunes files from my old to my new hard drive without moving the program itself (I don't know how to do so and still keep my songs).

2006-10-23 12:23:05 · update #4

1 answers

Not enough info. Is this Win XP? How often does Firefox or iTunes give you a "I must be going, now" message? What words exactly are in the message? How could the external drive make you think it is related to a Firefox problem? Have you tried removing the ext drive to see if FFox or iTunes still asks for a leave of absence? Both FFox and iTunes use the network connection. Have you had similar issues with any instant messenger or email client programs? Do you have any general system problems that could indicate a virus?

To put programs on a different drive volume (or just drive, as Microsoft calls them) you need to uninstall and reinstall, selecting the other volume if it is an option. You shouldn't just copy them over. Windows registry will often freak out if you do. Some programs can't run correctly or will upset the whole apple cart unless they are installed in Program Files on the "C" volume.

2006-10-22 14:11:16 · answer #1 · answered by SilverTonguedDevil 7 · 0 0

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