it is because we are older and so less tolerant !
Children are the same as they ever were,
just have different values .
I think they = children between 11= 27 years old
should be put in the deep freeze ( out of mischiefs way)
till they are well adjusted adults
My children are well out of the "difficult years now
and are lovely people and friends .
They do grow out of that "brat" stage eventualy
it just seems like forever, when you are on the receiving end
2006-10-22 12:25:39
answer #1
answered by sweet-cookie 6
It's because parents are so tired from everything else they don't have the energy or are too lazy to discipline their kids. Let me tell you something- I'm 13 and I wasn't spoiled at all when I was younger and I'm not spoiled now. My parents had to work hard to get what they have and I totally understand that. I baby sit these little kids and I earn my own money to buy clothes and stuff with. Some of my friends aren't like me at all. They spend a ton of their parents' money on clothes and stuff they don't need. I'm not saying these kids will do drugs, because I know they won't. but I kind of feel like I have an edge over them because I'm way more responsible with money and other things.
2006-10-22 19:32:30
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
MEDIA! Our society, in too many ways, are dictated by the media. Look at all the crap that we've been exposed to over the last decade (not that there weren't any before, but it is becoming increasingly so). And society just sits there and accepts these like we ought to "worship" whatever the media chooses to promote to all of us - including kids. Those marketing "geniuses" have a twisted way of turning something once considered bad or unacceptable into something "fashionable; IN; or even cute" - and we buy that.
Look at the so-called young "role models" nowadays. So many (although not all) of them have such bad attitudes, but then it's considered "cool". I'm sorry, but I find them to be more "disrespectful" than "cool" - but then again, I'm SO NOT "in".
The world is more materialistic, superficial, and susceptible to outside influences than ever before due to media advances. The only thing parents can do is to spend time with their kids and nurture them properly from young; instilling in them true values, ethics, and morals that will enable them to distinguish and decide for themselves when they become adults if something is right, and if it is clearly wrong.
2006-10-22 19:39:45
answer #3
answered by ¿What Now? 2
amen sister to kids being brattier! If the school systems and society would leave the parents alone (to an extent of no abuse) the children would behave. bring back the paddling in school like when I went to school and the kids will behave and learn. kids have no respect for authority figures or parents these days and they want everything handed to them. our generation of kids have no imagination today, they have computer, games, and they are still bored. tell them to go outside like we did and play all day. I miss my youth and more important i miss that we were appreciative of all we had or didn't have. now it is give me more, more, more and they are still not happy.
2006-10-26 16:30:42
answer #4
answered by Bek 1
Oh my gosh, I totally agree! Those t-shirts would be way funnier if they weren't true!
I think it has something to do with the fact that people always say, "I'm not doing that to my kids when I have them." There goes that form of discipline straight out the window. If each generation says this and sticks to it, the discipline becomes less and less. Parents think they have to be friends first and end up raising kids with no boundaries. Maybe it's just me, but I don't let my friends run around and do whatever they want- why would I let my kids?
2006-10-22 19:17:54
answer #5
answered by elizabeth_ashley44 7
Society has changed values in our children. Parents are going with society to keep their kids up to date. Parents have no ways of disciplining their children like my parents did. We did as we were told, that was just the way it was. As for gifts, parents feel their kids will fall behind if they are not up to date with all the technology available. We need to instill good values in our children, coming from caring, responsibility, money management, and honesty. We as parents need to bring back some of these good values and not feel that our kids need or deserve everything just because they are our kids and the media says so.
2006-10-22 19:07:01
answer #6
answered by flower 6
Because the government keeps telling us how to punish kids without spanking them and sometimes every child does something that warrants a good spanking to keep them in line not all kids learn the same way & the gov't needs to worry about the rapists murderers & real criminals....
2006-10-23 12:03:07
answer #7
answered by mellei96 2
The parents both work to make ends meet and the kids don't have anyone guiding them thru life. THAT'S how kids get caught up in drugs,gangs and deliquency. Todays kids live in this "Give it to me now" and "Instant Gratification". They don't know what it's like to actually work for it,therefore they don't appreciate it.
2006-10-22 19:06:55
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Because Child Protective Services says we cannot physically discipline our children
2006-10-23 11:37:08
answer #9
answered by HappyGoLucky 3
Because people prefer the 'naughty spot' over a good old fashioned spanking-
2006-10-22 19:30:41
answer #10
answered by Alison 5