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I always wondered why some babies i seen, will actually crawl to other baby and start hitting it? also i noticed the baby also never seemed happy and does not respond to anyone. I wonder if it mean that the baby came from an abusive home? just so u know it happened about few years ago.

2006-10-22 11:45:36 · 4 answers · asked by Rita 4 in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

4 answers

I take care of my son and nephew during the day and they always start hitting eachother. As far as I know neither of them has ever been hit or spanked in anyway, so its not necessarily an abuse thing. They usually do it when they are getting bored or if they both want the same toy.

2006-10-22 13:22:50 · answer #1 · answered by Chelle's Belle 4 · 1 0

it probably means they have an older sibling doing this to them, not necessarily an abusive home

I have two older children and one small one. My younger of the oldest would kind of hit on other children because my older one did it to him sometimes. But my younger child is the one who gets hit on at daycare because he does not have an older sibling hitting on him. He never had the idea to even hit another kid until he started daycare.

2006-10-22 11:55:25 · answer #2 · answered by AveGirl 5 · 1 0

when i first read the topic i thought it was funny because my son is already hitting very hard and he's still in-utero. it could mean nothing or maybe these babies have aggression to get out. i dont 'think it's because their from abusive homes

2006-10-22 11:52:54 · answer #3 · answered by confused mom 4 · 3 0

I found out that it means that they dont get enough out by playing. maybe they need to play a bit more? I just play soft games more and then she stopps hitting as much and it calms her down.

2006-10-22 12:12:06 · answer #4 · answered by GodWillSaveMe 2 · 0 1

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