I think people want to video tape births for two reasons:
a. they think is is the most important moment in their lives, and they are afraid they might forget some details, or want to "go over it with calm" later. Maybe women want to see eveything from a different perspective ( i would certaintly NOT show it to anyone else!!!). In this era, people and afraid of "loosing details",and thus they go for a visual record.
b. They have the subconcious idea that being behind the camera will allow them (specially dads) to have a more detached e.i. relaxed approach to what is happening around them.
But it is like marriage tapes. You only see them on counted ocations. And yes, I really think it would look gross, unless you have a professional team and equipment.
To me, taping it actually backfires on people. Because they are taping, they are unable to truly connect with their emotions. See, when dads started being allowed into the labour room, (which was quite resently) there were allowed as watchers. No real work for them. And all of the sudden, they see the woman they love in great pain and often they do not have any preparation what so ever to help her, besides holding her hand and saying "breath!" Hence the camera. It gives them an importat role.
Also , some people are mortally afraid they will faint when thay see blood and think that through the camera it will not be that difficult.
I tend to think that most women who agree to this
a. dont really know what the are agreeing to (after I heard a friend cry... "I look HORRIBLE!!!!")
b. do not want to say "no" to avoid discouraging the dad.
Fortunately, nowdays dads have a more "active" role in labour, and I have the impression that cameras are retreating or being saved for that babie`s first cute moments.
I am pregnant and we have already agree to take some pictures while on labour, but no videos or photos during the actual birth. My husband actually said: "a video camera?? how Am I suppossed to help you push, keep sane while you scream hold you, recieve the baby and cut its umbilical cord, AND video tape this???" yep, that is why I love him!!!
2006-10-22 11:11:20
answer #1
answered by Buzana 2
I have 3 children and I haven't forgot anything about the births!! LOL I honestly don't know why anyone would want to video that part of the birth. I can see videotaping other parts, but honestly the last thing I wanted was a camera stuck in my face while going through labor. Yes having a baby is a beautiful, cherished moment. I guess it's a personal decision and if you want to, go for it. As for me, I think I'll pass........lol
2006-10-22 11:02:41
answer #2
answered by Crystal 5
I am 16wks pregnant and my b/f wants to video the birth - and i am against it. I know many people see it as a beautiful thing but personally i am anxious enough about giving birth without the added knowledge of a video camera zooming in on parts of me i don't particularly want video taped. I also doubt that it is something i am going to want to sit around and watch one day either.. i'm sure i'll remember it! My b/f doesn't agree but its my decision!! So no - you are not the only one who thinks like that!!
2006-10-22 10:52:27
answer #3
answered by Smiley One 3
When you have a baby you kinda miss the whole thing. My hospital does not allow tapes, but if I could have I would have taped it from my head down so it wasn't too personal and I could share it with others. For those who want a dead on look, I'm sure they dont go around sharing it with everyone. It's more for their use and so they can see exactly what happened.
2006-10-22 10:51:00
answer #4
answered by Melissa 7
when i had my son i forbid any cameras or video cameras it is a memery but it was both the happiest moment of my life and the most painful i dont want anyone to see that except for my fiance who was there with me and he was focused on helping me through it i got lots andlots of pics after he was born and that was good enough for me
2006-10-22 11:00:47
answer #5
answered by Crystal 2
It's such an incredible moment, why wouldn't you want to relive it? You don't necessarily have to focus on the vagina, but you could. I would have liked to be able to see my births from that point of view. I thought they were so incredible. If I had a video, I would watch it!
2006-10-22 10:55:11
answer #6
answered by momof3 5
No idea. I don't see myself forgetting that event. The nurse at the hospital where I had my first son offered me a mirror so I could watch.....I declined, I had a good idea of what was going on, lol.
2006-10-22 10:52:23
answer #7
answered by ★Fetal☆ ★And ☆ ★Weeping☆ 7
As a man I will agree with this. I was there for my sons birth and that is a little much for me, I really would have no desire to see it again. I was glad to be there but no reruns.
2006-10-22 10:53:21
answer #8
answered by Josh S 7
some people just do that for the memories, ya know to say they have it. Me, i just gonna take a lot of pictures of the baby, once4 it is cleaned up!
2006-10-22 10:50:30
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
NO you're not. Personally I think childbirth is nasty and I don't get why WE have to carry the baby around, get all stretched out and nasty and cranky and hungry all the time, then WE have to go through the pains of an infant pushing it's nasty little head out of our pelvises whilst MANY doctors and nurses stand there STARING at your dripping, wet, bloody, stretched out hole, just WAITING for that head to crown it's way out! I HATE the thought of childbirth and gynocologists are just perverts too if you ask me. But yea, so it's not just you hon, I have a VERY strong opinion against anything that has to do with childbirth, especially accidental childbirth. I'm an accident and I think MANY MANY people are. AGAIN, that's just my opinion. I'd go on, but I think I'd pop a blood vessel in my face or something.
2006-10-22 10:55:28
answer #10
answered by bumblebeemeggie 2