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I need to find out some pro's and con's of how children (ages 0-8) will effect their early childhood life inside and out of school

2006-10-22 10:22:48 · 2 answers · asked by missmary 6 in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

2 answers

Pros: being raised by someone who has raised children before.

cons: grandparents will most likely not not be as able to do things that the parents would, parents get off scot free with no responsibility, grandparents will eventually probably raise their greatgrandchildren.

2006-10-22 10:29:00 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

PRO: Garandparents obviously love their grandchildren enough to give up retirement and raise them. They have raised kids before.

They may (or may not) have more money to live more comfortably.

CONS: Depending on how old the granparents are - if one dies, eill the other one still be able to handle the kids? Or - both of them could pass away - then what happens to the kids - going back to a parent (s) that doesn't want them? Are the grandparents going to be able to handle the "teen" years?

2006-10-22 10:38:05 · answer #2 · answered by snowdrop 4 · 0 0

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