Like your avitar, but people do not get it. They do not understand the garment industry. They do not understand the sweatshops, the child labor. You will have to back up really far with them for them to understand where you are in all this thought. Realize not all people are at this level of social understanding. Perhaps thinking of a way to start eductating the masses in a way they can understand.
2006-10-22 12:41:28
answer #1
answered by adobeprincess 6
That's actually a good question and one that I doubt most people here will even understand. I once asked if anyone knew if the illegals were working in "tradable" productive chains and got no answer. The point is, if they are, the risk of part of that chain being outsourced is very real. That would mean that not only the illegals would loose their jobs, but lots of legals and citizens too.
Take this hypothetical example (I have no actual data and just made it up for illustration purposes). Lets say that illegals are involved in fruit picking of Florida oranges. As someone mentioned here once, that cost is only about 6% of the total cost of the OJ you buy but, it can represent a lot more of the total cost for the producer of concentrate. So if these positions were to be done buy legal workers costing the farmers the same as any other citizen, the cost of concentrate might increase, say 20%. Now, if you are an executive at a company like Minutemaid you'll be tempted to buy imported concentrate. As a result, not only the orange production will be outsourced, but also a whole industry around that part of the production chain. People who transport, store, and process that will have nothing to do. As a result, peripheral activities will also take a blow. This includes mechanics (tractors, trucks, conveyer belts, processing plant), accountants, local business etc.
On the other hand, if most illegals are working in non-tradable sectors or near the end part of a chain, the impact is indeed minimum (mainly a small inflation surge) and might be compensated by other effects.
2006-10-22 17:44:49
answer #2
answered by leblongeezer 5
I think it may be possible that in some short time frame this will happen/could be the case.
However, the tradeoff, downside, is that you have all the negative stuff that Illegals bring with them. When you consider the downside it is a no brainer. Outsiders go home!
This question and issue points out another good point that is really the cause of this problem in many ways. That is that if the corrupted merchant or industrialists that hire illegals that bring them into the coutnry by the 1000's are making money, it benefits the CEO's and their paid off Gov. reps but very few others. So it goes on and the quality of life in America goes down and basically in the end it breaks and eliminates the middle class. People are starting to wake up to this fact.
The irony of the whole thing is that these rediculously wealthy industrialist and the Gov. guys, take their ill gotten gains, sucked out of the hides of the middle class and buy homes abroad, ouside of the US. Why? Cuz life in the USA sucks anymore. Too much crime, poverty too. And there are just too darned many brown skinned people running around and I don't want my kids to be next to them in school.
Whaddaya think Brenda, we've always wanted to live abroad? Let's move to Europe ...but somewhere there aren't a lot of immigrants living.
2006-10-22 18:55:33
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Of course they are. If big business couldn't keep their wages low, they would be moving to Mexico and other places like you mentioned. Without these undocumented workers middle management wouldn't have their cushy jobs!!!
2006-10-23 00:30:56
answer #4
answered by Carol R 7
What does it matter they are still steal jobs from Americans and are driving down wages!
And by the way they are NOT Undocumented Immigrants they are "illegal aliens".
Immigrants are the ones that came here legally, worked hard, passed test, waited in line and didn't CHEAT!
2006-10-22 18:10:56
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
We let them think they are. The don't have money to travel to china/India. The Asian companies pay a lot less than we do so why would they want to leave
2006-10-22 16:31:17
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
yes they are but I'm sure if jobs went over seas and it affected Americans way of life there would eventually be some kind of law to limit how much manuafaction they do.
2006-10-23 06:48:54
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Let them 'outsource' to their hearts' content. I say any company that only has its' feet in America should go ahead and 'run for the border' and good riddance to em...Mexico needs to START more companies etc...
2006-10-22 16:48:00
answer #8
answered by gokart121 6
To the extent they are, it isn't worth the price to our schools. And construction and fast food cannot be outsourced.
2006-10-22 20:59:16
answer #9
answered by DAR 7
2006-10-22 17:24:25
answer #10
answered by Anonymous